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Ficha bibliográfica (sin autores) :

[Obstetrical injuries of the brachial plexus] [Article in Croatian] Buljina A, Zubcevic S, Catibusic F.

Autores :

Buljina A, Zubcevic S, Catibusic F.

Año de publicación :


URL(s) :


Résumé (français)  :

Abstract (English)  :

Although birth-related brachial plexus injury (BPI) was first described more than two centuries ago, it still represents therapeutic dillemma. Incidence is 0.37-2.0 per 1000 live births. The most frequent etiologic cause is extreme lateral traction and excessive fundal pressure in a case of shoulder dystocia. However, in last decade there are reports that cite of BPIs occurring prior to delivery in up to 46% cases--intrauterine maladaptation. In 1998. and 1999. at the Rehabilitation Department of Pediatric Hospital, Clinical University Center in Sarajevo 32 children with BPI were treated. The incidence is 2.67 per 1000 live births. There were 21 cases of Erb’s palsy (65.63%), 2 cases of Klumpke’s palsy (6.25%). Total plexus palsy was present in 9 children (28.63%), and Horner’s Syndrome in 1 case. In 25.77% of cases (8 children) there was-no evidence of shoulder dystocia at delivery. Treatment of the brachial plexus injuries in newborn is still controversial. Proper immobilization in first 7-15 days is of great importance. In this study 25 children (78.13%), in average age of 4.6 days, were brought for examination with improper immobilization. The role of widely applied electrotherapy is controversial. Complete recovery is expected in about one half, and in this study it was achieved in 75% of cases (24 children). Consensus about timing od surgical approach does not exist still. However, there is strong agreement that decision about eventual surgical treatment should be based on clinical motor testing and that MRI should precede the surgery. Although the electrodiagnostic studies have proven to be of limited prognostic value in the evaluation of children with acute obstetrical brachial plexus injuries, electromyography should be performed prior the surgery in the aim of later comparison of the results. According to our data, at this particular moment in BiH surgical treatment in this age is not available, as well as use of MRI in diagnostics of BPIs.

Sumário (português)  :

Resumen (español)  :

Comentarios :

Argument (français) :

Les tractions du bébé ou pressions sur l’utérus excessives peuvent être à l’origine de traumatismes du plexius braxial de l’enfant (centre nerveux des membres supérieurs).

Argument (English):

Argumento (português):

Argumento (español):

Palabras claves :

➡ distocia ; expresión del abdomen

Autor de este registro :

Cécile Loup — 26 Jul 2004

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