Difficulty - Comments
3183 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The way in which the different stages of counseling (information, pre- and post-test knowledge assessment, obtaining consent to perform the test) are presented as well as the context of the prenatal consultation (waiting, organization, progress) will determine the patient’s relationship to the services offered.
Pascale Hancart Petitet (2022)
Une perspective « intime » sur les soignants. Prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH dans un hôpital de district en Inde du Sud. In A. Desgrée du Loû., B. Ferry (eds), Sexualité et procréation confrontées au sida dans les pays du Sud. Paris, CEPED, p. 189-207. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; HIV
easy Des infos supplémentaires : date, support, résumé… ont été demandés à l’auteure le 25 ➡ more……
3170 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record HPV infection dramatically increases the diversity of the vaginal microbiome, leading to a gradual increase in the abundance of anaerobic bacteria and the severity of cervical dysplasia. Any unnecessary surgical treatment for cervical dysplasia could negatively affect obstetric outcomes and sex life. Assessment of the local immune and microbial environment could improve medical care in patients with CIN and cervical cancer.
Erik Kudela, Alena Liskova, Marek Samec, Lenka Koklesova, Veronika Holubekova, Tomas Rokos, Erik Kozubik, Terezia Pribulova, Kevin Zhai, Dietrich Busselberg, Peter Kubatka & Kamil Biringer (2021)
The interplay between the vaginal microbiome and innate immunity in the focus of predictive, preventive, and personalized medical approach to combat HPV-induced cervical cancer. EPMA Journal. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; HPV human papillomavirus ; vaginal microbiota
3164 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Symptoms of depression, anxiety and peritraumatic distress are linked to aspects of the prenatal period, but also to the experience of childbirth. More specific prevention, screening and care measures, depending on the woman’s symptomatology, can be implemented during pregnancy or at the maternity. Further research seems essential to better understand the interactions between the prenatal period, childbirth and postpartum in explaining women’s mental health in the immediate postpartum period.
Chabbert, M. , Guillemot-Billaud, A. , Rozenberg, P. , & Wendland, J. (2021)
Déterminants des symptômes d’anxiété, de dépression et de détresse péri-traumatique chez les femmes en post-partum immédiat. Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie, 49(2), 97-106. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; depression, anxiety ; psychology ; public health ; social support ; experience of pregnancy ; prevention ; post-traumatic stress
3188 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Psychiatric history has a direct and indirect impact on the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the postpartum period, justifying special attention throughout the perinatal period. Other longitudinal prospective studies conducted from the beginning of pregnancy looking for the existence of specific psychiatric antecedents seem necessary in order to clarify the mechanisms.
Julia Rouillay (2018)
Impact des antécédents psychiatriques sur la survenue d’un état de stress post-traumatique dans le post-partum : une revue qualitative et non exhaustive de la littérature. Thèse de Médecine humaine et pathologie. Université de Bordeaux ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; public health ; prevention
3040 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The objective of these Clinical Practice Guidelines (RPC) was to analyze all possible interventions during pregnancy and delivery to prevent obstetric anal sphincter lesions and postnatal perineal symptoms.
CNGOF (2018)
Prévention et protection périnéale en obstétrique (texte court). Recommandations pour la pratique clinique, Collège national des gynécologues et obstétriciens français. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; deontology ; informed consent ; episiotomy
2957 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Heat-stable carbetocin was noninferior to oxytocin for the prevention of blood loss of at least 500 ml or the use of additional uterotonic agents
Mariana Widmer, M.Sc., Gilda Piaggio, Ph.D., Thi M.H. Nguyen, Ph.D., Alfred Osoti, M.P.H., Olorunfemi O. Owa, M.D., Sujata Misra, M.D., Arri Coomarasamy, M.R.C.O.G., Hany Abdel-Aleem, M.D., Ashalata A. Mallapur, M.D., Zahida Qureshi, M.D., Pisake Lumbiganon, M.D., Archana B. Patel, Ph.D., Guillermo Carroli, M.D., Bukola Fawole, M.D., Shivaprasad S. Goudar, M.D., Yeshita V. Pujar, M.D., James Neilson, Ph.D., G. Justus Hofmeyr, D.Sc., Lin L. Su, M.R.C.O.G., Jose Ferreira de Carvalho, Ph.D., Uma Pandey, M.D., Kidza Mugerwa, M.D., Shobha S. Shiragur, M.D., Josaphat Byamugisha, Ph.D., Daniel Giordano, B.Sc., and A. Metin Gülmezoglu, Ph.D. et al. (2018)
Heat-Stable Carbetocin versus Oxytocin to Prevent Hemorrhage after Vaginal Birth ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; oxytocin-3rd stage of labour
3035 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record A first overarching message is that in 2015 rates of stillbirth and neonatal, infant, and maternal death were lower for babies and women in Europe than in other parts of the world, including other high-income countries outside Europe.
Jennifer Zeitlin, Sophie Alexander, Henrique Barros, Béatrice Blondel, Marie Delnord, Mélanie Durox, Mika Gissler, Alison Macfarlane, Ashna Mohangoo, Katarzyna Szamotulska - Euro-Peristat Project (2018)
European Perinatal Health Report. Core indicators of the health and care of pregnant women and babies in Europe in 2015. World Health Organization ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; public health ; statistics ; prevention
easy On attend la version française de ce rapport…
Related records : #3034 #3033 http://www.epopé-inserm.… http://www.europeristat.c…
3139 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record There is a definite need for attention to and improvement of communication and interaction between patient and caregiver, not only during antenatal care and labor but also during postpartum follow-up.
Hollander M.H., van Hastenberg E., van Dillen J., van Pampus M.G., de Miranda E., Stramrood C.A.I. (2017)
Preventing traumatic childbirth experiences: 2192 women’s perceptions and views. Archive’s of women’s mental health. Volume 20, Issue 4, pp 515–523 ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; prevention ; post-traumatic stress
3116 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Kangaroo care can be used as a non-pharmacological intervention to prevent or decrease the risk of postpartum depression.
Hanan A. Badr, Jaclene A. Zauszniewski (2017)
Kangaroo care and postpartum depression: The role of oxytocin ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; depression, anxiety ; prevention ; hormones
3148 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record In women in contact with UK psychiatric services, suicides in the perinatal period were more likely to occur in those with a depression diagnosis and no active treatment at the time of death.
Hind Khalifeh, Isabelle M Hunt, Louis Appleby, Louise M Howard (2016)
Suicide in perinatal and non-perinatal women in contact with psychiatric services: 15 year findings from a UK national inquiry. The Lancet, 3, 3: 233-242 ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; survey ; psychology ; prevention
2944 full text (public)
➡ Display this record The results of this meta-analysis are used to update a diathesis–stress model of the aetiology of postpartum PTSD and can be used to inform screening, prevention and intervention in maternity care.
Ayers, S., Bond, R., Bertullies, S., & Wijma, K. (2016)
The aetiology of post-traumatic stress following childbirth: a meta-analysis and theoretical framework. Psychological Medicine, 46(6), 1121-1134. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; psychology ; public health ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; guidelines ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard The diathesis–stress model is a psychological theory that attempts to explain a disorder as the result ➡ more………
2845 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record The purpose of this document is to provide evidence-based guidelines for the prevention, identification, and repair of obstetric lacerations and for episiotomy.
No authors listed (2016)
Practice Bulletin No. 165 Summary: Prevention and Management of Obstetric Lacerations at Vaginal Delivery - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vol. 128, 1 - ISBN: 1873-233X - p.226-227 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; episiotomy
➡ Display this record
Kissler, Katherine; Yount, Susan M.; Rendeiro, Melissa; Zeidenstein, Laura (2016)
Primary Prevention of Urinary Incontinence: A Case Study of Prenatal and Intrapartum Interventions - Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health - Vol. 61, 4 - ISBN: 1542-2011 - p.507-511 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; incontinence/prolapsus ; perineal/vaginal tears
➡ Display this record étude de l’asynclitisme sans prise en compte de la mobilisation pour réduire les dystocies d’engagement, à régler par extraction et non par césarienne
Malvasi A., Barbera A, Di Vagno G, Gimovsky A, Berghella V, Ghi T, Di Renzo GC, Tinelli A. (2015)
Asynclitism: a literature review of an often forgotten clinical condition. Pubmed. 2015 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; prevention ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Bø, Kari; Hilde, Gunvor; Stær-Jensen, Jette; Siafarikas, Franziska; Tennfjord, Merete Kolberg; Engh, Marie Ellstrøm (2015)
Postpartum pelvic floor muscle training and pelvic organ prolapse—a randomized trial of primiparous women - American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology - Vol. 212, 1 - ISBN: 0002-9378, 1097-6868 - p.38.e1-38.e7 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; incontinence/prolapsus ; perineal/vaginal tears
➡ Display this record Mise à jour de 2015 sur état des connaissances sur le stress post-traumatique après l’accouchement.
McKenzie-McHarg, Kirstie; Ayers, Susan; Ford, Elizabeth; Horsch, Antje; Jomeen, Julie; Sawyer, Alexandra; Stramrood, Claire; Thomson, Gill; Slade, Pauline (2015)
Post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth: an update of current issues and recommendations for future research - Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - Vol. 33, 3 - ISBN: 0264-6838 - p.219-237 ➡ Display this record ➡ traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; iatrogeny ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard Il s’agit d’une mise à jour de 2015 sur état des connaissances sur le stress post-traumatique après ➡ more…
Related records : #3059……
2630 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Court article dans Plos Medecine qui référence notamment la méta-analyse de Bohren de 2015 et le commentaire ’disprespect and abuse’ dans le Lancet 2014.
Jewkes, Rachel; Penn-Kekana, Loveday (2015)
Mistreatment of Women in Childbirth: Time for Action on This Important Dimension of Violence against Women - PLoS Med - Vol. 12, 6 - p.e1001849 ➡ Display this record ➡ obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; iatrogeny ; guidelines ; public health ; traumatism ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard Les auteurs situent résolument les violences obstétricales comme un sous-ensemble des violences faites ➡ more…
Related records : #3059……
3062 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record To assess value of sonography, hCG and progesterone for diagnosis of first trimester nonviable pregnancy and to assess first trimester miscarriage management (except evacuation).
Vincent Lavoué, Cyrille Huchon, Xavier Deffieux, Marie-Catherine Voltzenlogel, Laurent Vandenbroucke, Jean Levêque (2014)
Recommandations françaises pour les critères diagnostiques d’arrêt de grossesse au premier trimestre et stratégie de prise en charge des patientes présentant une menace de fausse couche ou une grossesse arrêtée (hors évacuation utérine). Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, Elsevier Masson, 2014, 43 (10), pp.776-793. ➡ Display this record ➡ guidelines ; prevention ; miscarriage ; pregnancy termination for medical reason ; informed consent
2627 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Etude sur les critères de diagnostic du stress post traumatique après un accouchement. Aborde aussi les facteurs prédictifs du stress post traumatique: 1er enfant et césarienne en urgence
Boorman, Rhonda J.; Devilly, Grant J.; Gamble, Jenny; Creedy, Debra K.; Fenwick, Jennifer (2014)
Childbirth and criteria for traumatic events - Midwifery - Vol. 30, 2 - ISBN: 0266-6138 - p.255-261 ➡ Display this record ➡ traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; prevention
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Geyl, Subtil et al. (2014)
Interprétation des valeurs atypiques des marqueurs sériques. Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 43, 1 ➡ Display this record ➡ pathologies of newborn ; guidelines ; prevention ; screening ; trisomy ; informed consent
2436 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record This systematic review of the literature reports studies published over the last five years (2008–2013) about interventions during labor and normal delivery.
C. Le Ray, A. Théau, S. Ménard, F. Goffinet (2014)
Quoi de neuf concernant les interventions obstétricales lors du travail et de l’accouchement normal ? / What is new about obstetrical interventions during labor and normal delivery? Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction (in press). ➡ Display this record ➡ iatrogeny ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; active management of labor ; informed consent
➡ Display this record
Seijmonsbergen-Schermers, A. E.; Geerts, C. C.; Prins, M; van Diem, M. T.; Klomp, T.; Lagro-Janssen, A. L. M.; de Jonge, A. (2013)
The Use of Episiotomy in a Low-Risk Population in The Netherlands: A Secondary Analysis - Birth - Vol. 40, 4 - ISBN: 1523-536X - p.247-255 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy
3185 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The non-optimal use of refocused antenatal consultation (ANC) services severely limits the impact of the measures taken for the Campaign to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA)
Renée Cécile Bonono, Pierre Ongolo-Zogo (2012)
Optimiser l’utilisation de la consultation prénatale au Cameroun. Note d’information stratégique. Centre pour le Développement des Bonnes Pratiques en Santé–Hôpital Central. Yaoundé ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; public health ; statistics ; prevention ; HIV
3169 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record The different contributing experts have managed to pull together the most recent information, updated in depth reviews on different aspects of HPV infections
Franco Borruto Marc De Ridder (2012)
HPV and Cervical Cancer. Achievements in Prevention and Future Prospects. Springer-Verlag New York, 2012 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; maternal health ; prevention ; HPV human papillomavirus
2681 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Rapport d’enquête sur les soins respectueux en maternité. 19 pays dont: USA, Canada, Royaume-Uni, Pays-Bas, Nouvelle-Zélande.
Veronica Reis, MD, MPH; Barbara Deller; Catherine Carr, CNM, DrPH; Jeffrey Smith, MD, MPH (2012)
Respectful maternity care. Country experience ➡ Display this record ➡ obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; iatrogeny ; guidelines ; public health ; traumatism ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard Rapport d’enquête sur les soins respectueux en maternité. 19 pays dont: USA, Canada, Royaume-Uni, ➡ more…
Related records : #3059…
2658 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Patients do not bear responsibility for the quality of health care processes, but their knowledge may be very valuable for structural improvement of these processes and could be valued as such. Clinical interventions that stimulate these patients to speak up, accompanied by health care staff’s reflections on how to respond to patients speaking up, must therefore be explored.
Brüggemann, A. Jelmer (2012)
Toward an Understanding of Abuse in Health Care : A Female Patient Perspective. Doctoral thesis. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2012. , 73 p. ISBN: 978-91-7519-846-0 ➡ Display this record ➡ guidelines ; public health ; traumatism ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard Thèse de doctorat, 2012, constituée de 4 études // Mise en évidence que dans 60% des cas, une patiente ➡ more…
Related records : #3059 http://liu.diva-portal.or…
2609 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Etude qui s’intéresse à 14 recommandations d’éthique destinées aux professionnels de santé en général et en santé des femmes en particulier : médecins/obstétriciens, infirmiers, sages-femmes ; Suède et monde.
Zbikowski, Anke; Brüggemann, A. Jelmer; Wijma, Barbro; Zeiler, Kristin; Swahnberg, Katarina (2012)
Ethical guidelines and the prevention of abuse in healthcare - European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology - Vol. 165, 1 - ISBN: 03012115 - p.18-28 ➡ Display this record ➡ obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; iatrogeny ; guidelines ; public health ; traumatism ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard Etude qui s’intéresse à 14 recommandations d’éthique destinées aux professionnels de santé en ➡ more…
Related records : #3059……
➡ Display this record
Wall, L. L. (2012)
Overcoming phase 1 delays: the critical component of obstetric fistula prevention programs in resource-poor countries - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Vol. 12, 1 - ISBN: 1471-2393 - p.68 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; fistula
2687 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Par l’organisation Alliance du ruban blanc (White ribbon alliance) qui précise que cette Charte s’inspire largement du cadre de la Charte sur les droits sexuels et reproducteurs de l’International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1996.
White Ribbon Alliance (2011)
Le respect dans les soins de maternité : les droits universels des femmes lors de la période périnatale ➡ Display this record ➡ guidelines ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; public health ; traumatism ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
Related records : #3059 https://www.whiteribbonal…
2645 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Etude sur prévalence et facteurs de risques d’état de stress-posttraumtique après l’accouchement en France : 5% à un mois, 3% à 9 mois.
Denis, Anne; Parant, Olivier; Callahan, Stacey (2011)
Post‐traumatic stress disorder related to birth: a prospective longitudinal study in a French population - Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - Vol. 29, 2 - ISBN: 0264-6838 - p.125-135 ➡ Display this record ➡ traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; iatrogeny ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent
hard L’étude s’intéresse aux facteurs prédictifs, parmi lesquels n’apparaît pas l’idée d’attitudes ➡ more…
Related records : #3059……
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Onsrud, Mathias; Sjøveian, Solbjørg; Mukwege, Denis (2011)
Cesarean delivery-related fistulae in the Democratic Republic of Congo - International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics - Vol. 114, 1 - ISBN: 0020-7292 - p.10-14 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; fistula
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Fritel, Xavier; Fauconnier, Arnaud; Bader, Georges; Cosson, Michel; Debodinance, Philippe; Deffieux, Xavier; Denys, Pierre; Dompeyre, Philippe; Faltin, Daniel; Fatton, Brigitte; Haab, François; Hermieux, Jean-François; Kerdraon, Jacques; Mares, Pierre; Mellier, Georges; Michel-Laaengh, Nathalie; Nadeau, Cédric; Robain, Gilberte; de Tayrac, Renaud; Jacquetin, Bernard (2010)
Diagnosis and management of adult female stress urinary incontinence: guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians - European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology - Vol. 151, 1 - ISBN: 03012115 - p.14-19 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy
➡ Display this record
Hornemann, Amadeus; Kamischke, Axel; Luedders, Doerte W.; Beyer, Daniel A.; Diedrich, Klaus; Bohlmann, Michael K. (2010)
Advanced age is a risk factor for higher grade perineal lacerations during delivery in nulliparous women - Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics - Vol. 281, 1 - ISBN: 0932-0067, 1432-0711 - p.59-64 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy
➡ Display this record See also letter to editors by M.J Klein 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.04.042 and response doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.04.041
J.R. Wax, M.G. Pinette, A. Cartin, J. Blackstone (2010)
Maternal and newborn morbidity by birth facility among selected United States 2006 low-risk births. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 202, 2010, p. 152.e1-152.e5. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth ; prevention ; morbidity
3138 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Genetic variability, gender differences, and exposure to developmental stress influence neurobiological systems and a moderate risk of PTSD.
Heim C., Nemeroff C. B. (2009)
The Neurobiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, vol. 1, n°6 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; post-traumatic stress
➡ Display this record
I. Ligi1 , S. Tardieu2 et U. Simeoni1 (2009)
La gestion du risque iatrogène: une voie concrète d’amélioration continue de la qualité des soins en médecine néonatale Revue de médecine périnatale Volume 2, Number 1 / mars 2010 54-58 ➡ Display this record ➡ newborn care ; iatrogeny ; prevention
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M. Amelink-Verburg, M. Rijnders and S. Buitendijk, (2009)
A trend analysis in referrals during pregnancy and labour in Dutch midwifery care 1988–2004, BJOG 116 (2009), pp. 923–932 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; prevention
➡ Display this record
E. Verspyck, L. Sentilhes, H. Roman, F. Sergent, L. Marpeau (2006)
Techniques chirurgicales de l’épisiotomie Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction Vol 35, N° S1 - février 2006 pp. 40-51 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy
easy accès libre…… http://GYN-02-2006-35-S1-0368-2315-101019-200509377<br…
➡ Display this record complications associées à une prise de poids supérieures à celle recommandée par l’institut de médecine américain: Apgar bas à 5 minutes, convulsions [seizure, vérifier la traduction], hypglycémie, [polycythemia], syndrome d’aspiration méconiale [meconium aspiration syndrome, vérifier traduction], et bébé trop gros par rapport à son âge gestationnel. Pour prise de poids extrêmes (> 18kg), et il a en plus une augmentation des risques d’assistance respiratoire. Une prise de poids inférieure aux recommandations est associée à un seul résultat négatif: faible poids de naissance. Une prise de poids très faible (< 7kg) est en plus associée à plus de risques de : convulsions [seizure?] et séjour en maternité de plus de 5 jours.
Naomi E. Stotland, Yvonne W. Cheng, Linda M. Hopkins, Aaron B. Caughey (2006)
Gestational Weight Gain and Adverse Neonatal Outcome Among Term Infants. Obstet. Gynecol., Sep 2006; 108: 635 - 643 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; maternal weight
➡ Display this record Etude cherchant un lien entre les déchirures périnéales et les données suivantes : hauteur du périnée, durée du second stade du travail, différentes positions de la tête [<i>head detaching?</i>], type de poussée, cordon enroulé autour du cou du bébé, poids de naissance et [<i>vulva’s ardor to urinate</i>]. Effectuée en 2003 sur 67 femmes, nullipares. Résultat : pas de différence significative entre les variables considérées.
Scarabotto LB, Riesco ML (2006)
Fatores relacionados ao trauma perineala no parto normal em nulíparas / Factors related to perineal trauma in normal births in nulliparous. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2006 Sep;40(3):389-95. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; duration of labour ; position during labor ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus (Other language versions)
➡ Display this record Antenatal exposure to betamethasone might result in insulin resistance in adult offspring, but has no clinical effect on cardiovascular risk factors at 30 years of age.
Dalziel SR, Walker NK, Parag V, Mantell C, Rea HH, Rodgers A, Harding JE. (2005)
Cardiovascular risk factors after antenatal exposure to betamethasone: 30-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 365: 1856-1862 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; hormones
➡ Display this record
Capilla Montes C, Bermejo Vicedo T. (2005)
[Efficacy and safety of misoprostol in obstetrics] [Article in Spanish]. Review. {Espagne}. Farm Hosp. 2005 May-Jun;29(3):177-84. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion ; dilation
➡ Display this record Le baby-blues au Niger.
Adewuya AO. (2005)
The maternity blues in Western Nigerian women: prevalence and risk factors. {Nigeria}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1522-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; history, sociology ; psychology ; prevention
➡ Display this record A universal strategy of corticosteroid administration confers potential benefit for the prevention neonatal morbidity or death over the current strategy but requires that a large number of women be treated.
Boggess KA, Bailit JL, Singer ME, Parisi VM, Mercer BM. (2005)
Projected benefits of universal or scheduled antepartum corticosteroids to prevent neonatal morbidity: a decision analysis. {USA}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1415-23. ➡ Display this record ➡ premature baby ; prevention ; screening
hard Toutes les femmes enceintes devraient prendre des corticosteroides pour éviter 0,03% de détresse respiratoire ➡ more…
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Khoury J, Henriksen T, Christophersen B, Tonstad S. (2005)
Effect of a cholesterol-lowering diet on maternal, cord, and neonatal lipids, and pregnancy outcome: a randomized clinical trial. {Norvège}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1292-301. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; diet/nutrition ; maternal age
➡ Display this record Les césariennes sur les primipares augmentent le risque de complications puerpérales d’un facteur 3, et le risque d’ablation de l’utérus d’un facteur 8, par rapport aux accouchements voie basse.
Simoes E, Kunz S, Bosing-Schwenkglenks M, Schmahl FW. (2005)
Association between method of delivery, puerperal complication rate and postpartum hysterectomy. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;272(1):43-47. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity
1247 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Episiotomy -- a surgical cut routinely done to reduce the risk of tears during vaginal delivers -- offers no health benefits to women, research shows.
Hartmann, K., Viswanathan M, Palmieri R, Gartlehner G, Thorp J Jr., Lohr KN (2005)
Outcomes of Routine Episiotomy. A Systematic Review. The Journal of the American Medical Association, May 4, 2005, vol 293:2141-2148. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; maternal age
easy See also // Episiotomy May Not Help Most Mothers // ➡ more……
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Chong YS, Su LL, Arulkumaran S. (2004)
Misoprostol: a quarter century of use, abuse, and creative misuse. Review. {Singapour}. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2004 Feb;59(2):128-40. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; induction of labor ; active management of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion
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Tessier V, Pierre F; CNGOF; HAS. (2004)
[Risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage during labor and clinical and pharmacological prevention]. {Review,guideline}. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2004 Dec;33(8 Suppl):4S29-4S56. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; guidelines ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; informed consent
➡ Display this record Comment prevenir les incontinences, dechrirures, dyspareunies, d’apres les madrilenes.
Amostegui Azcue JM, Ferri Morales A, Lillo De La Quintana C, Serra Llosa ML. (2004)
[Urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor damages: ethilogy and prevention strategies] [Article in Spanish]. Rev Med Univ Navarra. 2004 Oct-Dec;48(4):18-31. ➡ Display this record ➡ position during labor ; physiology ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus
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Hutchon DJR. (2004)
Letter. Epidemiology of preterm birth. Delayed cord clamping used to be taught and practised. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:1287. ➡ Display this record ➡ pathologies of newborn ; morbidity ; premature baby ; guidelines ; newborn care ; prevention ; informed consent
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Méhats C, Oger S, Leroy M-J. (2004)
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors: a promising therapeutic approach to premature birth? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(1001):S15-S17. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; physiology ; premature baby ; prevention ; maternal age
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Ancel P-Y. (2004)
Perspectives in the prevention of premature birth. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(1001):S2-S5 . ➡ Display this record ➡ premature baby ; prevention
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De Santis M, Straface G, Carducci B, et al. (2004)
Risk of drug-induced congenital defects. Review. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(1):10-19. ➡ Display this record ➡ pathologies of newborn ; prevention
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Perez F, Orne-Gliemann J, Mukotekwa T, Miller A, Glenshaw M, Mahomva A, Dabis F. (2004)
Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV: evaluation of a pilot programme in a district hospital in rural Zimbabwe. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:1147-1150. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; HIV
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Karpati PC, Rossignol M, Pirot M, Cholley B, Vicaut E, Henry P, Kevorkian JP, Schurando P, Peynet J, Jacob D, Payen D, Mebazaa A. (2004)
High incidence of myocardial ischemia during postpartum hemorrhage. Anesthesiology. 2004 Jan;100(1):30-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity
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Collinet P, Subtil D, Houfflin-Debarge V, Kacet N, Dewilde A, Puech F. (2004)
Routine CMV screening during pregnancy. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 114(1):3-11. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; screening
➡ Display this record These results advocate the role of paternal lymphocyte immunotherapy for the maintenance of pregnancy in women with RSA.
Pandey MK, Thakur S, Agrawal S. (2004)
Lymphocyte immunotherapy and its probable mechanism in the maintenance of pregnancy in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion. Review Article. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2004;269(3):161-172. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; miscarriage ; stillbirth
➡ Display this record The available data suggest that clinicians should counsel women of reproductive age to avoid all NSAIDs (including aspirin) around the time when conception might occur through the end of the first trimester. Further, pregnant patients should be counseled to avoid NSAIDs during the last 4 months of gestation because of the proven risk of fetal toxicity.
Briggs GG. (2004)
Drugs, Pregnancy, and Lactation. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Ob.Gyn. News 2004;39(1):12. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; breastfeeding ; pain ; miscarriage ; pain medication
➡ Display this record Etude de 19204 accouchements. L’analyse multivariée des facteurs de risque d’hémorragie post-partum grave révèle une influence significative du placenta previa/accreta, de la césarienne, de la multiparité, de la prématurité et des maladies cardiovasculaires. Toutefois, 28% des femmes ayant eu une hémorragie ne présentaient aucun de ces risques.
Reyal F, Sibony O, Oury J-F, Luton D, Bang J, Blot P. (2004)
Criteria for transfusion in severe postpartum hemorrhage: analysis of practice and risk factors. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2004;112(1):61-64. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; premature baby ; placenta previa/accreta ; prevention ; multiple pregnancy ; postpartum hemorrhage
hard Les 28% restant peuvent correspondre à des variables qui n’ont pas été prises en compte dans cette ➡ more…
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Hofmeyr GJ, Gulmezoglu AM. (2003)
Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Méta-analyse. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(1):CD000941. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; c-section/caesarean ; prevention ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; epidural ; post-term pregnancy
➡ Display this record Misoprostol, 400 microg given vaginally every 3 hours, is probably the optimal regimen for second-trimester abortion.
Ngai SW, Tang OS, Ho PC. (2003)
Prostaglandins for induction of second-trimester termination and intrauterine death. Review. {Chine}. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2003 Oct;17(5):765-75. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; abortion ; pregnancy termination for medical reason
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Lokugamage AU, Refaey HE, Rodeck CH. (2003)
Misoprostol and pregnancy: ever-increasing indications of effective usage. Review. {UK}. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Dec;15(6):513-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; induction of labor ; active management of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy
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J.-C. Schellenberg (2003)
Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH). 9th Postgraduate Course for Training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal age
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EL-REFAEY-Hazem; RODECKT-Charles (2003)
Post-partum haemorrhage: definitions, medical and surgical management. A time for change. Pregnancy: reducing maternal death and disability. British-medical-bulletin. 2003; 67: 205-217 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity
➡ Display this record
Schlomer G, Gross M, Meyer G. (2003)
[Effectiveness of liberal vs. conservative episiotomy in vaginal delivery with reference to preventing urinary and fecal incontinence: a systematic review] Wien Med Wochenschr. 2003;153(11-12):269-75. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy
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McFarlane AC. (2003)
Psychological first aid after traumatic events does not prevent later psychological disorders. Editorials. Medical Journal of Australia 2003;178(11):533-534. ➡ Display this record ➡ psychology ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; prevention ; debriefing ; morbidity
easy Texte en accès libre.…
➡ Display this record Comparison between the use of oral misoprostol and that of conventional oxytocics. (Randomized trial of 1574 patients) The group receiving only oral misoprostol had 9% postpartum haemorrhage, compared with 3% for other groups who received oxytocin intravenously.
Eray Ali Kan, Dilbaz B, Meydanli MM, Öztürk N, Narin MA, Haberal A. (2003)
Oral misoprostol for the third stage of labor: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;101(5):921-928. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; postpartum hemorrhage ; hormones ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor
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Callaghan WM, Berg CJ. (2003)
Pregnancy-related mortality among women aged 35 years and older, United States, 1991?1997. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;102(5):1015-1021. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; screening ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age
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Bechard de Spirlet M. (2002)
[Use of misoprostol in gynecology and obstetrics]. Review. {France}. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2002 Apr;30(4):317-324. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion
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Wing DA. (2002)
A benefit-risk assessment of misoprostol for cervical ripening and labour induction. Review. {USA}. Drug Saf. 2002;25(9):665-76. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy
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Turner (2002)
Uterine Rupture. BestPractResClinOG, 16, p.69 ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; prevention
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➡ Display this record The study presents a literature review on the benefits and risk of the routine episiotomy during the second stage of labour.
Korczynski J. (2002)
[Routine episiotomy in modern obstetrics. Is it necessary?] [Article in Polish]. Przegl Lek. 2002;59(2):95-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy
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bij de Vaate A, Coleman R, Manneh H, Walraven G. (2002)
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of trained traditional birth attendants in the Gambia in the prevention, recognition and management of postpartum haemorrhage. Midwifery. 2002 Mar;18(1):3-11. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; placenta previa/accreta ; place of birth ; homebirth ; prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; midwife
➡ Display this record Rectal misoprostol is of equivalent efficacy to parenteral oxytocin for the prevention of primary postpartum hemorrhage. Rectal misoprostol is an appropriate uterotonic agent for routine management of the third stage of labour.
Karkanis SG, Caloia D, Salenieks ME, Kingdom J, Walker M, Meffe F, Windrim R. (2002)
Randomized controlled trial of rectal misoprostol versus oxytocin in third stage management. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2002 Feb;24(2):149-54. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; hormones ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; induction of labor
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Riskin-Mashiah S, O’Brian Smith E, Wilkins IA. (2002)
Risk factors for severe perineal tear: can we do better? Am J Perinatol. 2002 Jul;19(5):225-34. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record Environ 50% d’épisiotomies dans un hôpital de Lagos (Niger)
Ola ER, Bello O, Abudu OO, Anorlu RI. (2002)
Episiotomies in Nigeria--should their use be restricted? Niger Postgrad Med J. 2002 Mar;9(1):13-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; morbidity
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Seng JS. (2002)
A conceptual framework for research on lifetime violence, posttraumatic stress, and childbearing. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2002 Sep-Oct;47(5):337-46. ➡ Display this record ➡ psychology ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; prevention
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ANAES (2002)
Diagnostic et traitement curatif de l’infection bactérienne précoce du nouveau-né. Recommandations pour la pratique clinique de l’ANAES, septembre 2002. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; newborn care ; prevention
151 PDF (private)
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Weeks S, Watson S, Beck C. (2002)
PTSD AFTER CHILDBIRTH: THE CONSUMER, CLINICIAN, AND RESEARCHER’S PERSPECTIVES. Abstracts of talks presented at The Marce International Biennal Scientific Meeting, 25-27 September, 2002, Sydney. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; psychology ; law ; risk of litigation ; prevention ; morbidity
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maria (2001)
Mortalité maternelle : les complications obstétricales évitables Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction Vol 30, N° SUP 6 - octobre 2001 pp. 232- ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; prevention ; eclampsia (pre-) ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal death rate
easy… JGYN-10-…
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Zust S, Hosli I, Surbek D, Holzgreve W. (2001)
[Adverse effects of misprostol in pregnancy]. Review. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2001 Mar-Apr;205(2):43-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ physiology ; duration of labour ; prevention ; induction of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; active management of labor ; morbidity ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; abortion
hard La conclusion laisse reveur ...
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➡ Display this record Risk factors for severe perineal tears: nulliparity, baby size, forceps, suction cup, fundal pressure, syntocinon.
J. W. de Leeuw, P. C. Struijk, M. E. Vierhout, H. C. S. Wallenburg (2001)
Risk factors for third degree perineal ruptures during delivery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol. 108 Issue 4 Page 383 April 2001 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy ; fundal pressure
hard Les biais de cette étude, pour ce qui concerne l’effet protecteur supposé de l’épisiotomie pour ➡ more…
Related records : #2257 #2260 #566 #3028 #2530 #2258 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…
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ANAES (2001)
Prévention anténatale du risque infectieux bactérien néonatal précoce. Recommandations pour la pratique clinique de l’ANAES, septembre 2001. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; newborn care ; prevention ; screening
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Granger ACP, Underwood R. (2001)
Review of the role of progesterone in the management of postnatal mood disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001;22(1). ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; prevention
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Song J. (2000)
Use of misoprostol in obstetrics and gynecology. {Australie}. Revue. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2000 Aug;55(8):503-10. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; active management of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion
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Grobman (2000)
Cost-effectiveness of elective CS after one prior LTCS. OG, 95, p.745 ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; prevention
hard Fiche importée de avec l’aide de Ken Turkowski, ➡ more…
➡ Display this record Lorsque l’on comptabilise les dechirures visibles, le massage perineal pendant la grossesse semble proteger le perinee, au moins pour les primipares. Mais lorsque l’on considere la douleur, la dyspareunie, et les incontinences, a 3 mois post-partum, ce massage n’a aucun effet.
Labrecque M, Eason E, Marcoux S. (2000)
Randomized trial of perineal massage during pregnancy: perineal symptoms three months after delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2000 Jan;182(1 Pt 1):76-80. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; pain ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus
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Feerasta SH, Motiei A, Motiwala S, Zuberi NF. (2000)
Uterine atony at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan: a risk factor analysis. J Pak Med Assoc. 2000 Apr;50(4):132-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; gestational diabetes ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal age
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Czarnocka J, Slade P. (2000)
Prevalence and predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth. Br J Clin Psychol. 2000 Mar;39 ( Pt 1):35-51. ➡ Display this record ➡ traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; psychology ; prevention
hard Acces au resume, texte payant.
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Wing DA. (1999)
Labor induction with misoprostol. {USA}. Revue. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999 Aug;181(2):339-45. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy
➡ Display this record Marc Girard félicite Marsden Wagner d’avoir osé, dans un commentaire, désigner l’épisiotomie comme une mutilation génitale.
Girard, Marc (1999)
Episiotomy: a form of genital mutilation. Correspondance. Lancet. 1999 Aug 14;354(9178):1977. ➡ Display this record ➡ iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; guidelines ; public health ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; prevention ; episiotomy ; deontology ; informed consent
hard La correspondance en question: The Lancet, Volume 353, // Issue 9168, Pages 1977 - 1978, 5 June 1999 ➡ more…
➡ Display this record L’utilisation d’ocytocines ou de l’amniotomie ne permettent pas de réduire le taux de césarienne dans le cas d’un travail de durée moyenne. Cela pourrait par contre être bénéfique dans le cas de travail long. Use of oxytocins or amniotomy does not appear to provide benefit in the context women with mild delays in the progress of labour. In the context of established delay in labour, an active policy of augmentation may reduce the risk of caesarean section.
Fraser W, Vendittelli F, Krauss I, Breart G (1998)
Effects of early augmentation of labour with amniotomy and oxytocin in nulliparous women: a meta-analysis. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY 105 (2): 189-194 FEB 1998 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; prevention ; amniotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin
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Jackson SL, Hull TL. (1998)
Fecal incontinence in women. Revue. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 1998 Dec;53(12):741-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy
➡ Display this record Facteurs de risques des déchirures du 3e degré du sphincter anal
Wood J, Amos L, Rieger N. (1998)
Third degree anal sphincter tears: risk factors and outcome. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 1998 Nov;38(4):414-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; morbidity
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Poen, A. C.; Felt-Bersma, R. J. F.; Dekker, G. A.; Devillé, W.; Cuesta, M. A.; Meuwissen, S. G. M. (1997)
Third degree obstetric perineal tears: risk factors and the preventive role of mediolateral episiotomy - BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Vol. 104, 5 - ISBN: 1471-0528 - p.563-566 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy
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Poen AC, Felt-Bersma RJ, Dekker GA, Deville W, Cuesta MA, Meuwissen SG. (1997)
Third degree obstetric perineal tears: risk factors and the preventive role of mediolateral episiotomy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1997 May;104(5):563-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; induction of labor ; forceps delivery ; epidural ; instrumental delivery ; post-term pregnancy
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Lede, Roberto L. MD, PhD; Belizan, Jose M. MD, PhD; Carroli, Guillermo MD (1996)
Is routine use of episiotomy justified? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 174(5) May 1996 pp 1399-1402 ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; episiotomy ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus
➡ Display this record Les obstétriciens peuvent réduire les blessures du plancher pelvien en minimisant les accouchements avec forceps et épisiotomies, en laissant faire la progression dans la deuxième phase du travail, et en utilisant la césarienne de manière sélective.
Handa VL, Harris TA, Ostergard DR. (1996)
Protecting the pelvic floor: obstetric management to prevent incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Review. Obstet Gynecol. 1996 Sep;88(3):470-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery
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Godfroid IO, Charlot A. (1996)
[Postpartum psychiatry]. Rev Med Brux. 1996 Feb;17(1):22-3, 6. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; traumatism ; psychology ; prevention
hard Acces libre au resume, texte pas sur le net.
➡ Display this record Revue de la littérature depuis 1980
Woolley RJ (1995)
Benefits and risks of the episiotomy: a review of the English-language literature since 1980. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1995;50:806-35 ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; dyspareunia ; fetal distress ; morbidity ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery
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Kafkas (1991)
UR. IJOG, 34, p.41 - 4 ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; prevention
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