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Ficha bibliográfica (sin autores) : | A review of the Joint position statement: ‘Substandard and disrespectful care in labour – because words matter’. AIMS Journal 2024, Vol 36, No 3 |
Autores : | Gemma McKenzie |
Año de publicación : | 2024 |
URL(s) : | |
Résumé (français) : |
Abstract (English) : | Importantly, there is power in language. Suppose we refrained from using the term ‘domestic violence’ and instead replaced it with ‘marital disharmony.’ Or if we dropped the term ‘rape’ in favour of ‘non-consensual sexual relations’. Perhaps a more appropriate example reflecting the insidious nature of obstetric violence would be to swap the word ‘racism’ to ‘unfavourable treatment’. If these changes were pursued, the seriousness of the acts would be undermined, resulting in a minimisation of the victim/survivor experience. Ultimately, we need to ask whose needs are served when violence is minimised. Whilst the authors may consider this a good way to forge collaborative working “between individuals and institutions” in aid of improving women’s experiences, I consider it a way for the medical establishment to dictate the narrative and silence women. |
Sumário (português) : |
Resumen (español) : | |
Comentarios : | |
Argument (français) : | Il est important de noter que le langage a un pouvoir. |
Argument (English): | Importantly, there is power in language. |
Argumento (português): | É importante ressaltar que há poder na linguagem. |
Argumento (español): | Es importante destacar que el lenguaje tiene poder. |
Palabras claves : | |
Autor de este registro : | Bernard Bel — 02 Sep 2024 |
Artículos relacionados | |
#3225 ⇔ | European Association of Perinatal Medicine EAPM, European Board and College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists EBCOG, European Midwives Association EMA. (2024). Joint position statement: Substandard and disrespectful care in labour – because words matter. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Volume 296, 205 - 207. ➡ https://ciane.net/id=3225 |
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