Difficulty - Comments
➡ Display this record Extraction time >15 min, >6 pulls and >1 cup detachment is associated with increased risk of neonatal complications. These results support compliance with guidelines and recommendations for ventouse deliveries.
Ekéus C, Wrangsell K, Penttinen S, Åberg K (2018)
Neonatal complications among 596 infants delivered by vacuum extraction (in relation to characteristics of the extraction). J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 ➡ Display this record ➡ fundal pressure ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record Low-quality evidence shows that epidural analgesia may be more effective in reducing pain during labour and increasing maternal satisfaction with pain relief than non-epidural methods.
Anim-Somuah M, Smyth RMD, Cyna AM, Cuthbert A (2018)
Epidurals for pain relief in labour. 2018 Cochrane ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; pain ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
2941 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Children born by spontaneous vaginal birth had fewer short‐ and longer‐term health problems, compared with those born after birth interventions.
Peters, Lilian L., Charlene Thornton, Ank de Jonge, Ali Khashan, Mark Tracy, Soo Downe, Esther I. Feijen‐de Jong, and Hannah G. Dahlen. (2018)
The effect of medical and operative birth interventions on child health outcomes in the first 28 days and up to 5 years of age: A linked data population‐based cohort study. Birth. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; iatrogeny ; newborn care ; public health ; vaginal birth after caesarean ; induction of labor ; instrumental delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
2877 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Continuous support during labour may improve outcomes for women and infants, including increased spontaneous vaginal birth, shorter duration of labour, and decreased caesarean birth, instrumental vaginal birth, use of any analgesia, use of regional analgesia, low five-minute Apgar score and negative feelings about childbirth experiences.
Meghan A Bohren, G Justus Hofmeyr, Carol Sakala, Rieko K Fukuzawa, Anna Cuthbert (2017)
Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group, 6 July ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; depression, anxiety ; duration of labour ; father ; public health ; pain ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; epidural ; birth attendant
➡ Display this record l’étude démontre que les extractions en partie moyenne du bassin sont associées à des taux significativement plus élevés de traumatismes foetaux et de traumatismes obstétricaux graves. Tenter de réduire les taux de césarienne par des extractions pourrait donc augmenter la morbidité maternelle et foetale, en particulier les traumatismes de naissance, les hémorragies du post-partum sévères et les traumatismes obstétricaux.
Giulia M. Muraca, Yasser Sabr, Sarka Lisonkova, Amanda Skoll, Rollin Brant, Geoffrey W. Cundiff and K.S. Joseph (2017)
Perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality after attempted operative vaginal delivery at midpelvic station, CMAJ 2017 June 5; 189:E764-72 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; dystocy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; morbidity
2873 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Evidence from this single trial suggests that antibiotic prophylaxis may lead to little or no difference in endometritis or maternal length of stay.
Tippawan Liabsuetrakul, Thanapan Choobun,Krantarat Peeyananjarassri, Monir Islam (2017)
Antibiotic prophylaxis for operative vaginal delivery ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record The vast majority of the vacuum extractions were conducted in accordance with safety recommendations. However, in a few extractions, safety rules were disregarded and more than six pulls or an extraction time of more than 20 minutes were used to complete the delivery.
Ahlberg M, Saltvedt S, Ekéus C (2016)
Obstetric management in vacuum-extraction deliveries. Sex Reprod Healthc. 2016 Jun. ➡ Display this record ➡ fundal pressure ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record étude de l’asynclitisme sans prise en compte de la mobilisation pour réduire les dystocies d’engagement, à régler par extraction et non par césarienne
Malvasi A., Barbera A, Di Vagno G, Gimovsky A, Berghella V, Ghi T, Di Renzo GC, Tinelli A. (2015)
Asynclitism: a literature review of an often forgotten clinical condition. Pubmed. 2015 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; prevention ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record les taux d’extractions sont significativement plus bas lorsque l’accouchement est assuré par une gynécologue qu’un gynécologue. ce taux est associé à un diagnostic plus bas de détresses foetale pendant l’expulsion. Le taux croissant de femmes gynécologues permettra peut-être d’améliorer la satisfaction maternelle grâce à cette baisse des taux d’extractions
Ito M, Terada K, Hayashi Z, Suzuki S. (2014)
Obstetrician gender and delivery mode at a Japanese perinatal center. J Nippon Med Sch. 2014 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
2895 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Obstetrical anal sphincter lesions are linked to midline episiotomies and mediolateral episiotomies with post-delivery angles of 30 and >60 degrees. Episcissors-60 could replace the “look“ when performing mediolateral episiotomies and be part of a preventive strategy to reduce obstetrical anal sphincter lesions.
Freeman RM, Hollands HJ, Barron LF, Kapoor DS (2014)
Cutting a mediolateral episiotomy at the correct angle: evaluation of a new device, the Episcissors-60. Med Devices (Auckl). 2014; 7: 23–28. ➡ Display this record ➡ episiotomy ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record Les femmes ayant eu un accouchement instrumental ou une césarienne en urgence sont plus à risques symptômes traumatiques que les femmes ayant eu une voie basse spontanée ou une césarienne programmée
Gamble, Jenny; Creedy, Debra K. (2013)
Psychological trauma symptoms of operative birth ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; psychology ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record étude statistique du taux de transfert néo-natal en fonction du mode d’accouchement, césariennes (10 et 14%) et forceps (9%) en tête. Taux de transfert deux fois plus faible chez les accouchements sans facteurs de risques.
Reinhard J., Hanker L., Sänger N., Yuan J., Louwen F. (2013)
Neonatal Transfer Rate and Mode of Delivery from 37th Week of Gestation in a German Perinatal Center Level 1. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2013 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; pathologies of newborn ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; perinatal death rates
➡ Display this record The rapid negative pressure application for vacuum assisted vaginal birth reduces duration of the procedure whilst there is no evidence of differences in maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Bunpode Suwannachat, Pisake Lumignon, Malinee Laopaiboon (2012)
Rapid versus stepwise negative pressure application for vacuum extraction assisted vaginal delivery ➡ Display this record ➡ vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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M. Mangin, R. Ramanah, Z. Aouar, L. Courtois, A. Collin, S. Cossa, A. Martin, R. Maillet, D. Riethmuller (2010)
Données 2007 de l’extraction instrumentale en France : résultats d’une enquête nationale auprès de l’ensemble des centres hospitalo-universitaires Operative delivery data in France for 2007: Results of a national survey within teaching hospitals Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction Volume 39, numéro 2 pages 121-132 (avril 2010) ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Z. Aouar, R. Ramanah, M. Mangin, F. Leung, B. Mulin 1, L. Courtois, S. Cossa, R. Maillet, D. Riethmuller (2009)
Morbidité materno-fœtale liée à l’extraction instrumentale par spatules de Teissier. Étude comparative à la ventouse obstétricale de type Minicup® Comparing fetal and maternal morbidities between operative deliveries by Teissier’s spatulas and Minicup® vacuum extractor Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction Volume 38, numéro 8 pages 642-647 (décembre 2009) ➡ Display this record ➡ episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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S. Vanlieferinghen, G. Girard, L. Mandelbrot (2009)
Étude comparative de la morbidité maternofœtale immédiate des extractions par spatules de Thierry et par ventouses A comparison of maternal and fetal complications during operative vaginal delivery using Thierry’s spatulas and the vacuum extractor Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction Volume 38, numéro 8 pages 648-654 (décembre 2009) ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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J.-P. Menard, M. Provansal, H. Heckenroth, M. Gamerre, F. Bretelle, C. Mazouni (2008)
Morbidité maternelle immédiate après extraction instrumentale par spatules de Thierry et par ventouse obstétricale Maternal morbidity after Thierryʼs spatulas and vacuum deliveries Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité Volume 36, numéro 6 pages 623-627 (juin 2008) ➡ Display this record ➡ instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
2363 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record A systematic review addressing the following clinical questions: What are the effects of intrapartum surgical and non-surgical interventions on rates of perineal trauma? What are the effects of different methods and materials for primary repair of first- and second-degree tears and episiotomies? What are the effects of different methods and materials for primary repair of obstetric anal sphincter injuries (third- and fourth-degree tears)?
Kettle C, Tohill S. (2008)
Perineal care. Clin Evid (Online). 2008 Sep 24;2008. pii: 1401. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; epidural ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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F. Pierre, M. Jousse (2008)
Aspects médico-légaux de l’extraction instrumentale. Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction Volume 37, numéro 8S1 pages 276-287 (décembre 2008) ➡ Display this record ➡ law ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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DJ Murphy, M Macleod, R Bahl, K Goyder, L Howarth, B Strachan (2008)
A randomised controlled trial of routine versus restrictive use of episiotomy at operative vaginal delivery: a multicentre pilot study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Volume 115 Issue 13, Pages 1695 - 1703 Published Online: 13 Nov 2008 ➡ Display this record ➡ episiotomy ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
2257 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record A comment on article “Mediolateral episiotomy reduces the risk for anal sphincter injury during operative vaginal delivery”
D. Riethmuller (2008)
Épisiotomie et extraction instrumentale : la mise à mort des RPC du CNGOF ? À propos de l’article Mediolateral episiotomy reduces the risk for anal sphincter injury during operative vaginal delivery. BJOG 2008; 115:104—8 ➡ Display this record ➡ episiotomy ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
easy Cet article contredit une étude de de Leeuw qui concluait que, finalement, ➡ more…
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2908 full text (public)
➡ Display this record plaidoyer pour relancer l’apprentissage de l’usage du forceps aux USA face à l’augmentation croissante des césariennes
Shaffer BL, Caughey AB. (2007)
Forceps delivery: potential benefits and a call for continued training. J Perinatol. 2007 ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; dystocy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record les étudiants qui ne se sentent pas compétents préalablement pour utiliser le forceps, emploieront prioritairement la ventouse dans leur pratique future. Ceux qui se sentent compétents pour le forceps le l’utiliseront en priorité ou emploieront les deux méthodes. Le facteur confiance/compétence plus que diagnostic semble donc peser dans l’emploi d’un instrument
Powell J., Gilo N, Foote M, Gil K, Lavin JP. (2007)
Vacuum and forceps training in residency: experience and self-reported competency. J Perinatol. 2007 ➡ Display this record ➡ instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
2258 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The highly significant protective effect of mediolateral episiotomies in both types of operative vaginal delivery warrants the conclusions that this type of episiotomy should be used routinely during these interventions to protect the anal sphincters.
JW de Leeuw, C de Wit, JPJA Kuijken, HW Bruinse (2007)
Mediolateral episiotomy reduces the risk for anal sphincter injury during operative vaginal delivery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Volume 115 Issue 1, Pages 104 - 108 ➡ Display this record ➡ episiotomy ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
easy Cet article est contredit par celui de Riethmuller :
Related records : #2257 #2260 #566 #2530 #755 http://www3.interscience.……
➡ Display this record Une étude des accouchements ressentis comme traumatiques lorsqu’il y a eu extraction avec la ventouse. Le facteur de risque principal est une mauvaise interaction avec les soignants : manque d’ecoute et de support en particulier.
Uotila JT, Taurio K, Salmelin R, Kirkinen P. (2005)
Traumatic experience with vacuum extraction--influence of personal preparation, physiology, and treatment during labor. J Perinat Med. 2005;33(5):373-8. {Finlande} ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; psychology ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; instrumental delivery
1254 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Les facteurs de risque indépendants de déchirures sévères du périnée sont les extractions instrumentales et la macrosomie.
Sheiner E, Levy A, Walfisch A, Hallak M, Mazor M. (2005)
Third degree perineal tears in a university medical center where midline episiotomies are not performed. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):307-310. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy
hard Texte en accès libre. Ce n’est pas un article original, le même contenu avait déjà été publié ➡ more…
➡ Display this record Eviter l’expression abdominale traumatisante et dangereuse.
Bicheron F. (2004)
Communiqué du conseil national de l’ordre des Sages-Femmes. PRATIQUE DE LA VENTOUSE. Publication électronique.( ➡ Display this record ➡ fundal pressure ; epidural ; instrumental delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record Autant de mortalité néonatale avec les forceps et la ventouse.
Demissie K, Rhoads GG, Smulian JC, Balasubramanian BA, Gandhi K, Joseph KS, Kramer M. (2004)
Operative vaginal delivery and neonatal and infant adverse outcomes: population based retrospective analysis. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:24. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; postpartum hemorrhage ; perinatal death rates ; morbidity ; instrumental delivery
➡ Display this record Considerable changes in pelvic organ support after vaginal delivery can be demonstrated by a reproducible and reliable clinical classification system (POPQ) and by functional cine magnetic resonance imaging.
Dannecker C, Lienemann A, Fischer T, Anthuber C. (2004)
Influence of spontaneous and instrumental vaginal delivery on objective measures of pelvic organ support: assessment with the pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POPQ) technique and functional cine magnetic resonance imaging. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;115(1):32-38. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; incontinence/prolapsus ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record Maternal injuries are more common with the use of forceps. Neonates delivered with forceps have more facial injuries, whereas neonates delivered with vacuum have more cephalohematomas.
Johnson JH, Figueroa R, Garry D, Elimian A, Maulik D. (2004)
Immediate maternal and neonatal effects of forceps and vacuum-assisted deliveries. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Mar;103(3):513-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
805 PDF (private)
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Sheiner E, Levy A, Walfisch A, Hallak M, Mazor M. (2004)
Third degree perineal tears in a university medical center where midline episiotomies are not performed. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2004 Mar 16 ➡ Display this record ➡ physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; induction of labor ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; post-term pregnancy
hard Article en accès libre.
➡ Display this record This review discusses the specific uses and potential advantages of forceps over other modes of delivery.
Patel RR, Murphy DJ. (2004)
Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice. Clinical review. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:1302-1305. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; traumatism ; dystocy ; breech presentation ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Kohelet D, Katz N, Sadan O, Somekh E. (2004)
Herpes Simplex Virus Infection after Vacuum-assisted Vaginally Delivered Infants of Asymptomatic Mothers. Journal of Perinatalogy 2004;24(3):147-149. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; instrumental delivery
➡ Display this record Facteurs de risque déchirures sévères : origine asiatique, forceps, ventouse, poids du bébé, épisiotomie médiane (OR=3)
Goldberg J, Hyslop T, Tolosa JE, Sultana C. (2003)
Racial differences in severe perineal lacerations after vaginal delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Apr;188(4):1063-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; maternal age ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Fenner DE, Genberg B, Brahma P, Marek L, DeLancey JOL. (2003)
Fecal and urinary incontinence after vaginal delivery with anal sphincter disruption in an obstetrics unit in the United States. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;189(6):1543-1549. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Fitzpatrick M, Behan M, O’Connell PR, O’Herlihy C. (2003)
Randomised clinical trial to assess anal sphincter function following forceps or vacuum assisted vaginal delivery. BJOG. 2003 Apr;110(4):424-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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➡ Display this record Les causes des déchirures - étude sur 10 ans. (Canada)
McLeod NL, Gilmour DT, Joseph KS, Farrell SA, Luther ER. (2003)
Trends in major risk factors for anal sphincter lacerations: a 10-year study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2003 Jul;25(7):586-93. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
hard Seul l’abstract semble sur le web.
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Peschers UM, Sultan AH, Jundt K, Mayer A, Drinovac V, Dimpfl T. (2003)
Urinary and anal incontinence after vacuum delivery. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2003;110:39-42. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; instrumental delivery
hard Acces libre au resume, texte payant.
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Riskin-Mashiah S, O’Brian Smith E, Wilkins IA. (2002)
Risk factors for severe perineal tear: can we do better? Am J Perinatol. 2002 Jul;19(5):225-34. ➡ Display this record ➡ prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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A. Shihadeh1 and W. Al-Najdawi (2001)
Forceps or vacuum extraction: a comparison of maternal and neonatal morbidity . Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 7, 1/2, Jan-March, p. 106-114 ➡ Display this record ➡ forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; instrumental delivery ; morbidity ; maternal age
798 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Study to determine the predictive factors of third and fourth degree perineal tears. Predictive factors: nulliparity, crouching position on low chair, maternal age > 35 years, baby points > 4000g, median episiotomy, oxytocin acceleration and birth between 3am and 6am.
Jander C, Lyrenas S. (2001)
Third and fourth degree perineal tears. Predictor factors in a referral hospital. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2001 Mar;80(3):229-34. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; maternal age ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; hormones ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record L’extraction instrumentale est une des principales causes indépendantes des déchirures du sphyncter anal. L’épisiotomie diminue le taux des déchirures du 3e degré, mais elle augmente dans les mêmes proportions ce lui des déchirures du 4e degré. (Etude rétrospective de 2 millions de cas)
Handa VL, Danielsen BH, Gilbert WM. (2001)
Obstetric anal sphincter lacerations. Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Aug;98(2):225-30. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
➡ Display this record Women with cesarean and assisted vaginal deliveries were at increased risk for rehospitalization.
Lydon-Rochelle M, Holt VL, Martin DP, Easterling TR (2000)
Association between method of delivery and maternal rehospitalization. JAMA 283 (18): 2411-2416 MAY 10 2000 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; morbidity ; maternal age
800 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record Perineal oedema, poor ocular surveillance of perineum, deficient perineal protection during delivery, protracted final phase of the second stage, parity and high infant weight all constitute independent risk factors for anal sphincter tear.
Samuelsson E, Ladfors L, Wennerholm UB, Gareberg B, Nyberg K, Hagberg H. (2000)
Anal sphincter tears: prospective study of obstetric risk factors. BJOG. 2000 Jul;107(7):926-31. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; epidural ; hormones ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
hard E.Phan: l’abstract me semble contenir des donnée non claires ou contradictoires. Il faudrait relire ➡ more…
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Murray Enkin, Marc J.N.C. Keirse, James Neilson, Caroline Crowther, Lelia Duley, Ellen Hodnett and Justus Hofmeyr. (2000)
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Oxford University Press, 2000. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; premature baby ; newborn care ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; gestational diabetes ; diet/nutrition ; pain ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; fetal distress ; dystocy ; ultrasound scanning ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; pain medication ; oxytocin ; IV ; epidural ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; monitoring
easy Entierement disponible sur le web !!! (anglais)
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Small R, Lumley J, Donohue L, Potter A, Waldenstrom U. (2000)
Randomised controlled trial of midwife led debriefing to reduce maternal depression after operative childbirth. Br Med J. 2000;321:1043-1047. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; depression, anxiety ; psychology ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; morbidity ; debriefing
118 PDF (private)
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Creedy DK, Shochet IM, Horsfall J. (2000)
Childbirth and the development of acute trauma symptoms: incidence and contributing factors. Birth. 2000 Jun;27(2):104-11. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; psychology ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
hard Acces au resume, texte payant.
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Chamberlain G, Steer P. (1999)
ABC of labour care: operative delivery. The British Medical Journal 1999 May 8;318(7193):1260-4. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
easy Texte en acces libre.…
➡ Display this record L’usage séquentiel des instruments n’augmente pas la mortalité ni la morbidité maternelle néonatale.
Ezenagu LC, Kakaria R, Bofill JA. (1999)
Sequential use of instruments at operative vaginal delivery: is it safe? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999 Jun;180(6 Pt 1):1446-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; morbidity
➡ Display this record Différences de pratiques public/privé
Shorten A, Shorten B. (1999)
Episiotomy in NSW hospitals 1993-1996: towards understanding variations between public and private hospitals. Aust Health Rev. 1999;22(1):18-32. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
566 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The use of episiotomy was much reduced at Huddinge University Hospital, with a consistently low rate of severe tears. This supports the growing evidence for individualised and restrictive use of episiotomy at childbirth.
Röckner G, Fianu-Jonasson A. (1999)
Changed pattern in the use of episiotomy in Sweden. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1999 Feb;106(2):95-101. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; epidural ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
easy Cette étude met en évidence les biais de l’étude de De Leeuw et collègues, 2001 ( ➡ more…
Related records : #755 #2257 #2258 #2260 #2530 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g……
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Ryding EL, Wijma K, Wijma B. (1998)
Psychological impact of emergency cesarean section in comparison with elective cesarean section, instrumental and normal vaginal delivery. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1998 Sep;19(3):135-44. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; depression, anxiety ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; psychology ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Patricia Purfield RNC, MSN, Karen Morin RN, DSN (1995)
Excessive Weight Gain in Primigravidas With Low-Risk Pregnancy: Selected Obstetric Consequences. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing 24 (5) , 434–440 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; maternal weight
➡ Display this record Hors extraction instrumentale, taux de déchirures sévères identique avec ou sans épisiotomie médiolatérale. la ventouse est associé à un taux plus bas de lésions du 3e degré que le forceps. L’épisio ne prévient pas toujours le 3e degré. La suture est mal exécutée la plupart du temps chez les femme ayant un 3e degré, source de lésions sphynctériennes et d’incontinence. anale pour la moitié d’entre elles, à cause d’atteintes mécaniques du sphyncter plus qu’en raison de lésions du nerf pudendal. L’attention devrait être portée vers des pratiques obstétricales préventives et les techniques chirurgicales de reconstruction.
Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN, Bartram CI. (1994)
Third degree obstetric anal sphincter tears: risk factors and outcome of primary repair. BMJ. 1994 Apr 2;308(6933):887-91. ➡ Display this record ➡ scars ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Hillier CE, Johanson RB. (1994)
Worldwide survey of assisted vaginal delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1994 Nov;47(2):109-14. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Thorp JA. (1994)
Obstetricians and epidural analgesia. Letter to the Editors. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1994;170(6):1161. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; vaginal birth after caesarean ; dystocy ; instrumental delivery ; epidural ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Johanson RB, Rice C, Doyle M, Arthur J, Anyanwu L, Ibrahim J, Warwick A, Redman CW, O’Brien PM. (1993)
A randomised prospective study comparing the new vacuum extractor policy with forceps delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1993 Jun;100(6):524-30. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; morbidity
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Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Bartram CI, Hudson CN. (1993)
Anal sphincter trauma during instrumental delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1993 Dec;43(3):263-70. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
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Farabow WS, Roberson VO, Maxey J, Spray BJ. (1993)
A twenty-year retrospective analysis of the efficacy of epidural analgesia-anesthesia when administered and/or managed by obstetricians. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1993 Aug;169(2 Pt 1):270-7; discussion 277-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; oxytocin ; epidural ; active management of labor ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; hormones
hard Voir la critique par Thorp dans Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994 Oct;171(4):1161.
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Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN, Thomas JM, Bartram CI. (1993)
Anal-sphincter disruption during vaginal delivery. N Engl J Med. 1993 Dec 23;329(26):1905-11. ➡ Display this record ➡ perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
hard Acces libre au resume, texte payant.…
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Walter HM. (1990)
Peridural anesthesia and method of delivery. Peridural anesthesia performed by the obstetrician. Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol. 1990 Sep-Oct;194(5):228-35. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; fetal distress ; instrumental delivery ; epidural ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse)
hard Tres mauvais anglais, pas sure d’avoir vraiment compris ce qu’ils veulent dire.
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➡ Display this record We conclude that a women can deliver in half-sitting position without maternal or fetal risks.
Marttila M, Kajanoja P, Ylikorkala O. (1983)
Maternal half-sitting position in the second stage of labor. J Perinat Med. 1983;11(6):286-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; fetal distress ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; dilation
hard Position demi-assise comparée (50 femmes) à la position allongée sur le dos (50 femmes) pendant le ➡ more…
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