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Created on : 07 Oct 2004
Modified on : 01 Dec 2007

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Bibliographical entry (without author) :

Hypothalamic opioid mechanisms controlling oxytocin neurones during parturition. Brain Res Bull 1988 Jun;20(6):743-9

Author(s) :

Bicknell RJ, Leng G, Russell JA, Dyer RG, Mansfield S, Zhao BG.

Year of publication :


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Résumé (français)  :

Abstract (English)  :

(Department of Neuroendocrinology, AFRC Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research, Babraham, Cambridge, U.K.)

The influences of opioids on oxytocin secretion and parturition were investigated in the rat. Morphine, administered centrally or peripherally, severely delays the course of established parturition. This delay is accompanied by reduced plasma oxytocin levels and is overcome by treatment either with the opioid antagonist naloxone, or by infusion of oxytocin. An endogenous opioid regulatory mechanism inhibiting oxytocin secretion becomes activated immediately prior to and during parturition. This mechanism does not operate earlier in pregnancy or during normal lactation and is not seen in nonpregnant animals. Naloxone acutely speeds up the course of established parturition, an effect accompanied by greatly elevated plasma oxytocin levels.

The mechanisms underlying opioid regulation of oxytocin neurones were investigated at two sites. Precipitated withdrawal from chronic morphine treatment causes hypersecretion of oxytocin. This response is mediated by greatly enhanced electrical activity in the perikarya of oxytocin neurones indicating the presence of opioid receptors on oxytocin neurones and/or on their afferent input. Opioid receptors are also present in the neurohypophysis where they exert direct and noradrenaline mediated effects on secretion from oxytocin terminals in vitro.

Sumário (português)  :

Resumen (español)  :

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Keywords :

➡ hormones ; pain ; oxytocin

Author of this record :

Bernard Bel — 07 Oct 2004

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