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Bibliographical entry (without author) : | Rapport sur la santé en Europe 2015 / The European health report 2015. |
Author(s) : | World Health Organization |
Year of publication : | 2018 |
URL(s) : | |
Résumé (français) : | Le Rapport sur la santé en Europe, un ouvrage phare du Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Europe, est publié tous les trois ans. Les grandes lignes de la version 2015 de cet ouvrage (1) sont résumées dans le présent document, qui vise principalement : |
Abstract (English) : | The publication of the European health report every three years is an opportunity to focus on progress towards genuine health and well-being for all. Whether the reader is a policy-maker, a politician, a public health specialist or journalist, the report gives a vital snapshot of health in the WHO European Region. It shows trends and progress towards the goals of Health 2020, the European health policy, and reveals some gaps in progress, inequalities and areas of concern and uncertainty, where action must be taken. |
Sumário (português) : |
Resumen (español) : |
Full text (public) : | |
Comments : | |
Argument (français) : | Le rapport de 2015 fait le point sur les difficultés rencontrées pour mesurer et rendre compte des progrès accomplis vers Santé 2020, en particulier pour mesurer le bien-être, et propose de nouvelles sources de preuves qualitatives pour décrire et surveiller le bien-être. |
Argument (English): | The 2015 report gives an update on the challenges in measuring and reporting on progress towards Health 2020, particularly in measuring well-being, and proposes new sources of qualitative evidence to describe and monitor well-being. |
Argumento (português): |
Argumento (español): |
Keywords : | ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; statistics |
Author of this record : | Bernard Bel — 26 Nov 2018 |
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#3035 ⇔ | Jennifer Zeitlin, Sophie Alexander, Henrique Barros, Béatrice Blondel, Marie Delnord, Mélanie Durox, Mika Gissler, Alison Macfarlane, Ashna Mohangoo, Katarzyna Szamotulska - Euro-Peristat Project (2018). European Perinatal Health Report. Core indicators of the health and care of pregnant women and babies in Europe in 2015. World Health Organization ➡ https://ciane.net/id=3035 |
Discussion (display only in English) | ||
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