Difficulty - Comments
3202 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Women’s sense of autonomy in decision-making conversations during prenatal care and birth is high, but there is room for improvement, and this appeared most notably in conversations with obstetricians.
Maaike Vogels-Broeke, Evelien Cellissen, Darie Daemers, Luc Budé, Raymond de Vries, Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (2022)
Women’s decision-making autonomy in Dutch maternity care. Birth Issues in Perinatal Care, online. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; ethics ; history, sociology ; psychology ; public health
easy Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License
3199 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record In some French maternities, close relationships between the child, his mother and his father are favored through practices “borrowed“ from other cultures such as skin-to-skin, “co-sleeping“, carrying, massage or breastfeeding support.
Valérie Fistarol (2022)
Au Sein du Discours. (Non publié) ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; newborn care
3183 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The way in which the different stages of counseling (information, pre- and post-test knowledge assessment, obtaining consent to perform the test) are presented as well as the context of the prenatal consultation (waiting, organization, progress) will determine the patient’s relationship to the services offered.
Pascale Hancart Petitet (2022)
Une perspective « intime » sur les soignants. Prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH dans un hôpital de district en Inde du Sud. In A. Desgrée du Loû., B. Ferry (eds), Sexualité et procréation confrontées au sida dans les pays du Sud. Paris, CEPED, p. 189-207. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; HIV
easy Des infos supplémentaires : date, support, résumé… ont été demandés à l’auteure le 25 ➡ more……
3217 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Although there is no mention of the amchi taking a therapeutic role in childbirth in the classic medical treatises, the practitioners in rural Zangskar did in fact intervene in this domain. This function has not received much attention in the research conducted on childbirth in the areas of Tibetan culture.
Laurent Pordié, Pascale Hancart Petitet (2021)
The Amchi at the Margins: Notes on Childbirth practices in Ladakh. Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India, Duke University Press, In press. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; public health
3181 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This article examines the problem of the quality of obstetric services and care in Africa from the perspective of clients by highlighting the importance of the adequacy of the biomedical offer with expectations and preferences in the assessment of quality and its potential influence on usage decisions.
Gervais Beninguisse, Béatrice Nikièma, Pierre Fournier, Slim Haddad (2020)
L’accessibilité culturelle : une exigence de la qualité des services et soins obstétricaux en Afrique. Université de Montréal, non publié ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; social support
3206 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Although the different components of motherhood coincide and are embodied in one and the same woman in the vast majority of cases, the practices of surrogacy (GPA) and egg donation come to upset this unified vision of “the“ mother, inviting up to three women in an unprecedented childbirth triad: an intended mother, a surrogate woman and an egg donor.
Kevin Lavoie (2019)
Médiation procréative et maternités assistées : vers une approche relationnelle et pragmatique de la gestation pour autrui et du don d’ovules au Canada. Thèse de doctorat. Faculté des arts et des sciences, Université de Montréal. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; ethics ; history, sociology ; public health ; surrogacy
➡ Display this record A team of researchers from Inserm and the University of Paris (in Cress) investigated the frequency of physical abuse during pregnancy, its consequences for the mother and the child, as well as the characteristics associated with this violence…
INSERM (2019)
En France, 2 femmes sur 100 subissent des violences pendant leur grossesse. Communiqué de presse, INSERM, 8 juillet. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; psychology ; public health ; social support ; experience of pregnancy
Related records : #3086…
➡ Display this record Main factors associated with increased risk of violence during pregnancy are socio-economics. The identification by caregivers of women exposed to violence during pregnancy needs to be improved to develop preventive and care strategies.
Monyk N. A. Maciel, Béatrice Blondel, Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles (2019)
Physical Violence During Pregnancy in France: Frequency and Impact on the Health of Expectant Mothers and New-Borns.Maternal and Child Health Journal. August 2019, Volume 23, Issue 8, pp 1108–1116 ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; psychology ; public health ; traumatism ; social support ; experience of pregnancy
Related records : #3087…
➡ Display this record Among maternity care practitioners, some frustration, anger, and resentment persist with respect to work with doulas.
Neel, Kira ; Goldman, Roberta ; Marte, Denise ; Bello, Gisel ; Nothnagle, Melissa B. (2019)
Hospital-based maternity care practitioners’ perceptions of doulas - Birth - Vol. 0, 0 - ISBN: 1523-536X ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; psychology ; doula
➡ Display this record The reason why the vast majority of women give birth in hospital has more to do with history, than with health outcomes
Carly-Emma Leachman (2019)
Most women give birth in hospital – but it’s got more to do with World War II than health. The Conversation (online), 11 Feb. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; place of birth
3153 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Exploring female body themes, the author shows that the time has come to demand freedom and equality for all these subjects which form the heart of the feminist project.
Camille Froidevaux-Metterie (2018)
Le corps des femmes. La bataille de l’intime. Philosophie Magazine. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; sexuality ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence
3151 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This research work historically traces the emergence of the concept of “obstetric violence” from Latin America to Canada, its dissemination in France in the media and on social networks, to the height of its consideration as a full-fledged social concern.
Camille Bourrelier (2018)
Violences obstétricales : Histoire de l’émergence d’une nouvelle préoccupation sociale. Mémoire de Sage-Femme, Université de Tours ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence
Related records : #3059 #3104 #3056 #3030 #2959 #2958 #2955 #2952 #2951 #2913 #2897 #2889 #2888 #2740 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2610 #2883 #3041 #3194…
➡ Display this record Over the last several years, a new legal construct has emerged in Latin America that encompasses elements of quality of obstetric care and mistreatment of women during childbirth…
Williams, CR., Jerez, C., Klein, K., Correa, M., Belizán, JM., & Cormick, G. (2018)
Obstetric violence: a Latin American legal response to mistreatment during childbirth. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 125(10), 1208-1211. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
3072 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Obstetric violence appears to intersect with systems of power and oppression linked to structural gender, social, linguistic and cultural inequities in Sri Lanka.
Perera, D., Lund, R., Swahnberg, K., Schei, B., & Infanti, J.J. (2018)
“When helpers hurt”: women’s and midwives’ stories of obstetric violence in state health institutions, Colombo district, Sri Lanka. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(1). ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; traumatism ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
3070 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record While the expansion of institutional deliveries and access to emergency obstetric care is likely to reduce maternal mortality, in the absence of humane care during labour, institutional deliveries will continue to be characterised by the paradox of “safe” births and the deployment of violent practices during labour, underscoring the unequal and complex relationship between the bodies of the poor and reproductive governance.
Chattopadhyay, S., Mishra, A., & Jacob, S. (2018)
‘Safe’, yet violent? Women’s experiences with obstetric violence during hospital births in rural Northeast India. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 20(7), 815-829. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; public health ; traumatism ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
3059 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This study revealed an international consensus to define obstetric violence as gender-based violence, in an institutional context of over-medicalization
Marie-Laure Franeczek (2018)
Violence obstétricale : essai de définition à partir de la littérature scientifique. Mémoire de gynécologie et obstétrique. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
Related records : #2888 #3030 #2883 #2955 #2958 #3056 #2959 #2952 #2951 #2889 #2744 #2743 #2740 #2739 #3041 #2742 #2741 #2695 #2693 #2690 #2684 #2682 #2673 #2672 #2671 #2668 #2689 #2630 #2629 #2614 #2612 #2897 #2683 #2661 #2644 #2632 #2622 #2618 #2617 #2615 #3104 #2699 #2697 #2696 #2674 #2656 #2638 #2610 #2692 #2681 #2670 #2665 #2658 #2657 #2655 #2609 #2691 #2687 #2666 #2653 #2645 #2641 #2620 #2642 #2635 #2623 #2639 #2913 #2664 #2663 #2698 #2654 #2637 #2669 #2643 #3047 #2648 #812 #474 #2667 #2662 #2652 #2621 #475 #2685 #2619 #130 #2646 #3151 #3194…
3046 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Historians of obstetric medicine consider Dr J. DeLee, an American gynaecologist, as the father of modern obstetrics. As I read his renowned 1920 article, I felt that I wanted to talk to him, both as a midwife and as a woman who has given birth three times.
Celine Lemay (2018)
Physiology Matters: A letter to Doctor Joseph B. DeLee. AIMS Journal, 2018, Vol 30, No 1 ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; physiology ; guidelines ; public health ; midwife ; informed consent
easy Le texte en français est à télécharger // Voir aussi une vidéo de l’auteure : https://ww ➡ more……
➡ Display this record While ongoing trainings offered to traditional midwives in Mexico aim at teaching them best practices, they also limit midwives’ autonomy and keep poor women’s reproductive behaviors under control.
Mounia El Kotni (2018)
Regulating Traditional Mexican Midwifery: Practices of Control, Strategies of Resistance. Medical Anthropology Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; public health ; midwife
➡ Display this record The gynecological position is part of the normalization of modern medicine and childbirth today in France and is the product of a built and controlled social order
A. Massona, C. Schantz. (2018)
Position gynécologique et construction d’une vulnérabilité du corps féminin / How lithotomy position during childbirth constructs a vulnerable female body. La Revue Sage-Femme. Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2018, Pages 114–121. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; position during labor ; guidelines ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent ; midwife
2946 full text (public)
➡ Display this record We argue that providing a secure, supportive environment for laboring mothers can reduce the rate of ‘unnecessary’ surgical deliveries.
Rosenberg, K.R. & Trevathan, W.R. (2018)
Evolutionary perspectives on cesarean section. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 2018, Issue 1, 1 January 2018, Pages 67–81. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; history, sociology ; iatrogeny ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; position during labor ; psychology ; public health ; social support
hard Few articles argue that a secure, supportive environment would reduce the cesarean rate as it is difficult ➡ more………
➡ Display this record Obstetrics is deeply misogynistic. It considers women to be weak, sick, dangerous, with bodies unsuitable for giving birth to children. Therefore, childbirth remains one of the last bastions of male domination.
Marie-Hélène Lahaye (2018)
Accouchement - Les femmes méritent mieux. Ed. Michalon. ISBN : 978-2-84186-876-6 ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; birth plan ; deontology ; informed consent ; post-traumatic stress
Related records : #3030 #2889 #2883 #2955 #2958 #2959 #2951 #3056 #3059 #3104 #3041 #2952 #2913 #2897 #2740 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2610 #3151 #3194…
2958 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record While praising the quality of the French health care system and the dedication of its many caregivers who are its keystone, the CNCDH insists on the need to consider abuse as a global problem.
Commission Nationale Consulative des Droits de l’Homme CNCDH (2018)
Agir contre les maltraitances dans le système de santé : une nécessité pour respecter les droits fondamentaux. Avis de la CNCDH (France) adopté en séance plénière le 22 mai 2018. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; guidelines ; public health ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent
easy L’avis « Agir contre les maltraitances dans le systeme de sante : une nécessité pour respecter ➡ more…
Related records : #2883 #3030 #2889 #2951 #2955 #2959 #2888 #3056 #3059 #3104 #3041 #2952 #2913 #2897 #2740 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2610 #3151 #3194…
3218 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This report aims to highlight, not only whether or not our current law of filiation should continue to hinder the development of a “right to a child“, but also what are the measures, avenues or legal solutions to resolve the difficulties arising from the developments analyzed on a global scale.
Nathalie Baillon-Wirtz, David Bonnet, Clotilde Brunetti-Pons, Isabelle Corpart, Claire Fenton-Glynn, Anne Gilson, Martine Herzog-Evans, Gwenaëlle Hubert-Dias, Carmen Maria Lazaro Palau, Jean Michel Morin, Nicolas Nord, Bertrand Pauvert, Delphine Porcheron, ean-Dominique Sarcaelet, Jordane Segura, Bénédicte Palaux Simonnet (2017)
Le droit à l’enfant et la filiation en France et dans le Monde. Rapport final, sous la direction de Clotilde Brunetti-Pons. Mission de recherche Droit et Justice. CEJESCO, Université de Reims. ➡ Display this record ➡ law ; ethics ; history, sociology ; assisted conception assisted reproductive technology
easy Comité de pilotage : // Nathalie Baillon-Wirtz // Mise en forme du rapport. // Clotilde Brunetti-Pons ➡ more……
3208 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This report aims to highlight […] not only whether or not our current law of filiation should continue to hinder the development of a “right to a child“, but also what are the measures, avenues or solutions legal rules capable of resolving the difficulties arising from the developments analyzed on a global scale.
Clotilde Brunetti-Pons et al. (2017)
Le « droit à l’enfant » et la filiation en France et dans la monde. Rapport final, CEJESCO de l’Université de Reims, France. ➡ Display this record ➡ law ; ethics ; history, sociology ; public health
easy…… https://documentation.ins…
3201 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Childbirth is a reputedly physiological act: human societies have thus created gestures, rites, beliefs in the arrival of a human being and have given meaning to birth. At the present time, how then to define childbirth respected for the woman and her child?
Léa Champagne (2017)
La naissance respectée au 21e siècle. Centre d’Expertise et de Ressources pour l’Enfance (CERE, ASBL). ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health
easy Licence Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (…
3198 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The article engages a dialogue between two empirical studies examining so-called “alternative” births introduced in France and Italy during the 1970s: one focuses on “natural childbirth” in a pioneering Italian maternity hospital in matter; the other on the realization of home births by activists of free and free abortion in France.
Chiara Quagliariello (2017)
Accoucher de manière “alternative” en France et en Italie. Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 48-2, p. 45-64. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; ethics ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health
3071 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This paper is a qualitative, non-clinical analysis of women’s experiences of obstetric violence in Mexico.
Murray de Lopez, J. (2017)
When the scars begin to heal: narratives of obstetric violence in Chiapas, Mexico. International Journal of Health Governance, 23(1), 60-69. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
➡ Display this record Obstetric violence functions as a mode of discipline embedded in normative relations of class, gender, race, and medical power.
Rachelle Chadwick (2017)
Ambiguous subjects: obstetric violence, assemblage and South African birth narratives. Feminism & Psychology, 27(4), 489-509. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; public health ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
➡ Display this record No proven impact of caesareans on pelvic evolution
Iris Joussen (2017)
La césarienne, facteur d’évolution de notre bassin, vraiment ? Sciences et Avenir, 11 janvier. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; physiology ; public health
Related records : #3053 https://www.sciencesetave…
3052 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Although childbirth is defined as a risky moment, controversies about the level of its technicization are gaining momentum.
Gouilhers, Solene (2017)
Gouverner par le risque : une ethnographie comparée des lieux d’accouchement en Suisse romande. Thèse de doctorat : Univ. Genève, 2017 - SdS 63 - 2017/06/29 ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; place of birth ; guidelines ; public health ; informed consent
➡ Display this record Que la femme fasse l’objet de recherches en sciences humaines comme de préoccupations politiques et sociales est une chose relativement récente ; c’en est une autre, et bien plus ancienne, de mettre la dimension maternelle au cœur de ces questions.
Yvonne Knibiehler (2017)
Histoire des mères et de la maternité en Occident. Presses Universitaires de France, « Que sais-je ? », 2017, 128 pages. ISBN : 9782130798422. ISBN version en ligne : 9782130800439. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology
➡ Display this record Gynecological and obstetric abuse: freeing women’s voices
Mélanie Déchalotte (2017)
Le livre noir de la gynécologie. Ed. First. ISBN : 9782754090285 ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; birth plan ; deontology ; informed consent ; post-traumatic stress ; abortion
Related records : #2883 #3030 #2951 #2955 #2958 #2959 #2888 #2740 #3056 #3059 #3104 #2952 #3041 #2913 #2897 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2610 #3151 #3194 https://www.editionsfirst…
3215 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This article analyzes the processes of subjectivation of undocumented migrant women when they become mothers in France.
Louise Virole (2016)
Devenir mère, Devenir sujet ? Parcours de femmes enceintes sans-papiers en France. Genre, sexualité & société [En ligne], 16. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; ethics ; history, sociology ; psychology ; public health ; experience of pregnancy
easy Licence CC BY-NC-ND……
3207 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This thesis aims to question the symbolic leap of conceptual representations associated with gametes caused by the development of biomedical technologies related to procreation.
Pauline Lefebvre (2016)
Le statut des gamètes dans la Procréation Médicalement Assistée. Travail réalisé dans le cadre du Master 2 Philosophie, éthique et gestion des risques relatifs au vivant, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; public health ; IVF in vitro fertilisation
3041 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This work examines the international dissemination of the concept of obstetric violence.
Nastassia Audibert (2016)
« Violence obstétricale » - Émergence d’un problème public en France. Mémoire Master in International Development, PSIA – Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po) ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; informed consent
Related records : #3059 #3104 #3056 #3030 #2959 #2958 #2955 #2952 #2951 #2913 #2897 #2889 #2888 #2740 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2610 #2883 #3151 #3194…
2901 full text (public)
➡ Display this record The objective of this qualitative study is to shed light on the ins and outs of standardizing the supply of care.
Catherine Thomas (2016)
Accoucher en France aujourd’hui : Les enjeux de la profession de sage-femme et le positionnement des femmes face à la naissance médicalisée. Thèse d’anthropologie sociale et ethnologie. Université de La Réunion. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; midwifery training ; history, sociology ; public health ; iatrogeny ; birth attendant ; midwife
3043 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record A critical examination of the rationality on which programming of childbirth is based and its insufficiently appreciated implications.
Stéphanie St-Amant (2015)
Naît-on encore ? Réflexions sur la production médicale de l’accouchement. Union nationale des associations familiales (UNAF) | « Recherches familiales ». 2015/1 n° 12 | pages 9 à 25 ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; public health ; iatrogeny ; induction of labor
3210 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The purpose of our investigation is to understand, through the discourse of the “intended parents” who will raise the child and the “gestational mothers” who carried for others, the experience of surrogacy.
Hélène Malmanche (2014)
La maternité déployée. Du “don de gestation“ au don d’enfantement. Mémoire master 2 sociologie. Co-habilitation Paris XIII/EHESS ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; experience of pregnancy ; surrogacy
3200 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Risk and uncertainty are today closely associated with childbirth and, according to the medical world, justify it being taken care of in hospital.
Solène Gouilhers-Hertig (2014)
Vers une culture du risque personnalisée : choisir d’accoucher à domicile ou en maison de naissance. Socio-Anthropologie 29, p. 101–119. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; public health
3193 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record At the beginning of the 19th century, the reform of the teaching and practice of medicine created the conditions for a rapid and homogeneous professionalisation of midwives.
Nathalie Sage Pranchère (2014)
L’appel à la sage-femme. La construction d’un agent de santé publique (France, XIXe siècle). Annales de Démographie Historique, 2014/1, p. 181-208. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; public health ; midwife
3044 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record I intend to propose here a summary portrait of the ANA (freebirth) as well as a reflection on the approach based on the conclusions of the rare ethnographic and narrative studies carried out on this radical fringe of adepts of the natural birth and to home in North America.
Stéphanie St-Amant (2014)
Nous Sommes Les Freebirthers. Recherches féministes 27.1 (2014): 69. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; history, sociology ; planned homebirth
3042 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Addressing unassisted childbirth in a broader perspective: that of our relationship to the signs of pregnancy and birth and the displacement they have been subjected to (from the woman to the outside), or even their gradual erasure.
Stéphanie St-Amant (2014)
La sémiotique intime et l’« accouchement non assisté ». « Yonitalk » – communication donnée dans le cadre du Yonifest le 2 août 2014, Ayer’s Cliff, Québec. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; history, sociology ; psychology ; planned homebirth
2897 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The concept of ’obstetric violence’ circulates mainly in activist circles, but is not always recognised by the medical community.
Sarah Poulin-Chartrand (2014)
Un doctorat sur les violences obstétricales. Entretien avec Stéphanie St-Amant. Planète F Magazine. Publié le 23 avril. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; public health ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent ; episiotomy
Related records : #3104 #3059 #3056 #3041 #3030 #2959 #2958 #2955 #2952 #2951 #2913 #2889 #2888 #2740 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2610 #2883 #3151 #3194…
3154 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record While at the outset it was being born as a philosophical question that interested me, I felt compelled to turn to a much more contingent, material and current perspective; it seemed to me that there was an urgent need to think about the conditions and conditioning of women’s childbirth experience.
Stéphanie St-Amant (2013)
Présentation de la thèse - soutenance de Stéphanie St-Amant. Université de Montréal. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; psychology ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent ; post-traumatic stress
Related records : #2610…
2610 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Has the feminine subject of generation been definitively sacrificed on the altar of maternity? Are we heading, in the near future, to an era where reproduction will be realized entirely outside the body of women? Is there a future for childbirth beyond technomedical childbirth?
St-Amant, Stéphanie (2013)
Déconstruire l’accouchement. Épistémologie de la naissance : entre expérience féminine, phénomène biologique et praxis technomédicale. Thèse. Montréal (Québec, Canada), Université du Québec à Montréal, Doctorat en sémiologie. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent ; post-traumatic stress
Related records : #3104 #3059 #3056 #3041 #3030 #2959 #2958 #2955 #2952 #2951 #2913 #2897 #2889 #2888 #2740 #2699 #2696 #2666 #2652 #2642 #2639 #2632 #2883 #3151 #3154 #3194 http://www.archipel.uqam.…
3196 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The qualified midwife makes her appearance in the ordinary of the birth and, by the challenge of her skills, by her identical belonging to the fairer sex, necessarily influences the definition of the role of the matron.
Nathalie Sage Pranchère (2012)
« Bébés sans diplôme. Les matrones, le droit et les légitimités locales en France, 1780-1900 », dans Constantin Barbulescu, Alin Ciupala (éds), Medicine, Hygienism and Society in XVIIIth-XXth centuries, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2012, p. 25-54 ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; history, sociology ; public health
3185 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The non-optimal use of refocused antenatal consultation (ANC) services severely limits the impact of the measures taken for the Campaign to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA)
Renée Cécile Bonono, Pierre Ongolo-Zogo (2012)
Optimiser l’utilisation de la consultation prénatale au Cameroun. Note d’information stratégique. Centre pour le Développement des Bonnes Pratiques en Santé–Hôpital Central. Yaoundé ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; public health ; statistics ; prevention ; HIV
2431 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Through the analysis of the activities of three non-profit societies, we show the central role played by the collection, production and circulation of knowledge in these organizations
M. Akrich, M. Leane, C. Roberts (2012)
Les associations d’usagers dans le domaine de la périnatalité : un engagement fondé sur la connaissance ? Rev. Méd. Périnat. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; public health ; deontology ; informed consent
3205 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record This work, carried out on the behavior of bereaved parents following a perinatal death, was the opportunity to question us more widely on the current transformations of the status of the stillborn and the fetus in France.
Anne-Sophie Giraud (2011)
Quand la mort termine une vie mais pas une relation. Transformations du vécu parental de la mort périnatale en France. Mémoire de master 2 recherche, Université de Provence. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; history, sociology ; psychology ; traumatism ; social support ; stillbirth ; cot death
3186 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The purpose of this book concerns certain contemporary questions around birth in countries of the South. We wish to grasp them by focusing specifically on what constitutes the art of matrons, revisited by means of methodological and analytical approaches in connection with our commitment to the city.
Pascale Hancart Petitet, dir. (2011)
L’art des matrones revisité : naissances contemporaines en question.. Faustroll Descartes, 303 p. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; public health ; birth attendant ; midwife
3177 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The French midwife of the 19th century was an educated midwife at the source of a knowledge of birth that had recently become a branch of medicine: in this she was radically different from the vast majority of women who preceded her near the bed of the parturients.
Nathalie Sage Pranchère (2011)
L’école des sages-femmes. Les enjeux sociaux de la formation obstétricale en France (1786-1916). Thèse de doctorat, tome 2 (annexes) ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; midwife
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3176 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The French midwife of the 19th century was an educated midwife at the source of a knowledge of birth that had recently become a branch of medicine: in this she was radically different from the vast majority of women who preceded her near the bed of the parturients.
Nathalie Sage Pranchère (2011)
L’école des sages-femmes. Les enjeux sociaux de la formation obstétricale en France (1786-1916). Thèse de doctorat, tome 1 ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; midwife
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➡ Display this record Video of Société d’Histoire de la Naissance (Part 2)
Marie-France Morel (2011)
Entretien avec Michel ODENT, gynécologue-obstétricien (2e partie). Vidéo de la Société d’Histoire de la Naissance. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; alternative birth ; history, sociology ; physiology ; public health ; deontology ; informed consent
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➡ Display this record Video of Société d’Histoire de la Naissance (Part 1)
Marie-France Morel (2011)
Entretien avec Michel ODENT, gynécologue-obstétricien (1ère partie). Vidéo de la Société d’Histoire de la Naissance. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; alternative birth ; history, sociology ; physiology ; public health ; deontology ; informed consent
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2322 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record As the cesarean rate rises in the United States, it is sometimes hailed as a move toward increased safety or increased autonomy. But the industrialization of birth may have consequences which actually decrease women’s autonomy and strip choices away.
Lauren A. Plante (2009)
Maman, que faisais-tu pendant la révolution industrielle ? Réflexions au sujet de l’augmentation du taux de césariennes. Traduction de “Mommy, what did you do in the industrial revolution? Meditations on the rising cesarean rate” publié par The International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Spring 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1, Pages 140-147 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; psychology
easy Traduit en français et publié dans Revue Medecine perinat, voir PDF joint.
3204 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record The expectant father has been traditionally left out from childbirth. His growing and current attendance in the delivery ward is reviewed in this article.
D. Trupin (2007)
La paternité ne commence pas à la maternité. Annales Médico Psychologiques 165 (2007) 472-477. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; father ; psychology ; public health
3192 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The theme that was revealing was that of “holding space”, where midwives were “guardians of possibilities”, “guardians of mystery”, “guardians of passage”. Finally, we can understand the essential structure of the experience of midwifery: “being there”.
Céline Lemay (2007)
« Être là » : étude du phénomène de la pratique sage-femme au Québec dans les années 1970-1980. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; midwifery training ; history, sociology ; psychology ; public health ; midwife
3221 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Major differences in midwifery practice were observed in the three countries: English midwives were more likely to monitor the maternal condition than French and Belgian midwives but less likely to use continuous electronic fetal monitoring, restrict maternal nutrition or recommend epidural analgesia.
Marianne Mead, Annick Bogaerts, Marlene Reyns, Martine Poutas, Simone Hel (2006)
Midwives’ perception of intrapartum risk in England, Belgium and France. Eur Clinics Obstet Gynaecol 2, 91–98. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; midwife
3175 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record There is insufficient scientific evidence that there may be benefits to caesarean section without medical reason for some women or that it can be considered a safe option for women and their unborn children.
Stéphanie St-Amant (2006)
La construction médico-médiatique du concept de « césarienne sur demande ». Mamanzine, vol. 10, 1. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health
3095 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record In this article, we are interested in how women describe their delivery, and in particular in the place occupied by the body, their bodies in this narrative
Madeleine Akrich, Bernike Pasveer (2006)
Le travail obstétrical: corps et pratiques médicales dans l’accouchement. Version française remaniée de Akrich, M. et Pasveer, B., 2004, Embodiment and Disembodiment in Childbirth Narratives, Body & Society. Special Issue on Bodies on Trial., 10, pp.63-84. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; psychology
➡ Display this record Our research compromises the issue of the “obstetrical dilemma” and suggests that the pelvic cavity had a successful adaptation to bipedy and encephalisation thanks to several obstetrical mechanics which might be influenced by the maternal posture.
July Bouhallier (2006)
Évolution de la fonction obstétricale chez les hominoïdes : analyse morphométrique tridimensionnelle de la cavité pelvienne chez les espèces actuelles et fossiles. (Evolution of the Hominoids obstetrical function : three-dimensional morphometric analyses of the pelvic cavity in modern and fossil species) Thèse de doctorat en Paléontologie humaine. Paris, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; public health ; dilation
Related records : #3054…
3155 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The decline or absence of sexual desire after childbirth as a biological, physical, mental and feminine pathology is only a matter of social construction and not “the natural”. However, it does not only exist as a fact in scientific and (para) medical discourse but also as an experience in women.
Caroline Hirt (2005)
La baisse ou absence de désir sexuel après l’accouchement : analyse de la construction d’un problème social. Mémoire de licence en ethnologie. Université de Neuchâtel. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; survey ; history, sociology ; psychology ; sexuality ; dyspareunia
➡ Display this record
Erica J. Wirrmann A. and Cindy L. Carlson (2005)
Public health leadership in primary care practice in England: Everybody’s business? Routledge, Volume 15, Number 3 / September 2005 ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; ethics ; history, sociology ; public health
http://taylorandfrancis.m… http://contribution.asp?r…
1948 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Les vestiges de papyrus nous permettent de connaitre certaines pratiques médicales de l’Egypte ancienne. De façon étonnante certains remèdes employés ont été explorés à notre époque récente.
Ronit Haimov-Kochman, Yael Sciaky-Tamir, Arye Hurwitz (2005)
Reproduction concepts and practices in ancient Egypt mirrored by modern medicine. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 123 (2005) 3–8. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery
➡ Display this record Les facteurs démographiques tels que âge et lieu de vie influent sur le lieu de l’accouchement, hôpital ou AAD.
Anthony S, Buitendijk SE, Offerhaus PM, Dommelen P, Pal-de Bruin KM. (2005)
Maternal factors and the probability of a planned home birth. {Hollande} BJOG. 2005 Jun;112(6):748-53. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; history, sociology ; place of birth ; homebirth ; planned homebirth ; maternal age
hard Traduction Aurélie Buisson, relue E.Phan
➡ Display this record
Kornelsen J. (2005)
Essences and imperatives: an investigation of technology in childbirth. Soc Sci Med. 2005 Oct;61(7):1495-504. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; place of birth ; homebirth
➡ Display this record Le baby-blues au Niger.
Adewuya AO. (2005)
The maternity blues in Western Nigerian women: prevalence and risk factors. {Nigeria}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1522-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; history, sociology ; psychology ; prevention
➡ Display this record l’ocytocine de plus en plus utilisée en Inde rurale lors des AADs.
Sharan M, Strobino D, Ahmed S. (2005)
Intrapartum oxytocin use for labor acceleration in rural India. {Inde}. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2005;90(3):251-257. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; duration of labour ; place of birth ; homebirth ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; midwife
1259 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Les femmes les plus à risque de césarienne ou extraction instrumentale sont les ouvriers non qualifiés, et inversement la catégorie des hauts salaires. Les femmes les moins à risque sont les femmes au foyer.
Simoes E, Kunz S, Bosing-Schwenkglenks M, Schmahl FW. (2005)
Occupation and risk of cesarean section: study based on the perinatal survey of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):338-342. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; survey ; instrumental delivery
easy Texte en accès libre.
1251 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Revue succinte de l’évolution de la césarienne à travers l’histoire.
Lurie S. (2005)
The changing motives of cesarean section: from the ancient world to the twenty-first century. Review. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):281-285. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; history, sociology ; maternal age ; deontology ; informed consent ; morbidity
3195 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Identify the influence that different representations of birth can have on the perception that we, as caregivers, have of it.
ASPQ (2004)
Perspectives sur les réalités de la naissance. Conférence annuelle de l’ASPQ. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; public health
➡ Display this record
Caton D. (2004)
Medical science and social values. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2004;13(3):167-173. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; history, sociology ; physiology ; psychology
easy Article en accès libre.
➡ Display this record In response to the professional liability crisis, self-interest can become dominant and displace fiduciary professionalism from its central place in the moral lives of physicians and physician leaders. We provide preventive ethics tools to address this neglected ethical dimension of the professional liability crisis.
Chervenak FA, McCullough LB. (2004)
Neglected ethical dimensions of the professional liability crisis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(5):1198-1200. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; deontology ; informed consent
https://www.sciencedirect… https://www.researchgate.……
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Mead M, Kornbrot D. (2004)
The influence of maternity units’ intrapartum intervention rates and midwives’ risk perception for women suitable for midwifery-led care. Midwifery 2004;20(1):61-71. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; midwife
hard Texte en accès libre.
➡ Display this record
Likis FE. (2004)
Psychosocial effects of risk assessment in pregnancy. Journal Reviews. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2004;49(2):161. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; psychology
➡ Display this record
Foster J. (2004)
Fatherhood and the meaning of children: An ethnographic study among Puerto Rican partners of adolescent mothers. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2004;49(2):118. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; father
➡ Display this record
Levesque P. (2004)
Planned Elective Caesarean Delivery and the Precautionary Principle. Letter. MAJ 2004;170:858. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; oxytocin ; hormones ; morbidity
easy Texte en acces libre.…
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Patricia Aikins Murphy (2004)
Editorial. Midwifery: A philosophy not a function. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2004;49(1):1. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; midwife
➡ Display this record
Graffy J, Taylor J, Williams A, Eldridge S. (2004)
Randomised controlled trial of support from volunteer counsellors for mothers considering breast feeding. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:26-30. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; breastfeeding
2956 full text (public)
➡ Display this record How did feminism think about motherhood?
Agnès Echène (2003)
Féminisme et maternité. Le Cordon, décembre. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; psychology ; social support
➡ Display this record
Nuland SB. (2003)
The Doctors’ Plague--Germs, Childbed Fever, and the Strange Story of Ignàc Semmelweis. New York: WW Norton and Company, 2003. Pp 191. $21.95. ISBN 0 393 05299 0. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; infections ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent
➡ Display this record
Dunsmoor-Su R, Sammel M, Stevens E, Peipert JL, Macones G. (2003)
Impact of sociodemographic and hospital factors on attempts at vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Dec;102(6):1358-65. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; vaginal birth after caesarean
➡ Display this record
MF Coxe (2003)
A change in medical student attitudes of obstetrics-gynecology clerkships toward seeking consent for pelvic examinations on an anesthetized patient. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;18986):1808. Letter. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; exams during labor
➡ Display this record
Lurie S, Glezerman M. (2003)
The history of cesarean technique. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;189(6):1803-1806. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology
➡ Display this record
Barker D. (2003)
The midwife, the coincidence, and the hypothesis. The British Medical Journal. 2003;327:1428-1430. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; diet/nutrition
➡ Display this record
Newman TB. (2003)
The power of stories over statistics. The British Medical Journal. 2003;327:1424-1427. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care
➡ Display this record
Wass V, Richards T, Cantillon P. (2003)
Monitoring the medical education revolution. Editorial. The British Medical Journal. 2003;327:1362. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; ethics ; midwife
3045 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The ultrasound perspective introduces a historically new variety of signs that are prone to change both the concept of birth and nascent individuals…
Stéphanie St-Amant (2002)
La natalité virtuelle. Ultrasons mutagènes, identités muées. L’identité : zones d’ombre, sous la direction de Cristina Bucica et Nicolas Simard, Québec, Cahiers du CELAT, 2002, p. 255-273. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; psychology ; ultrasound scanning ; monitoring
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Stitely ML, Satin AJ. (2002)
Cervical ripening agents and uterine stimulants. Review. {USA}. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Mar;45(1):114-24. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy
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Tayie FAK, Lartey A. (2002)
Obstetric difficulties in developing countries motivate preference for birth size. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002;23(2). ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; dystocy
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475 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record More and more routine interventions are being performed without evidence of their effectiveness, under pressure from the private sector, the forensic, without informed consent. Higher rates of normal childbirth would be achieved simply by changing beliefs and implementing the practice of evidence-based medicine.
Johanson R, Newburn M, Macfarlane A. (2002)
Has the medicalisation of childbirth gone too far? The British Medical Journal 2002;324:892-895. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; midwifery training ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; psychology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; IV ; epidural ; forceps delivery ; hormones ; monitoring ; perinatal death rates ; midwife ; deontology ; informed consent
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Melender H-L, Lauri S. (2001)
Security associated with pregnancy and childbirth – experiences of pregnant women. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001;22(4). ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology
➡ Display this record
Boyle M. (2000)
Childbirth in bed. The historical perspective. Pract Midwife. 2000 Dec;3(11):21-4. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; position during labor ; physiology
1125 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Article présentant le contexte historique, des considérations cliniques et l’état de la recherche sur les positions maternelles pendant le travail. Par les auteurs de la revue de la littérature Cochrane 2000 (fiche AFAR 1206)
Gupta JK, Nikodem C. (2000)
Maternal posture in labour. Review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2000 Oct;92(2):273-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; history, sociology ; physiology ; position during labor ; deontology ; informed consent ; pain
hard A rapprocher de la fiche 1206 Gupta JK, Nikodem VC. Woman’s position during second stage of labour. ➡ more…
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Teijlingen EV, Lowis G, Mccaffery P, Porter M. (2000)
Midwifery and the Medicalization of Childbirth: Comparative Perspectives. Eds. Huntington, Ny: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2000. 430 Pages. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; midwife
3216 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Two objectives are the basis of our approach. This involves, on the one hand, approaching the content of representations, knowledge and ideas relating to fetal life in force among a group of women; and on the other hand, to identify the reference systems, logics and social calculations that structure and animate this knowledge, ideas and representations.
Noureddine Harrami (1998)
Autour de la vie foetale. Fragments du savoir féminin en matière de procréation. In Santé de reproduction au Maroc : facteurs démographiques et socio-culturels. Centre d’Études et de Recherches Démographiques, Rabat, p. 303-338. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; psychology ; public health ; baby’s health ; foetus growth
➡ Display this record Les sages-femmes devraient comprendre ce que l’épisiotomie représente pour les femmes.
Way S. (1998)
Social construction of episiotomy. J Clin Nurs. 1998 Mar;7(2):113-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; episiotomy ; midwife
3211 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Since the birth of the first child conceived in vitro in 1978, lawyers have been directly challenged by society, which asks them difficult and sometimes insoluble questions around the legitimacy of new procreation techniques.
Roberto Andorno (1996)
La distinction juridique entre les personnes et les choses à l’épreuve des procréations artificielles. Bibliothèque de Droit privé, tome 263. ➡ Display this record ➡ law ; history, sociology ; assisted conception assisted reproductive technology
➡ Display this record Moins de déchirures périnéales et d’épisiotomies en utilisant les positions verticales dans cette étude retrospective. Pas d’influence sur la santé du nouveau-né.
Kleine-Tebbe A, David M, Farkic M. (1996)
[Upright birthing position--more birth canal injuries? Results of a retrospective comparative study]. [article en allemand]. Zentralbl Gynakol. 1996;118(8):448-52. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; fetal distress ; episiotomy
3180 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Midwifery has never been a luxury, and in the current context, it has become more than ever a necessity.
Hélène Vadeboncoeur (1995)
La pratique sage-femme : le meilleur moyen d’appliquer la Politique de périnatalité ? Non publié. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; midwife
3191 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Our approach at the start was based on mutual astonishment; how was it possible that at the end of the 20th century there existed two forms of organization that were so different, in which the use of techniques was so unequal and which led to performances, in terms of mortality and morbidity, that were otherwise equivalent, at least close, the best results being moreover rather on the side of the less instrumented solutions?
Madeleine Akrich, Bernike Pasveer (1995)
De la conception à la naissance : Comparaison France / Pays-Bas des réseaux et des pratiques obstétriques. Rapport CSI-MIRE. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; history, sociology ; guidelines ; psychology ; public health
➡ Display this record Cette étude suédoise trouve 4 fois plus déchirures du 3edegré dans les positions d’accouchement verticales (à genoux, quatre pattes, debout,…) qu’en position assise. Pas de différence sur la santé du nouveau-né.
Gareberg B, Magnusson B, Sultan B, Wennerholm UB, Wennergren M, Hagberg H. (1994)
Birth in standing position: a high frequency of third degree tears. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1994 Sep;73(8):630-3. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears
➡ Display this record
Dundes L. (1987)
The evolution of maternal birthing position. Am J Public Health. 1987 May;77(5):636-41. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; position during labor ; physiology
➡ Display this record Histoire des positions d’accouchement depuis 1900.
Roberts JE. (1979)
Maternal positions for childbirth: a historical review of nursing care practices. JOGN Nurs. 1979 Jan-Feb;8(1):24-32. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; history, sociology ; position during labor ; guidelines ; physiology ; informed consent
➡ Display this record
Lieberman JJ. (1976)
Childbirth practices: from darkness into light. JOGN Nurs. 1976 May-Jun;5(3):41-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; position during labor ; physiology