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➡ Display this record Out-of-maternity deliveries were associated with all the adverse outcomes studied for mothers and newborns. Caregivers, including emergency teams, need to be better prepared for the management these at-risk cases.
Evelyne Combier, Adrien Roussot, Jean-Louis Chabernaud, Jonathan Cottenet, Patrick Rozenberg, Catherine Quantin (2020)
Out-of-maternity deliveries in France: A nationwide population-based study. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0228785. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers
3156 PDF (public)
➡ Display this record The experiences of the participants indicate that participation, although desired, is complex and uneven from one birthing center to another, due to the challenges encountered and the different operating methods.
Lorrain Roxanne (2018)
La participation des groupes de parents à travers l’évolution des maisons de naissances québécoises ➡ Display this record ➡ birthing center birthing centers
➡ Display this record High-quality evidence about low-risk pregnancies indicates that place of birth had no statistically significant impact on infant mortality. The lower odds of maternal morbidity and obstetric intervention support the expansion of birth centre and home birth options for women with low-risk pregnancies.
Vanessa Scarf, Vanessa Scarf, Vanessa Scarf, Chris Rossiter, Chris Rossiter, Saraswathi Vedam, Saraswathi Vedam, Hannah G Dahlen, David Ellwood, David Ellwood, Della Forster, Della Forster, Maralyn J Foureur, Maralyn J Foureur, Helen McLachlan, Helen McLachlan, Jeremy Oats, Jeremy Oats, David Sibbritt, David Sibbritt, Charlene Thornton, Charlene Thornton, Caroline S E Homer (2018)
Maternal and perinatal outcomes by planned place of birth among women with low-risk pregnancies in high-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; iatrogeny ; place of birth ; homebirth ; planned homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; public health ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; guidelines ; deontology ; informed consent
hard 28 etudes seulement. // Aucune etude, ni la méta-analysee avaient la puissance des statistiques pour ➡ more…
➡ Display this record Most women should be offered ‘midwife-led continuity of care’. It provides benefits for women and babies and we have identified no adverse effects.
Sandall, J. , Soltani, H. , Gates, S. , Shennan, A. , & Devane, D. (2016)
Midwife‐led continuity models versus other models of care for childbearing women. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; guidelines ; psychology ; newborn care ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; induction of labor ; deontology ; informed consent ; forceps delivery ; active management of labor ; pain medication ; epidural ; birthing center birthing centers ; perinatal death rates ; doula ; birth attendant ; midwife ; planned homebirth
easy Fifteen studies in total, 17 674 comprise this meta-analysis. High quality studies were selected for ➡ more…
➡ Display this record See also letter to editors by M.J Klein 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.04.042 and response doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.04.041
J.R. Wax, M.G. Pinette, A. Cartin, J. Blackstone (2010)
Maternal and newborn morbidity by birth facility among selected United States 2006 low-risk births. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 202, 2010, p. 152.e1-152.e5. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth ; prevention ; morbidity
2362 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Définir des grossesses à bas risque dans l’espoir que les accouchements correspondants soient aussi à bas risque est illusoire.
B. Langer, A. Gaudineau, A.-S. Weingertner, E. David (2009)
Contre la notion de grossesse et d’accouchement à bas risque ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2009;37:200-3 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers
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B.Langer (2009)
Réponse de B. Langer au courrier du Ciane Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité Volume 38, numéro 1 pages 78-79 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers
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E.Phan (2009)
Réponse du Ciane à l’article de B. Langer et al. Contre la notion de grossesse et accouchement à bas risques ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2009;38:77-78 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers
➡ Display this record Voir aussi commentaires du Ciane publiés dans la même revue et réponse de l’auteur
C.Colmant, R.Frydman (2009)
Y a-t-il des grossesses et des accouchements à bas risque ? Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité xxx 2009;37:195-199 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers
➡ Display this record Cette étude pointe le manque de données sur les aspects économiques des accouchements à domicile et en maison de naissance. D’autres résultats plus calibrés sont attendues pour affiner la question du bénéfice économique ou non de ce type d’accouchement.
Henderson J, Petrou S. (2008)
Economic implications of home births and birth centers: a structured review. Birth. 2008 Jun;35(2):136-46. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth
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Borquez HA, Wiegers TA. (2006)
A comparison of labour and birth experiences of women delivering in a birthing centre and at home in the Netherlands. Midwifery. 2006 Dec;22(4):339-47. Epub 2006 Apr 27 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth
1992 PDF (private)
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Denis J. Walsh (2006)
‘Nesting’ and ‘Matrescence’ as distinctive features of a free-standing birth centre in the UK. Midwifery (2006) 22, 228–239. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology
3090 full text (public)
➡ Display this record Matching the stories of women who go to birth centers with those of women giving birth at the hospital. There are many similarities between these two groups in terms of, for example, the meaning given to the birthing process, but it also suggests significant differences in perinatal experience.
Manon Lachapelle (2005)
ACCOUCHER EN MAISON DE NAISSANCE : récits de femmes québécoises sur le corps, la douleur et les émotions. Mémoire de maitrise en anthropologie. Université de Laval. 2005 ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; alternative birth ; physiology ; position during labor ; guidelines ; iatrogeny ; interventions during childbirth ; birth planning birth preparation, birth education ; experience of pregnancy ; birthing center birthing centers ; hospital ; informed consent
easy Une recherche qui a plus de 10 ans mais dont les conclusions demeurent d’actualité quant aux besoins ➡ more……
➡ Display this record Synthèse des études randomisées salles d’accouchement institutionnelles dans les conditions de la maisons (home-like) versus hôpital. Peu de valeur car la randomisation en elle-même introduit un biais majeur, le déni du choix du lieu d’accouchement.
Hodnett ED, Downe S, Edwards N, Walsh D. (2005)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Jan 25;(1):CD000012. (Update of Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD000012.). Home-like versus conventional institutional settings for birth. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breastfeeding ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; perinatal death rates
hard Texte en accès libre. // ➡ more…
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Gottvall K, Grunewald C, Waldenstrom U. (2004)
Safety of birth centre care: perinatal mortality over a 10-year period. {Suède}. BJOG. 2004 Jan;111(1):71-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age
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Reddy K, Reginald PW, Spring JE, Nunn L, Mishra N. (2004)
A free-standing low-risk maternity unit in the United Kingdom: does it have a role? J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Jun;24(4):360-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; low birth weight ; stillbirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; perinatal death rates
➡ Display this record Revue des données périnatales des maisons de naissance en Bavière et à Berlin.
David M, Pachaly J, Vetter K, Kentenich H. (2004)
[Birthplace free-standing birth center -- perinatal data in comparison with clinic deliveries in Bavaria and Berlin] [Article in German]. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2004 Jun;208(3):110-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal age ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; perinatal death rates ; post-term pregnancy
➡ Display this record Sécurité des maisons de naissance indépendantes, UK: très variable d’un lieu à un autre.
Walsh D, Downe SM. (2004)
Outcomes of free-standing, midwife-led birth centers: a structured review. Birth. 2004 Sep;31(3):222-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery
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Kirkham M. (2003)
Birth Centres: a Social Model for Maternity Care. London: Elsevier Science Limited, 2003. ➡ Display this record ➡ birthing center birthing centers
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Viossat P, Pons JC. (2001)
[Birthing centers: review of the literature] [in french]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2001 Nov;30(7 Pt 1):680-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates
➡ Display this record Le point de vue des soignants français sur les maisons de naissance: sur les 42% ayant répondu au questionnaire, 80% ne connaissaient pas les maisons de naissance.
Viossat P, Dumitru-Daubigny L, Beaudevin C, Pons JC. (2001)
[For or against birthing centers: a survey of practitioners in the Isere area] {France}. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2001 Nov;30(7 Pt 1):688-96. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; survey ; birthing center birthing centers ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; midwife
1358 PDF (private)
➡ Display this record Humaniser la naissance pour diminuer les risques …
Wagner M. (2001)
Fish can’t see water: the need to humanize birth. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2001 Nov;75 Suppl 1:S25-37. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; psychology
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Philippe Viossat (2000)
Une maison de naissance en Isère, un projet réaliste ? (Philippe Viossat). Mémoire pour le Diplôme d’Etat de Sage-femme. École de Sages-Femmes de Grenoble, Université Joseph Fourier. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers
➡ Display this record Moins d’interventions dans les “birth centres” que dans les hôpitaux, avec les mêmes résultats périnataux (Berlin).
David M, von Schwarzenfeld HK, Dimer JA, Kentenich H. (1999)
Perinatal outcome in hospital and birth center obstetric care. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1999 May;65(2):149-56. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; perineal/vaginal tears ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; perinatal death rates
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Campbell R, Macfarlane A, Hempsall V, Hatchard K. (1999)
Evaluation of midwife-led care provided at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. Midwifery. 1999 Sep;15(3):183-93. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; physiology ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; morbidity ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; post-term pregnancy
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Waldenstrom U, Nilsson CA. (1997)
A randomized controlled study of birth center care versus standard maternity care: effects on women’s health. Birth. 1997 Mar;24(1):17-26. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; position during labor ; guidelines ; physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; informed consent
➡ Display this record Les mesures de satisfaction de vécu de l’accouchement donnent des résultats incohérents car elles ne sont pas basées sur les bons critères.
Hundley VA, Milne JM, Glazener CM, Mollison J. (1997)
Satisfaction and the three C’s: continuity, choice and control. Women’s views from a randomised controlled trial of midwife-led care. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1997 Nov;104(11):1273-80. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; psychology ; physiology ; birthing center birthing centers
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T A Wiegers, M J N C Keirse, J van der Zee, & G A H Bergh (1996)
Outcome of planned home and planned hospital births in low risk pregnancies: prospective study in midwifery practices in the Netherlands. British Medical Journal, 1996; 313: 1309-1313. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; duration of labour ; physiology ; public health ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity ; perinatal death rates ; planned homebirth (Other language versions)
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Goer, Henci. (1995)
The Place of Birth: Location. In “The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth. Practical Information for a Safe, Satisfying Childbirth.” New York: Berkley, p.201-218 ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth
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