ID | Argument | Author(s) | Title | Difficulty - Comments | URL |
3219 | ➡ Display this record This review shows that for selected, low‐risk pregnant women, the evidence from randomised trials to support that planned hospital birth reduces maternal or perinatal mortality, morbidity, or any other critical outcome is uncertain. |
Ole Olsen, Jette A Clausen (2023)
Planned hospital birth compared with planned home birth for pregnant women at low risk of complications. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; homebirth ; hospital
| easy Related records : #3146 #3174 #2919 | https://www.cochranelibra…… |
3170 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record HPV infection dramatically increases the diversity of the vaginal microbiome, leading to a gradual increase in the abundance of anaerobic bacteria and the severity of cervical dysplasia. Any unnecessary surgical treatment for cervical dysplasia could negatively affect obstetric outcomes and sex life. Assessment of the local immune and microbial environment could improve medical care in patients with CIN and cervical cancer. |
Erik Kudela, Alena Liskova, Marek Samec, Lenka Koklesova, Veronika Holubekova, Tomas Rokos, Erik Kozubik, Terezia Pribulova, Kevin Zhai, Dietrich Busselberg, Peter Kubatka & Kamil Biringer (2021)
The interplay between the vaginal microbiome and innate immunity in the focus of predictive, preventive, and personalized medical approach to combat HPV-induced cervical cancer. EPMA Journal. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; HPV human papillomavirus ; vaginal microbiota | easy |…… |
3157 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Out-of-maternity deliveries were associated with all the adverse outcomes studied for mothers and newborns. Caregivers, including emergency teams, need to be better prepared for the management these at-risk cases. |
Evelyne Combier, Adrien Roussot, Jean-Louis Chabernaud, Jonathan Cottenet, Patrick Rozenberg, Catherine Quantin (2020)
Out-of-maternity deliveries in France: A nationwide population-based study. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0228785. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers | easy |… |
3102 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record It is time we recognize the need for all the professional and maternity consumer groups to unite and agree on the central principles needed to ensure women have safe options when they choose their place of birth, whatever that choice may be. |
Hannah G. Dahlen (2019)
Is it Time to Ask Whether Facility Based Birth is Safe for Low Risk Women and Their Babies? EClinicalMedicine, Commentary, Volume 14, page 9-10. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; planned homebirth ; hospital ; informed consent
| easy Related records : #3101 |…… |
3101 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The risk of perinatal or neonatal mortality was not different when birth was intended at home or in hospital. |
Eileen K.Hutton, Angela Reitsma, Julia Simioni, Ginny Brunton, Karyn Kaufman (2019)
Perinatal or neonatal mortality among women who intend at the onset of labour to give birth at home compared to women of low obstetrical risk who intend to give birth in hospital: A systematic review and meta-analyses. EClinicalMedicine, Volume 14, Pages 59-70. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; planned homebirth ; hospital ; informed consent
| easy Related records : #3102 | https://www.sciencedirect…… |
3188 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Psychiatric history has a direct and indirect impact on the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the postpartum period, justifying special attention throughout the perinatal period. Other longitudinal prospective studies conducted from the beginning of pregnancy looking for the existence of specific psychiatric antecedents seem necessary in order to clarify the mechanisms. |
Julia Rouillay (2018)
Impact des antécédents psychiatriques sur la survenue d’un état de stress post-traumatique dans le post-partum : une revue qualitative et non exhaustive de la littérature. Thèse de Médecine humaine et pathologie. Université de Bordeaux ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; public health ; prevention | easy | https://dumas.ccsd.cnrs.f… |
3040 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The objective of these Clinical Practice Guidelines (RPC) was to analyze all possible interventions during pregnancy and delivery to prevent obstetric anal sphincter lesions and postnatal perineal symptoms. |
CNGOF (2018)
Prévention et protection périnéale en obstétrique (texte court). Recommandations pour la pratique clinique, Collège national des gynécologues et obstétriciens français. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; deontology ; informed consent ; episiotomy | easy |… |
3039 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Grobman reflects more evidence of research that uses bad methodology to make incorrect recommendations, once again, with the ultimate goal of medicalizing the birth process. |
Judy Slome Cohain (2018)
Critique of Grobman etal. and the ARRIVE RCT to induce birth at 39 weeks. Conference: Midwifery Today, September. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; induction of labor ; informed consent
| hard Related records : #3037 #2984 #3038 #2017 #2064 #2010 #2018 #2015 #2070 #2067 #2069 | https://www.researchgate.… |
2963 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Episiotomy is an independent risk factor for recurrent episiotomy in the subsequent delivery. |
Ayala Zilberman, Eyal Sheiner, Orit Barrett, Batel Hamou, Tali Silberstein2 (2018)
Once episiotomy, always episiotomy? Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2018) 298:121–124 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |…… |
2946 full text (public) | ➡ Display this record We argue that providing a secure, supportive environment for laboring mothers can reduce the rate of ‘unnecessary’ surgical deliveries. |
Rosenberg, K.R. & Trevathan, W.R. (2018)
Evolutionary perspectives on cesarean section. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 2018, Issue 1, 1 January 2018, Pages 67–81. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; history, sociology ; iatrogeny ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; position during labor ; psychology ; public health ; social support | hard
Few articles argue that a secure, supportive environment would reduce the cesarean rate as it is difficult ➡ more… |…… |
2945 | ➡ Display this record High-quality evidence about low-risk pregnancies indicates that place of birth had no statistically significant impact on infant mortality. The lower odds of maternal morbidity and obstetric intervention support the expansion of birth centre and home birth options for women with low-risk pregnancies. |
Vanessa Scarf, Vanessa Scarf, Vanessa Scarf, Chris Rossiter, Chris Rossiter, Saraswathi Vedam, Saraswathi Vedam, Hannah G Dahlen, David Ellwood, David Ellwood, Della Forster, Della Forster, Maralyn J Foureur, Maralyn J Foureur, Helen McLachlan, Helen McLachlan, Jeremy Oats, Jeremy Oats, David Sibbritt, David Sibbritt, Charlene Thornton, Charlene Thornton, Caroline S E Homer (2018)
Maternal and perinatal outcomes by planned place of birth among women with low-risk pregnancies in high-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; iatrogeny ; place of birth ; homebirth ; planned homebirth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; public health ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; guidelines ; deontology ; informed consent | hard
28 etudes seulement. // Aucune etude, ni la méta-analysee avaient la puissance des statistiques pour ➡ more… | http://www.midwiferyjourn…… |
2941 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Children born by spontaneous vaginal birth had fewer short‐ and longer‐term health problems, compared with those born after birth interventions. |
Peters, Lilian L., Charlene Thornton, Ank de Jonge, Ali Khashan, Mark Tracy, Soo Downe, Esther I. Feijen‐de Jong, and Hannah G. Dahlen. (2018)
The effect of medical and operative birth interventions on child health outcomes in the first 28 days and up to 5 years of age: A linked data population‐based cohort study. Birth. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; iatrogeny ; newborn care ; public health ; vaginal birth after caesarean ; induction of labor ; instrumental delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) | hard | https://onlinelibrary.wil…… |
3033 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The 2015 report gives an update on the challenges in measuring and reporting on progress towards Health 2020, particularly in measuring well-being, and proposes new sources of qualitative evidence to describe and monitor well-being. |
World Health Organization (2018)
Rapport sur la santé en Europe 2015 / The European health report 2015. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; statistics | easy Related records : #3035 |… |
2939 full text (public) | ➡ Display this record Our findings suggest that both boys and children with an early difficult temperament may be particularly susceptible to the adverse impact of postpartum PTSD symptoms. |
Garthus-Niegel, S., Ayers, S., von Soest, T., Weidner, K. & Eberhard-Gran, M. (2017)
The Influence of postpartum posttraumatic Stress Disorders on the childhood Development: a population-based Two-year follow-up Study. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 63(1), pp. 54-55. ➡ Display this record ➡ iatrogeny ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; newborn care ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; guidelines ; deontology ; informed consent | hard
l’impact prospectif des symptômes du TSPT post-partum sur le développement socio-affectif des enfants ➡ more… |… |
2944 full text (public) | ➡ Display this record The results of this meta-analysis are used to update a diathesis–stress model of the aetiology of postpartum PTSD and can be used to inform screening, prevention and intervention in maternity care. |
Ayers, S., Bond, R., Bertullies, S., & Wijma, K. (2016)
The aetiology of post-traumatic stress following childbirth: a meta-analysis and theoretical framework. Psychological Medicine, 46(6), 1121-1134. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; psychology ; public health ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; guidelines ; prevention ; deontology ; informed consent | hard
The diathesis–stress model is a psychological theory that attempts to explain a disorder as the result ➡ more… |…… |
2936 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Many common perinatal interventions can interfere with or limit hormonal processes and have other unintended effects. |
Sakala C, Romano AM, Buckley SJ. (2016)
Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing, an Essential Framework for Maternal-Newborn Nursing. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2016 Mar-Apr;45(2):264-75 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; 3rd stage of labor ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; breastfeeding ; hormones ; oxytocin-3rd stage of labour | easy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
2934 | ➡ Display this record Most women should be offered ‘midwife-led continuity of care’. It provides benefits for women and babies and we have identified no adverse effects. |
Sandall, J. , Soltani, H. , Gates, S. , Shennan, A. , & Devane, D. (2016)
Midwife‐led continuity models versus other models of care for childbearing women. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; guidelines ; psychology ; newborn care ; iatrogeny ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; induction of labor ; deontology ; informed consent ; forceps delivery ; active management of labor ; pain medication ; epidural ; birthing center birthing centers ; perinatal death rates ; doula ; birth attendant ; midwife ; planned homebirth | easy
Fifteen studies in total, 17 674 comprise this meta-analysis. High quality studies were selected for ➡ more… | http://onlinelibrary.wile…… |
2870 full text (public) | ➡ Display this record The concept of obstetric violence might prove to be a useful tool for addressing structural violence in maternity care such as high intervention rates, non-consented care, disrespect and other abusive practices. |
Michelle Sadler, Mário JDS Santos, Dolores Ruiz-Berdún, Gonzalo Leiva Rojas, Elena Skoko, Patricia Gillen & Jette A Clausen (2016)
Moving beyond disrespect and abuse: addressing the structural dimensions of obstetric violence. Reproductive Health Matters. Volume 24, 2016 - Issue 47. Pages 47-55 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; iatrogeny ; public health ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |…… |
2845 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record The purpose of this document is to provide evidence-based guidelines for the prevention, identification, and repair of obstetric lacerations and for episiotomy. |
No authors listed (2016)
Practice Bulletin No. 165 Summary: Prevention and Management of Obstetric Lacerations at Vaginal Delivery - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vol. 128, 1 - ISBN: 1873-233X - p.226-227 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; episiotomy | hard | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
2935 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Evidence about innate hormonally mediated physiologic processes in women and fetuses/newborns during childbearing, and possible impacts of common maternity care practices and interventions on these processes, focusing on four hormone systems that are consequential for childbearing. |
Buckley, S.J. (2015)
Executive Summary of Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing: Evidence and Implications for Women, Babies, and Maternity Care. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 2015; 24(3): 145–153. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; sexuality ; breastfeeding ; pain ; hormones ; oxytocin ; oxytocin-3rd stage of labour | easy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
2884 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The overall objective of the EDEN study was to examine the relations and potential interactions between maternal exposures and health status during pregnancy, fetal development, health status of the infant at birth and the child’s health and development. |
Barbara Heude, Anne Forhan, Rémy Slama, Lorraine Douhaud, Sophie Bedel, Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles, Régis Hankard, Olivier Thiebaugeorges, Maria De Agostini, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, Monique Kaminski, Marie-Aline Charles (2015)
Cohort Profile: The EDEN mother-child cohort on the prenatal and early postnatal determinants of child health and development ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; iatrogeny ; foetus growth | easy Related records : #258 |…… |
2943 full text (public) | ➡ Display this record Important risk factors in community samples included current depression, labor experiences such as interactions with medical staff, as well as a history of psychopathology. In at-risk samples, impactful risk factors included current depression and infant complications. Further research should investigate how attitudes towards pregnancy and childbirth may interact with women’s experiences during delivery. Additionally, studies need to begin to evaluate possible long-term effects that these symptoms may have on women and their families. |
Grekin, R., & O’Hara, M. W. (2014)
Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 34(5), 389-401. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; public health ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress | hard
A lire avec attention pour potentiel bias pour cesarean (i.e possiblement aveugle aux effets de hypermeidcalisation ➡ more… | http://www.sciencedirect.…… |
2436 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record This systematic review of the literature reports studies published over the last five years (2008–2013) about interventions during labor and normal delivery. |
C. Le Ray, A. Théau, S. Ménard, F. Goffinet (2014)
Quoi de neuf concernant les interventions obstétricales lors du travail et de l’accouchement normal ? / What is new about obstetrical interventions during labor and normal delivery? Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction (in press). ➡ Display this record ➡ iatrogeny ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; guidelines ; public health ; prevention ; active management of labor ; informed consent | easy | http://www.sciencedirect.…… |
2942 full text (public) | ➡ Display this record The results suggest that women’s subjective birth experiences are the most important factor in the development of post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth. |
Garthus-Niegel, S., von Soest, T., Vollrath, M. E., & Eberhard-Gran, M. (2013)
The impact of subjective birth experiences on post-traumatic stress symptoms: a longitudinal study. Archives of women’s mental health, 16(1), 1-10. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; psychology ; public health ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; guidelines ; birth plan ; deontology ; informed consent | hard
This study used structural equation modelling to examine associations between qualitative categories ➡ more… |…… |
2433 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record The delivery process is unpredictable and potentially risky. |
F. Selvi Dogan, P. Calmelet, J. Cottenet, P. Sagota, G. Mace (2013)
L’accouchement à bas risque : existe-t-il ? / Does low-risk delivery exist? Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; deontology ; risk of litigation ; informed consent | easy | http://www.sciencedirect.…… |
3169 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record The different contributing experts have managed to pull together the most recent information, updated in depth reviews on different aspects of HPV infections |
Franco Borruto Marc De Ridder (2012)
HPV and Cervical Cancer. Achievements in Prevention and Future Prospects. Springer-Verlag New York, 2012 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; public health ; maternal health ; prevention ; HPV human papillomavirus | hard |…… |
3075 | ➡ Display this record The concentration of births in large maternity units in France is not associated with higher rates of interventions for low-risk births. |
Coulm B, Le Ray C, Lelong N, Drewniak N, Zeitlin J, Blondel B. (2012)
Obstetric interventions for low-risk pregnant women in France: do maternity unit characteristics make a difference? Birth, 39(3): 183-91 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; place of birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; interventions during childbirth | easy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
3034 | ➡ Display this record This landmark report presents indicators of perinatal health and care derived from routine statistical data in 25 EU Member States and Norway. |
Meagan Zimbeck, Ashna Mohangoo, Jennifer Zeitlin, the EURO-PERISTAT Report Writing Committee (2009)
The European perinatal health report: Delivering comparable data for examining differences in maternal and infant health. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Volume 146, Issue 2, October 2009, Pages 149-151. ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; statistics | easy Related records : #3035 | https://www.sciencedirect…… |
3168 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Vaginal microbiota protect the mucosa against the establishment of pathogenic microorganisms through three complementary mechanisms: a) specific adherence to the epithelium, which blocks colonization of pathogens, b) production of antimicrobial compounds, and c) co-aggregation with pathogens, which enhances their microbiocidal effect. The mutualistic effect of lactobacilli suggests that instillation of these microorganisms might regenerate the vaginal ecosystem, thus eliminating the relapses associated with treatment of the infection. |
Rebeca Martín Nora Soberón Fernando Vázqueza Juan Evaristo Suárez (2008)
Vaginal microbiota: Composition, protective role, associated pathologies, and therapeutic perspectives Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 160-167 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health | easy |…… |
2263 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
F. Vendittelli, O. Rivière, C. Crenn-Hébert, O. Claris, V. Tessier, D. Pinquier, F. Teurnier, J. Lansac, B. Maria (2008)
Réseau sentinelle Audipog 2004–2005. Partie 1 : résultats des principaux indicateurs périnatals Audipog perinatal network. Part 1: Principal perinatal health indicators, 2004–2005. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité. Volume 36, numéro 11, pages 1091-1100. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |…… |
2261 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Indicators monitoring implementation of some of the national clinical practice guidelines have improved slightly over time, although most often before the publication of these guidelines. |
F. Vendittelli, O. Rivière, C. Crenn-Hébert, O. Claris, V. Tessier, D. Pinquier, F. Teurnier, J. Lansac, B. Maria (2008)
Réseau Sentinelle Audipog 2004–2005. Partie 2 : évaluation des pratiques professionnelles / Audipog perinatal network 2004–2005. Part 2: Assessment of medical practices. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité. Volume 36, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 1202-1210. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; deontology ; informed consent ; episiotomy | easy | http://www.sciencedirect.… http://1&_user=10&_rdoc=1…… |
2202 | ➡ Display this record L’obésité augmente le risque de défaut de fermeture du tube neural. |
S. A. Rasmussen, S. Y. Chu, S. Y. Kim, C. H. Schmid and J. Lau (2008)
Maternal obesity and risk of neural tube defects: a metaanalysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;198(6):611-619. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal weight | hard | |
2201 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
Rima Jolivet (2008)
Current Resources for Evidence-Based Practice, March/April 2008. Journal of Midwiefry and Women’s Health, 53, 2. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.childbirthconn… |
2086 | ➡ Display this record Pour que les études soient significatives, il faudrait que les indicateurs servant à mesurer la de la prise de poids pendant la grossesse et ses variations après la grossesse soient bien définis, en fonction de l’objectif de l’étude |
Amanda R. Amorim, Yvonne Linné, Gilberto Kac, Paulo M. Lourenço (2008)
Assessment of weight changes during and after pregnancy: practical approaches Maternal & Child Nutrition 4 (1) , 1–13 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal weight | hard | http://www.blackwell-syne…… |
2051 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Many women have cesarean section for dystocia performed without fulfilling SOGC guidelines. |
Lawrence W. Oppenheimer, Paul Holmes, Qiuying Yang, Tubao Yang, Mark Walker, Shi Wu Wen (2007)
Respect des guides de pratique clinique sur la prise en charge de la dystocie et taux de césarienne / Adherence to Guidelines on the Management of Dystocia and Cesarean Section Rates. American Journal of Perinatology 2007; 24: 271-275 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; induction of labor ; deontology ; informed consent ; post-term pregnancy ; dystocy ; active management of labor | easy
Un des résultats de cette étude est l’observation que les recommandations de pratique clinique concernant ➡ more… Related records : #3037 | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
3175 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record There is insufficient scientific evidence that there may be benefits to caesarean section without medical reason for some women or that it can be considered a safe option for women and their unborn children. |
Stéphanie St-Amant (2006)
La construction médico-médiatique du concept de « césarienne sur demande ». Mamanzine, vol. 10, 1. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; ethics ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health | easy |… |
1997 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Clinicians write and talk about the ideal of evidence-based obstetrics, but do not practice it consistently, if at all. |
(Journal compilation) (2006)
Why Do Women Go Along with This Stuff? Roundtable discussion, part 2. BIRTH 33:3 September 2006, p. 245-250 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; position during labor ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; episiotomy ; epidural ; risk of litigation ; birth plan ; deontology ; informed consent | easy | http://www.ingentaconnect… |
1992 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
Denis J. Walsh (2006)
‘Nesting’ and ‘Matrescence’ as distinctive features of a free-standing birth centre in the UK. Midwifery (2006) 22, 228–239. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology | easy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
1989 | ➡ Display this record The author discusses “cases of litigation“ as they have been lived in reality by the obstetric teams involved. In addition to these “clinical case“ presentations, part of “fair practice tips“ is written in a very lively style. |
Séguy, Bernard (2006)
Prévenir le risque en obstétrique. Cas réels - Bonnes pratiques. Paris: Masson ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; risk of litigation | easy |… |
1983 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
Evelyne Decullier, François Chapuis (2006)
Impact of funding on biomedical research: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 6:165. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.biomedcentral.…… |
1982 | ➡ Display this record Clamper le cordon au bout de 2mn au lieu de 2s réduit le risque d’anémie chez les nourrissons de moins de 6 mois. Mais pourquoi donc clamper le cordon ?
Chaparro CM, Neufeld LM, Tena Alavez G, et al. (2006)
Effect of timing of umbilical cord clamping on iron status in Mexican infants: a randomised controlled trial. {Mexique}. The Lancet 2006; 367:1997-2004 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care | hard |… |
1966 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record During the December 2005 CNGOF Days, recommendations on the clinical practice of episiotomy were released. Recommendations, to say the least, which are already raising criticism of user associations. |
Sandra Mignot (2006)
La fin de l’épisiotomie ? Profession Sage-Femme, 23, mars 2006, p. 4-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; perineal/vaginal tears ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy ; risk of litigation ; deontology ; informed consent ; midwife | easy |… |
1939 | ➡ Display this record
Glezerman M (2006)
Five years to the term breech trial : The rise and fall of a randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gyneco, 194 : 20-25. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; breech presentation ; dilation | easy
Voir l’étude de Hannah & collègues sur la fiche 600 | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… http://query.fcgi?cmd=Ret… |
1895 | ➡ Display this record
Zeteroglu S, Sahin GH, Sahin HA. (2006)
Induction of labor with misoprostol in pregnancies with advanced maternal age. {Turquie}. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2006 Jan 4; ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal age ; postpartum hemorrhage ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1893 | ➡ Display this record
Bush MC, Csaba A, Eddleman KA, Saphier CJ. (2006)
Is misoprostol safe for labor induction in twin gestations? J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2006 Jan;19(1):35-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; maternal age ; post-term pregnancy ; dilation | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1884 | ➡ Display this record Débat sur l’utilisation en routine du misoprostol pour le déclenchement en France: les arguments contre …
Schmitz T., Goffinet F. (2006)
Contre l’utilisation du misoprostol dans le déclenchement du travail à terme en routine. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité 2006;34(2):161-165. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | easy | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1883 | ➡ Display this record Misoprostol pour le déclenchement en routine en France, les arguments pour …
C. Vayssière (2006)
Pour l’utilisation du misoprostol dans le déclenchement du travail à terme en routine. Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité 2006;34(2):155-160. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; scars | easy | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1985 | ➡ Display this record
Goffinet, François (2005)
L’accouchement par voie basse en cas de présentation du siège à terme est-il encore une option raisonnable à proposer aux femmes ? 29e Journées nationales du CNGOF, vendredi 2 décembre. Présentation orale + diaporama, à paraître dans les Mises à jour en gynécologie et obstétrique. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; breech presentation ; scars | easy |… |
1984 | ➡ Display this record
Evelyne Decullier, Véronique Lhéritier, François Chapuis (2005)
Fate of biomedical research protocols and publication bias in France: retrospective cohort study. BMJ 2005;331:19 (2 July) ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g…… |
1948 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Les vestiges de papyrus nous permettent de connaitre certaines pratiques médicales de l’Egypte ancienne. De façon étonnante certains remèdes employés ont été explorés à notre époque récente. |
Ronit Haimov-Kochman, Yael Sciaky-Tamir, Arye Hurwitz (2005)
Reproduction concepts and practices in ancient Egypt mirrored by modern medicine. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 123 (2005) 3–8. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | easy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
1925 | ➡ Display this record
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). (2005)
SOGC Clinical Practice Guidelines. Guidelines for vaginal birth after previous caesarean birth. Number 155 (Replaces guideline Number 147), February 2005. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Jun;89(3):319-31. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; c-section/caesarean ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; multiple pregnancy ; gestational diabetes ; scars ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; monitoring ; oxytocin ; informed consent | hard |… |
1924 | ➡ Display this record
Capilla Montes C, Bermejo Vicedo T. (2005)
[Efficacy and safety of misoprostol in obstetrics] [Article in Spanish]. Review. {Espagne}. Farm Hosp. 2005 May-Jun;29(3):177-84. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion ; dilation | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1923 | ➡ Display this record
Bartusevicius A, Barcaite E, Nadisauskiene R. (2005)
Oral, vaginal and sublingual misoprostol for induction of labor. Review. {Lituanie}. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Oct;91(1):2-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1922 | ➡ Display this record
Lin MG, Nuthalapaty FS, Carver AR, Case AS, Ramsey PS. (2005)
Misoprostol for labor induction in women with term premature rupture of membranes: a meta-analysis. Méta-analyse. {USA}. Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Sep;106(3):593-601. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; rupture of membranes ; maternal age ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1921 | ➡ Display this record
Rath W. (2005)
A clinical evaluation of controlled-release dinoprostone for cervical ripening--a review of current evidence in hospital and outpatient settings. Review. {Allemagne}. J Perinat Med. 2005;33(6):491-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1901 | ➡ Display this record
Afolabi BB, Oyeneyin OL, Ogedengbe OK. (2005)
Intravaginal misoprostol versus Foley catheter for cervical ripening and induction of labor. {Nigeria}. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Jun;89(3):263-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1900 | ➡ Display this record
Reyna-Villasmil E, Guerra-Velasquez M, Torres-Montilla M, Reyna-Villasmil N, Mejia-Montilla J, Labarca-Vincero N. (2005)
[Comparative study of the effect of intravaginal misoprostol at 50 and 100 micrograms in cervical ripening and labor induction][article in spanish]. {Venezuela}. Invest Clin. 2005 Jun;46(2):179-86. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1898 | ➡ Display this record
Zeteroglu S, Sahin HG, Sahin HA. (2005)
Induction of labor in great grandmultipara with misoprostol. {Turquie}. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2005 Aug 26;[Epub ahead of print] ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1896 | ➡ Display this record
Yolande H, Namory K, Delphine F, Mamadou Hady D, Mamadou Dioulde B, Daniel T, Patrick T. (2005)
Misoprostol use for labor induction in developing countries: a prospective study in Guinea. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2005 Sep 1;122(1):40-4. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1865 | ➡ Display this record
Buhimschi CS, Buhimschi IA, Patel S, Malinow AM, Weiner CP. (2005)
Rupture of the uterine scar during term labor: contractility or biochemistry?. {USA}. BJOG. 2005 Jan;112(1):38-42. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; c-section/caesarean ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy ; scars | hard
Fiche importée de avec l’aide de Ken Turkowski, ➡ more… | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1362 | ➡ Display this record Synthèse des études randomisées salles d’accouchement institutionnelles dans les conditions de la maisons (home-like) versus hôpital. Peu de valeur car la randomisation en elle-même introduit un biais majeur, le déni du choix du lieu d’accouchement. |
Hodnett ED, Downe S, Edwards N, Walsh D. (2005)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Jan 25;(1):CD000012. (Update of Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD000012.). Home-like versus conventional institutional settings for birth. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; planned homebirth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breastfeeding ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; perinatal death rates | hard
Texte en accès libre. // ➡ more… | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
1352 | ➡ Display this record
Gross MM, Drobnic S, Keirse MJ. (2005)
Influence of fixed and time-dependent factors on duration of normal first stage labor. Birth. 2005 Mar;32(1):27-33. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; place of birth ; homebirth ; rupture of membranes | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1344 | ➡ Display this record Misoprostol à haute dose pour le déclenchement: au-delà de 100 microg le taux d’hypertonie est trop élevé. Testé sur des vrais femmes enceintes vivantes.
Castaneda CS, Izquierdo Puente JC, Leon Ochoa RA, Plasse TF, Powers BL, Rayburn WF. (2005)
Misoprostol dose selection in a controlled-release vaginal insert for induction of labor in nulliparous women. {Mexique}.. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Sep;193 (3 Pt 2):1071-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; induction of labor ; deontology ; informed consent ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1342 | ➡ Display this record Efficacy of misoprostol compared to oxytocin for onset: 8h on average instead of 12h for a low pathway, and fewer caesareans |
Elhassan EM, Mirghani OA, Adam I. (2005)
Misoprostol vs. oxytocin for induction of labor. {Soudan}. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Sep 12 (preprint). ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1341 | ➡ Display this record Le repos ne permet guère d’éviter un accouchement prématuré.
Elliott JP, Miller HS, Coleman S, Rhea D, Abril D, Hallbauer K, Istwan NB, Stanziano GJ. (2005)
A randomized multicenter study to determine the efficacy of activity restriction for preterm labor management in patients testing negative for fetal fibronectin. {USA}. J Perinatol. 2005 Oct;25(10):626-30. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; maternal age ; dilation | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1340 | ➡ Display this record Gestion active du travail en Inde: une haute dose de misoprostol donnée systématiquement pour diminuer les hémorragies post-partum.
Garg P, Batra S, Gandhi G. (2005)
Oral misoprostol versus injectable methylergometrine in management of the third stage of labor.{Inde}. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Nov;91(2):160-1. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; active management of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1337 | ➡ Display this record Les femmes atteintes d’hypertension de la grossesse se sentent en moins bonne santé que les femmes ayant une grossesse normale, mais pas celles ayant un diabète gestationnel.
Kim C, Brawarsky P, Jackson RA, Fuentes-Afflick E, Haas JS. (2005)
Changes in health status experienced by women with gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders. {USA}. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2005 Oct;14(8):729-36. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; gestational diabetes ; eclampsia (pre-) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1336 | ➡ Display this record
Anderson FW, Johnson CT. (2005)
Complementary and alternative medicine in obstetrics. Revue. {USA}. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Nov;91(2):116-24. Epub 2005 Oct 5. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; pain ; pain medication ; breech presentation ; dystocy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1335 | ➡ Display this record
Kelekci S, Yilmaz B, Savan K, Sonmez S. (2005)
Can increased nuchal translucency in the first trimester of pregnancy predict gestational diabetes mellitus.{Turquie}. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2005 Aug;25(6):579-82. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; gestational diabetes ; ultrasound scanning | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1332 | ➡ Display this record Facteurs de risque de l’incontinence urinaire, l’incontinence avant, puis la constipation chronique et l’épisiotomie.
Ewings P, Spencer S, Marsh H, O’sullivan M. (2005)
Obstetric risk factors for urinary incontinence and preventative pelvic floor exercises: Cohort study and nested randomized controlled trial.{Angleterre}. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2005 Aug;25(6):558-64. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; episiotomy ; epidural ; incontinence/prolapsus | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1331 | ➡ Display this record Maternal anemia influences birthweight and preterm delivery, but in our population (Israel), is not associated with adverse perinatal outcome. |
Levy A, Fraser D, Katz M, Mazor M, Sheiner E. (2005)
Maternal anemia during pregnancy is an independent risk factor for low birthweight and preterm delivery [Israël]. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2005 Oct 1;122(2):182-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; maternal age ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; screening ; low birth weight | hard
De quoi méditer, puisque ce qui est le plus signifiant dans l’étude c’est la multiplication par ➡ more… | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
1330 | ➡ Display this record
Levy A, Sheiner E, Hammel RD, Hershkovitz R, Hallak M, Katz M, Mazor M. (2005)
Shoulder dystocia: a comparison of patients with and without diabetes mellitus. {Israel}. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2005 Oct 20;:1-4. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; gestational diabetes ; dystocy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1328 | ➡ Display this record Mise en évidence de liens familiaux dans le risque de pré-éclampsie.
Skjaerven R, Vatten LJ, Wilcox AJ, Ronning T, Irgens LM, Lie RT. (2005)
Recurrence of pre-eclampsia across generations: exploring fetal and maternal genetic components in a population based cohort.{Norvège}. BMJ. 2005 Oct 15;331(7521):877. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; eclampsia (pre-) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1326 | ➡ Display this record Les femmes plus fortes auraient moins de chances de réussir un AVAC.
Bujold E, Hammoud A, Schild C, Krapp M, Baumann P. (2005)
The role of maternal body mass index in outcomes of vaginal births after cesarean. {USA}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1517-21. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal age ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1325 | ➡ Display this record L’echo doppler sur les artères utérines autour de 23 semaines permettrait de prédire assez surement les risques de pré-éclampsie.
Parra M, Rodrigo R, Barja P, Bosco C, Fernandez V, Munoz H, Soto-Chacon E. (2005)
Screening test for preeclampsia through assessment of uteroplacental blood flow and biochemical markers of oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction.{Chili}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1486-91. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; antenatal diagnosis ; eclampsia (pre-) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1321 | ➡ Display this record
Khoury J, Henriksen T, Christophersen B, Tonstad S. (2005)
Effect of a cholesterol-lowering diet on maternal, cord, and neonatal lipids, and pregnancy outcome: a randomized clinical trial. {Norvège}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Oct;193(4):1292-301. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; diet/nutrition ; maternal age | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1319 | ➡ Display this record Revue de la littérature. On ne peut pas conclure que l’âge maternel soit un facteur de risque indépendant pour les accouchements prématurés ou le retard de croissance in-utéro.
Newburn-Cook CV, Onyskiw JE. (2005)
Is Older Maternal Age a Risk Factor for Preterm Birth and Fetal Growth Restriction? A Systematic Review. Health Care for Women International 2005;26(9):852-875. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; low birth weight ; maternal age | hard | http://journalsonline.tan… |
1310 | ➡ Display this record La pré-éclampsie sévère se manifeste par plus de syndromes HELLP chez les femmes caucasiennes, et par plus d’hypertension sévère chez les femmes africaines-américaines.
Goodwin AA, Mercer BM. (2005)
Does maternal race or ethnicity affect the expression of severe preeclampsia? {USA}. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005;193(3 Suppl):973-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; eclampsia (pre-) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1309 | ➡ Display this record Il existe un lien familial dans les facteurs de risque de la pré-éclampsie (génétique ou comportemental).
Carr DB, Epplein M, Johnson CO, Easterling TR, Critchlow CW. (2005)
A sister’s risk: Family history as a predictor of preeclampsia. {USA}. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005;193(3):965-972. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; eclampsia (pre-) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1295 | ➡ Display this record Plus d’admission en neonatalogie lors de diabetes gestationnel … ce qui ne veut rien dire en soi, il faudrait savoir pourquoi.
Feinberg JH, Magann EF, Morrison JC, Holman JR, Polizzotto MJ. (2005)
Does Maternal Hypoglycemia during Screening Glucose Assessment Identify a Pregnancy At-Risk for Adverse Perinatal Outcome? Journal of Perinatology 2005;25:509−513. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; gestational diabetes | hard |… |
1294 | ➡ Display this record Un questionnaire dit ALPHA pour depister antenatalement les femmes a risque de detresse psychosociale ante- et post-partum.
Carroll JC, Reid AJ, Biringer A, et al. (2005)
Effectiveness of the Antenatal Psychosocial Health Assessment (ALPHA) form in detecting psychosocial concerns: a randomized controlled trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005:173(3):253. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; traumatism ; screening | hard
Texte en acces libre. |… |
1293 | ➡ Display this record Il existe plusieurs questionnaires de depistage de morbidite psychosociale ante- et post-natals. Neanmoins c’est surtout l’attention que le soignant porte a ces problemes qui permet le depistage.
Matthey S. (2005)
Assessing for psychosocial morbidity in pregnant women. Commentary. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;173(3):267. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; traumatism | easy
Texte en acces libre. |… |
1292 | ➡ Display this record La plus recente etude randomisee montre les benefices du depistage et traitements du diabete gestationnel.
Greene MF, Solomon CG. (2005)
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus — Time to Treat. Editorial. The New England Journal of Medicine 2005;352:2544-2546. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; gestational diabetes ; dystocy | easy
Texte en acces libre. |… |
1291 | ➡ Display this record Etude randomisee controllee. Le depistage et le traitement (regime + insuline) du diabete gestationnel reduit les complications neonatales et maternelles, bien que les raisons ne soient pas parfaitement claires.
Cartagena AM. (2005)
Is there merit in treating gestational diabetes mellitus? Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;173(3):250. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; gestational diabetes ; maternal age ; dystocy | hard
Texte en acces libre. |… |
1276 | ➡ Display this record Les césariennes sur les primipares augmentent le risque de complications puerpérales d’un facteur 3, et le risque d’ablation de l’utérus d’un facteur 8, par rapport aux accouchements voie basse.
Simoes E, Kunz S, Bosing-Schwenkglenks M, Schmahl FW. (2005)
Association between method of delivery, puerperal complication rate and postpartum hysterectomy. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;272(1):43-47. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity | hard | http://springerlink.metap… |
1273 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record A live-birth preceding the appearance of recurrent abortions is associated with a higher rate of preeclampsia. |
Weintraub AY, Sheiner E, Bashiri A, Shoham-Vardi L, Mazor M. (2005)
Is there a higher prevalence of pregnancy complications in a live-birth preceding the appearance of recurrent abortions? Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):350-354. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal age ; eclampsia (pre-) ; miscarriage ; stillbirth | hard | http://link-springer-com-… |
1259 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Les femmes les plus à risque de césarienne ou extraction instrumentale sont les ouvriers non qualifiés, et inversement la catégorie des hauts salaires. Les femmes les moins à risque sont les femmes au foyer.
Simoes E, Kunz S, Bosing-Schwenkglenks M, Schmahl FW. (2005)
Occupation and risk of cesarean section: study based on the perinatal survey of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):338-342. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; survey ; instrumental delivery | easy
Texte en accès libre. | http://springerlink.metap… |
1258 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Une petite taille (< 1m50) n’est pas un facteur de risque de césarienne en Turquie.
Kara F, Yesildaglar N, Uygur D. (2005)
(Missing bibliographical entry) ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard
Texte en accès libre. | http://springerlink.metap… |
1256 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Triplet pregnancies lead to high morbidity, in this case 100% caesarean section between 30 and 34 weeks and a record postpartum haemorrhage rate (25%). |
Zanconato G, Poggi S, Ruffo R, Gazzoni A, Padovani EM, Franchi M. (2005)
Antepartum management and neonatal outcome of triplet pregnancies. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 271(4): 320-324. ➡ Display this record ➡ cerclage ; c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; guidelines ; maternal age ; postpartum hemorrhage ; eclampsia (pre-) ; low birth weight ; multiple pregnancy ; maternal death rate ; IVF in vitro fertilisation ; informed consent | hard |…… |
1255 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Un poids maternel trop faible ou trop élevé avant une grossesse augmente la morbidité foetale et maternelle, mais pas la prise de poids pendant la grossesse.
Murakami M, Ohmichi M, Takahashi T, Shibata A, Fukao A, Morisaki N, Kurachi H. (2005)
Prepregnancy body mass index as an important predictor of perinatal outcomes in Japanese. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):311-315. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; gestational diabetes ; eclampsia (pre-) ; low birth weight ; morbidity | hard
Menfin le taux d’obésité chez les femmes japonaises est très bas il me semble. Inversement le taux ➡ more… | http://springerlink.metap… |
1254 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Les facteurs de risque indépendants de déchirures sévères du périnée sont les extractions instrumentales et la macrosomie.
Sheiner E, Levy A, Walfisch A, Hallak M, Mazor M. (2005)
Third degree perineal tears in a university medical center where midline episiotomies are not performed. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):307-310. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy | hard
Texte en accès libre. Ce n’est pas un article original, le même contenu avait déjà été publié ➡ more… | http://springerlink.metap… |
1253 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record L’hypotrophie et le manque de liquide amniotique seraient des facteurs de risque indépendants pour la morbidité/mortalité foetale et maternelle.
Erez O, Shoham-Vardi L, Sheiner E, Dukler D, Bashiri A, Mazor M. (2005)
Hydramnios and small for gestational age are independent risk factors for neonatal mortality and maternal morbidity. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):296-301. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; low birth weight ; morbidity ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age | hard | http://springerlink.metap… |
1252 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Facteurs de risque des décès in-utéro inexpliqués … ça n’explique pas grand chose.
Chibber R. (2005)
Unexplained antepartum fetal deaths: what are the determinants? Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2005;271(4):286-291. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age | hard
Texte en accès libre. | http://springerlink.metap… |
1245 | ➡ Display this record
Malhotra N, Khanna S, Pasrija S, Jain M, Agarwala (2005)
Early oral hydration and its impact on bowel activity after elective caesarean section—our experience. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005;120(1):53-56. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; diet/nutrition | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1244 | ➡ Display this record De l’utilité d’envoyer une équippe spécialisée dans les maternités de niveau I lorsqu’il faut réanimer un bébé prématuré.
McNamara PJ, Mak W, Whyte HE. (2005)
Dedicated Neonatal Retrieval Teams Improve Delivery Room Resuscitation of Outborn Premature Infants. Journal of Perinatology (2005) 25, 309-314. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; newborn care ; fetal distress | hard | |
1243 | ➡ Display this record Placer les grands prématurés (<29SG) dans un sac en polyuréthane le plus tôt possible en salle de naissance réduit la fréqience et la gravité des hypothermies.
Knobel RB, Wimmer JE, Holbert D. (2005)
Heat Loss Prevention for Preterm Infants in the Delivery Room. Journal of Perinatology (2005) 25, 304-308. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; newborn care | hard |… |
1242 | ➡ Display this record Mères séropositives au cytomégalovirus (même famille que l’herpès, varicelle, zona) et allaitement des prématurés : peu de prématurés développent une infection, le plus souvent sans gravité.
Miron D, Brosilow S, Felszer K, Reich D, et al. (2005)
Incidence and Clinical Manifestations of Breast Milk-Acquired Cytomegalovirus Infection in Low Birth Weight Infants. Journal of Perinatology (2005) 25, 299-303. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; breastfeeding | hard |… |
1234 | ➡ Display this record Compenser la sous-alimentation des grands prématurés, en particulier lors des détresses respiratoires, pour minimiser les séquelles physiques et neurologiques.
Adamkin DH. (2005)
Pragmatic Approach to In-Hospital Nutrition in High-Risk Neonates. Journal of Perinatology (2005) 25, S7-S11. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; newborn care ; fetal distress ; diet/nutrition | hard |… |
1233 | ➡ Display this record La nutrition au plus jeune âge pourrait avoir un impact important dans la vie adulte, en particulier pour les maladies cardio-vasculaires, la solidité de l’ossature, et les facultés cognitives.
Lucas LMB. (2005)
Long-Term Programming Effects of Early Nutrition ı Implications for the Preterm Infant. Journal of Perinatology (2005) 25, S2-S6. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; diet/nutrition | hard |… |
1151 | ➡ Display this record
Gurwitz JH, Sykora K, Mamdani M, Streiner DL, Garfinkel S, Normand S-LT, Anderson GM, Rochon PA. (2005)
Reader’s guide to critical appraisal of cohort studies: 1. Role and design. The British Medical Journal 2005; 330:895-897. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard
Article en accès libre.
|… |
1080 | ➡ Display this record
Ray JG. (2005)
Neural tube defects. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;172(2):160. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; stillbirth ; foetus growth ; gestational diabetes | easy
Réponse aux réponses, fiches 1074 à 1079. |… |
1079 | ➡ Display this record
Delaney JAC. (2005)
Neural tube defects. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;172(2):157. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; stillbirth ; foetus growth ; gestational diabetes | easy
Réponse à l’article de Ray et al, fiche 1074. |… |
1078 | ➡ Display this record
Dean HJ, Watson K, Sellers EAC. (2005)
Neural tube defects. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;172(2):158. ➡ Display this record ➡ pathologies of newborn ; stillbirth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; foetus growth ; gestational diabetes ; diet/nutrition | easy
Réponse à l’article de Ray et al, fiche 1074. |… |
1077 | ➡ Display this record
Dubey V. (2005)
Neural tube defects. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;172(2):158. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; stillbirth ; foetus growth ; gestational diabetes ; diet/nutrition | easy
Réponse à l’article de Ray et al, fiche 1074. |… |
1076 | ➡ Display this record
Lowry RB. (2005)
Neural tube defects. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;172(2):159. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; stillbirth ; foetus growth ; gestational diabetes | easy
Réponse à l’article de Ray et al, fiche 1074. |… |
1075 | ➡ Display this record
Wang FL, Quan H, Schopflocher D. (2005)
Neural tube defects. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005;172(2):158. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; stillbirth ; foetus growth ; gestational diabetes | easy
Réponse à l’article de Ray et al, fiche 1074. |… |
3050 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Episiotomy is a mutilation a fortiori because it has ritual value. It is part of Western rituals of birth. Like all female genital mutilation (FGM), it marks in the flesh the passage from the state of girl to the state of woman or mother. |
Stéphanie St-Amant (2004)
L’épisiotomie, une mutilation génitale ? ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; episiotomy ; informed consent | easy | https://cybersolidaires.t… |
2344 | ➡ Display this record
M. Rosenheim (2004)
La médecine fondée sur des preuves : principes. AKOS (Traité de Médecine) [1-0075] ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery | easy |… |
2004 | ➡ Display this record
’FIA’ SANDIN BOJÖ Ann-Kristin ; HALL-LORD Marie-Louise ; AXELSSON Ove ; UDEN Giggi ; LARSSON Bodil Wilde (2004)
Midwifery care: development of an instrument to measure quality based on the World Health Organization’s classification of care in normal birth. Journal of clinical nursing (J. clin. nurs.). 2004, vol. 13, no1, pp. 75-83 ISSN 0962-1067 ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; midwife ; survey ; midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology | easy
« Beaucoup de technique superflue pendant les accouchements » // Émission publique sur la ➡ more… |… |
1986 | ➡ Display this record
As randomised trials continue to ascend in the evolution of evidence based medicine, we must recognise and respect their limitations when examining complex phenomena in heterogeneous populations |
Kotaska, Andrew (2004)
Inappropriate use of randomised trials to evaluate complex phenomena: case study of vaginal breech delivery. BMJ 2004;329:1039-1042 (30 October) ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; breech presentation | easy |… |
1941 | ➡ Display this record En dépit des faibles taux de mortalité en Europe, les différences entre les pays traduisent la qualité des soins apportés via leur cause, le moment de la mort et l’age maternel. |
Wildman K, Bouvier-Colle MH; MOMS Group. (2004)
Maternal mortality as an indicator of obstetric care in Europe. BJOG, 111(2):164-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; maternal age ; morbidity ; maternal death rate ; perinatal death rates | easy | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.… |
1930 | ➡ Display this record
Li XM, Wan J, Xu CF, Zhang Y, Fang L, Shi ZJ, Li K. (2004)
Misoprostol in labour induction of term pregnancy: a meta-analysis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2004 Mar;117(3):449-52. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1929 | ➡ Display this record
Dodd J, Crowther C. (2004)
Induction of labour for women with a previous Caesarean birth: a systematic review of the literature. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Oct;44(5):392-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy ; scars | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1928 | ➡ Display this record
Muzonzini G, Hofmeyr GJ. (2004)
Buccal or sublingual misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 Oct 18;(4):CD004221. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1926 | ➡ Display this record
Tessier V, Pierre F; CNGOF; HAS. (2004)
[Risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage during labor and clinical and pharmacological prevention]. {Review,guideline}. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2004 Dec;33(8 Suppl):4S29-4S56. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; guidelines ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; informed consent | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1903 | ➡ Display this record
Ezechi OC, Kalu BK, Njokanma FO, Nwokoro CA, Okeke GC. (2004)
Vaginal misoprostol induction of labour: a Nigerian hospital experience. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Apr;24(3):239-42. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; stillbirth ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1902 | ➡ Display this record
Wing DA, Fassett MJ, Guberman C, Tran S, Parrish A, Guinn D. (2004)
A comparison of orally administered misoprostol to intravenous oxytocin for labor induction in women with favorable cervical examinations.{USA}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Jun;190(6):1689-94. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | easy | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1366 | ➡ Display this record
Gottvall K, Grunewald C, Waldenstrom U. (2004)
Safety of birth centre care: perinatal mortality over a 10-year period. {Suède}. BJOG. 2004 Jan;111(1):71-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1364 | ➡ Display this record Revue des données périnatales des maisons de naissance en Bavière et à Berlin.
David M, Pachaly J, Vetter K, Kentenich H. (2004)
[Birthplace free-standing birth center -- perinatal data in comparison with clinic deliveries in Bavaria and Berlin] [Article in German]. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2004 Jun;208(3):110-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal age ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; perinatal death rates ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1363 | ➡ Display this record Sécurité des maisons de naissance indépendantes, UK: très variable d’un lieu à un autre.
Walsh D, Downe SM. (2004)
Outcomes of free-standing, midwife-led birth centers: a structured review. Birth. 2004 Sep;31(3):222-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1122 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record High quality meta-analysis comparing supine with other positions for the second stage of labor. The only significant results are, supine vs others : more instrumental deliveries and more episiotomies, more pain and less satisfaction. None of the foetal outcomes shows any significant difference. |
De Jonge A, Teunissen TA, Lagro-Janssen AL. (2004)
Supine position compared to other positions during the second stage of labor: a meta-analytic review. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Mar;25(1):35-45. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; duration of labour ; ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; position during labor ; psychology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; pain ; postpartum hemorrhage ; deontology ; informed consent ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; active management of labor | hard Related records : #1159 #1160 #1127 #1161 #1165 #1152 #1113 #1158 #2043 #1163 #1209 #2042 #2050 #1162 #1317 | https://www.researchgate.…… |
1120 | ➡ Display this record Pour des femmes sous péridurale, la mobilité pendant la première phase du travail n’a d’effet ni sur le mode d’accouchement (extraction instrumentale ou césarienne), ni sur la durée du travail, ni sur l’utilisation d’oxytocines, ni sur la douleur, ni sur l’apgar, mais ne semble pas présenter d’effets délétères.
Roberts CL, Algert CS, Olive E. (2004)
Impact of first-stage ambulation on mode of delivery among women with epidural analgesia. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Dec;44(6):489-94. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; position during labor ; instrumental delivery ; active management of labor ; epidural | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1099 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Upright positions may have advantages, but may increase the risk of blood loss greater than 500 ml. |
Gupta JK, Hofmeyr GJ. (2004)
Position for women during second stage of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(1):CD002006. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; dilation | hard Related records : #975 #1172 #1208 #1177 #1194 #1184 #1170 #1169 #1160 #1159 #1193 #1139 #1175 #1165 #2042 #1162 #1163 #1158 #1174 #1317 | http://www.mrw.interscien… |
1068 | ➡ Display this record Use of powerful therapies to reduce levels of NK cells in women with infertility or recurrent miscarriage is unjustified and is associated with known side effects to mother and fetus |
Moffett A, Regan L, Braude P. (2004)
Education and debate. Natural killer cells, miscarriage, and infertility. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:1283-1285. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; assisted conception assisted reproductive technology ; deontology ; informed consent ; miscarriage | easy |…… |
1064 | ➡ Display this record
Jain V. (2004)
Letter. Making sense of rising caesarean section rates. Caesarean section on demand is obstetric dilemma. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:1240. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; fetal distress ; dystocy | easy |… |
1063 | ➡ Display this record
Lees CC. (2004)
Letter. Making sense of rising caesarean section rates. Editorial made no sense of rising rates. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:1240. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; fetal distress ; dystocy ; maternal age | easy |… |
1034 | ➡ Display this record Plus de pertes sanguines et d’infections lorsque le placenta est enlevé manuellement lors d’une césarienne (Tunisi). |
Hidar S, Jennane TM, Bouguizane S, Lassoued L, Bibi M, Khaïri H. (2004)
The effect of placental removal method at cesarean delivery on perioperative hemorrhage: a randomized clinical trial ISRCTN 49779257. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(2):179-182. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1033 | ➡ Display this record
Ayres-de-Campos D, Bernardes J. (2004)
Comparison of fetal heart rate baseline estimation by SisPorto® 2.01 and a consensus of clinicians. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(2):174-178. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; monitoring | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1032 | ➡ Display this record
De Lathouwer S, Lionet C, Lansac J, Body G, Perrotin F. (2004)
Predictive factors of early cessation of breastfeeding. A prospective study in a university hospital. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(2):169-173. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breastfeeding | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1028 | ➡ Display this record
Antoniou M, Tzouvali H, Sifakis S, et al. (2004)
Incidence of toxoplasmosis in 5532 pregnant women in Crete, Greece: management of 185 cases at risk. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(2):138-143. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn ; screening ; antenatal diagnosis | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1025 | ➡ Display this record
Volumenie J-L, Luton D, De Spirlet M, Sibony O, Blot P, Oury J-F. (2004)
Ultrasonographic cervical length measurement is not a better predictor of preterm delivery than digital examination in a population of patients with idiopathic preterm labor. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(1):33-37. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; screening | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1022 | ➡ Display this record
Love CDB, Fernando KJ, Sargent L, Hughes RG. (2004)
Major placenta praevia should not preclude out-patient management. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(1):24-29. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1021 | ➡ Display this record
Kurdi W, Fayyad A, Thakur V, Harrington K. (2004)
Delayed normalisation of uterine artery doppler waveforms is not a benign phenomenon. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;117(1):20-23. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; eclampsia (pre-) ; low birth weight | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
1019 | ➡ Display this record Césarienne sous anesthésie générale ou péridurale : pas dínfluence sur la jaunisse du nouveau-né. |
Ozcakir HT, Lacin S, Baytur YSBLüleci N, Inceboz US. (2004)
Different anesthesiologic strategies have no effect on neonatal jaundice. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2004;270(3):179-181. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; pathologies of newborn | hard | http://springerlink.metap… |
1017 | ➡ Display this record Une fragilité familiale parmi les facteurs de risque d’incontinence urinaire ? |
Hannestad YS, Terje Lie R, Rortveit G, Hunskaar S. (2004)
Familial risk of urinary incontinence in women: population based cross sectional study. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:889-891. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; incontinence/prolapsus | hard
A moins qu’elles ne se trnamettent le même gynobs ou le même hôpital // pour accoucher, ou bien ➡ more… |… |
1016 | ➡ Display this record Une analyse critique de la méthodologie employée dans les études épidémiologiques: inquiétudes sur la validité de beaucoup de résultats publiés. |
Pocock SJ, Collier TJ, Dandreo KJ, de Stavola BL, Goldman MB, Kalish LA, Kasten LE, McCormack VA. (2004)
Issues in the reporting of epidemiological studies: a survey of recent practice. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:883. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; survey ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent | hard |… |
1013 | ➡ Display this record The results of epidemiological research are often biased by poor methodology, leading to false correlations. A user guide is available. |
von Elm, E., Egger, M. (2004)
The scandal of poor epidemiological research. Editorial. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:868-869. ➡ Display this record ➡ ethics ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |…… |
1011 | ➡ Display this record Detecter de façon sure la trisomie 21 en évitant l’amniocentèse. |
Alfirevic Z. (2004)
Antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome. Editorial. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:811-812. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; amniocentesis ; screening ; antenatal diagnosis ; ultrasound scanning ; trisomy | hard |… |
993 | ➡ Display this record Parmi des femmes envisageant une hystérectomie, celles qui rapportent des troubles dans leur sexualité souffrent en général d’incontinence urinaire. |
Handa VL, Harvey L, Cundiff GW, Siddique SA, Kjerulff KH. (2004)
Sexual function among women with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 191(3):751-56. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus | hard
Mais aucun rapport n’est établi avec l’histoire procréative de ces femmes, et ne sélectionner ➡ more… | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
992 | ➡ Display this record Dans les couples où les pères suivent un cours spécifique sur l’allaitement, les mères sont 30% plus nombreuses à allaiter leur bébé. |
Wolfberg AJ, Michels KB, Shields W, O’Campo P, Bronner Y, Bienstock J. (2004)
Dads as breastfeeding advocates: Results from a randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;191(3):708-12. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; father ; breastfeeding | easy
Mais échantillon statistique très faible... | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
991 | ➡ Display this record
Garite TJ, Clark RH, Elliott JP, Thorp JA, and the Pediatrix/Obstetrix Perinatal Research Group. (2004)
Twins and triplets: The effect of plurality and growth on neonatal outcome compared with singleton infants. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;191(3):700-707. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; low birth weight ; morbidity ; multiple pregnancy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
990 | ➡ Display this record Aux Etats-Unis, le risque de stress important avant ou pendant la grossesse dépend notablement de l’origine ethnique. Néanmoins ces stress n’augmentent pas le risque d’accouchement prématuré d’enfants viables. |
Lu MC, Chen B. (2004)
Racial and ethnic disparities in preterm birth: The role of stressful life events. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;191(3):691-99. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; psychology ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress | hard
D’après le résumé, les variables envisagées ne sont pas les bonnes. D’une part ce ne sont pas ➡ more… | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
989 | ➡ Display this record
Bisits A, Madsen G, Knox M, et al. (2004)
The randomized nitric oxide tocolysis trial (RNOTT) for the treatment of preterm labor. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;191(3):683-90. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; screening | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
934 | ➡ Display this record
de Costa CM. (2004)
Is grand multiparity an independent predictor of pregnancy risk? A retrospective observational study. Letters. Med J Aust. 2004 Feb 16;180(4):196-7; author reply 197. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage | hard |… |
933 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record An Irish Hospital: the implementation of a strict protocol has reduced serious HPP. |
Rizvi F, Mackey R, Barrett T, McKenna P, Geary M. (2004)
Successful reduction of massive postpartum haemorrhage by use of guidelines and staff education. Short Communication. BJOG. 2004 May;111(5):495-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; guidelines ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity ; informed consent | hard | https://obgyn.onlinelibra…… |
932 | ➡ Display this record
Boucher M, Nimrod CA, Tawagi GF, Meeker TA, Rennicks White RE, Varin J. (2004)
Comparison of carbetocin and oxytocin for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage following vaginal delivery:a double-blind randomized trial. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2004 May;26(5):481-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; place of birth ; homebirth ; postpartum hemorrhage ; oxytocin ; hormones | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
860 | ➡ Display this record L’amniocentèse pendant le 1er trimestre de grossesse entraîne un risque de pied bot 4 fois plus élevé que le prélèvement des villosités choriales. |
Philip J, Silver RK, Wilson RD, Thom EA, et al. (2004)
Late first-trimester invasive prenatal diagnosis: results of an international randomized trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Jun;103(6):1164-73. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; amniocentesis ; screening ; stillbirth ; maternal age ; trisomy | hard | http://www.greenjournal.o… |
844 | ➡ Display this record Demander un deuxième avis permet de diminuer un peu les taux très élevés de césarienne en Amérique du sud. |
Althabe F, Belizán JM, Villar J, et al. (2004)
Mandatory second opinion to reduce rates of unnecessary caesarean sections in Latin America: a cluster randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2004;363:1934-40. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; morbidity | hard |… |
837 | ➡ Display this record Autant de mortalité néonatale avec les forceps et la ventouse. |
Demissie K, Rhoads GG, Smulian JC, Balasubramanian BA, Gandhi K, Joseph KS, Kramer M. (2004)
Operative vaginal delivery and neonatal and infant adverse outcomes: population based retrospective analysis. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:24. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; postpartum hemorrhage ; perinatal death rates ; morbidity ; instrumental delivery | hard |… |
836 | ➡ Display this record
Guise J-M, McDonagh MS, Osterweil P, Nygren P, Chan BKS, Helfand M. (2004)
Systematic review of the incidence and consequences of uterine rupture in women with previous caesarean section. The British Medical Journal 2004;329:19 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard
Article en accès libre. |… |
835 | ➡ Display this record
Hanah ME. (2004)
Elective cesarean section. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;171(1):15. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy | easy |… |
834 | ➡ Display this record Il existe une distinction fondamentale entre accouchement vaginal (c’est-à-dire naissance par les voies naturelles) et accouchement physiologique (expression d’un processus physiologique normal non perturbé). |
Gerbelli C. (2004)
Elective cesarean section. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;171(1):15. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; dilation ; place of birth ; homebirth ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy | easy
Voir version PDF: |… |
833 | ➡ Display this record
Klein MC. (2004)
Elective cesarean section. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;171(1):14-15. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; morbidity ; post-term pregnancy ; induction of labor | easy |… |
832 | ➡ Display this record
Lindballe PL. (2004)
Elective cesarean section. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;171(1):13. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; vaginal birth after caesarean ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |… |
831 | ➡ Display this record
Badrinath P. (2004)
Elective cesarean section. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;171(1):13. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |… |
830 | ➡ Display this record
Fernandes JR. (2004)
Elective cesarean section. Letters. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004;171(1):13. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent | easy |… |
825 | ➡ Display this record Considerable changes in pelvic organ support after vaginal delivery can be demonstrated by a reproducible and reliable clinical classification system (POPQ) and by functional cine magnetic resonance imaging. |
Dannecker C, Lienemann A, Fischer T, Anthuber C. (2004)
Influence of spontaneous and instrumental vaginal delivery on objective measures of pelvic organ support: assessment with the pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POPQ) technique and functional cine magnetic resonance imaging. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;115(1):32-38. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; incontinence/prolapsus ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) | hard | httphttps://www.sciencedi…… |
824 | ➡ Display this record
Alfirevic Z, Edwards G, Platt MJ. (2004)
The impact of delivery suite guidelines on intrapartum care in ‘standard primigravida’. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;115(1):28-31. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; guidelines ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; oxytocin ; active management of labor ; monitoring ; hormones ; informed consent | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
823 | ➡ Display this record In women with prelabor rupture of the membranes at term, the best approach is to induce labor if spontaneous labor has not begun after 24 h. |
Ezra Y, Michaelson-Cohen R, Abramov Y, Rojansky N. (2004)
Prelabor rupture of the membranes at term: when to induce labor? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;115(1):23-27. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; duration of labour ; induction of labor ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
822 | ➡ Display this record
Papandreou L, Chasiotis G, Seferiadis K, et al. (2004)
Calcium levels during the initiation of labor. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;115(1):17-22. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
816 | ➡ Display this record
Clark R, Powers R, White R, Bloom B, Sanchez P, Benjamin DK. (2004)
Prevention and Treatment of Nosocomial Sepsis in the NICU. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24:446-453. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; morbidity | hard |… http://abs/7211125a.html&… |
815 | ➡ Display this record
De Paepe ME, Friedman RM, Gundogan F, Pinar H, Oyer CE. (2004)
The Histologic Fetoplacental Inflammatory Response in Fatal Perinatal Group B-Streptococcus Infection. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24:441-445. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates | hard |… http://abs/7211129a.html&… |
814 | ➡ Display this record
Aucott SW, Donohue PK, Northington FJ. (2004)
Increased Morbidity in Severe Early Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24:435-440. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; low birth weight ; morbidity ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age | hard |… |
812 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record To maximize validity of consent in the antenatal/perinatal population every effort should be made to include mothers in the consent process. |
Ballard HO, Shook LA, Desai NS, Anand KJS. (2004)
Neonatal Research and the Validity of Informed Consent Obtained in the Perinatal Period. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(7): 409-415. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent | hard Related records : #3059 |…… |
811 | ➡ Display this record This small study has shown that a randomised controlled trial of waterbirth is feasible and demonstrated outcome measures. |
Woodward J, Kelly SM. (2004)
A pilot study for a randomised controlled trial of waterbirth versus land birth. BJOG. 2004 Jun;111(6):537-45. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal age | hard | http://onlinelibrary.wile…… |
806 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Avoiding episiotomy at tears presumed to be imminent increases the rate of intact perinea… |
Dannecker C, Hillemanns P, Strauss A, Hasbargen U, Hepp H, Anthuber C. (2004)
Episiotomy and perineal tears presumed to be imminent: randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2004 Apr;83(4):364-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; fetal distress ; morbidity ; episiotomy | hard
Le taux de 41% d’épisiotomies dans le groupe (a) est à peu de choses près la moyenne nationale en ➡ more… | http://www.blackwell-syne… |
804 | ➡ Display this record
Deering SH, Carlson N, Stitely M, Allaire AD, Satin AJ. (2004)
Perineal body length and lacerations at delivery. J Reprod Med. 2004 Apr;49(4):306-10. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; instrumental delivery | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
778 | ➡ Display this record
Lin C, Raynor BD. (2004)
Risk of uterine rupture in labor induction of patients with prior cesarean section: an inner city hospital experience. {USA}. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(5):1476-1478. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
773 | ➡ Display this record
Ananth CV, Joseph KS, Smulian JC. (2004)
Trends in twin neonatal mortality rates in the United States, 1989 through 1999: influence of birth registration and obstetric intervention. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(5):1313-1321. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; physiology ; induction of labor ; multiple pregnancy ; post-term pregnancy ; perinatal death rates | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
745 | ➡ Display this record Les femmes de plus de 35 ans auraient moins de chance de réussir un AVAC.
Bujold E, Hammoud AO, Hendler I, Berman S, Blackwell SC, Duperron L, Gauthier RJ. (2004)
Trial of labor in patients with a previous cesarean section: does maternal age influence the outcome? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(4):1113-1118. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal age | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
685 | ➡ Display this record
Parsons M, (2004)
A midwifery practice dichotomy on oral intake in labour. Midwifery 2004;20(1):72-81. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; midwife | hard
Texte en accès libre. | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
684 | ➡ Display this record
Mead M, Kornbrot D. (2004)
The influence of maternity units’ intrapartum intervention rates and midwives’ risk perception for women suitable for midwifery-led care. Midwifery 2004;20(1):61-71. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; midwife | hard
Texte en accès libre. | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
683 | ➡ Display this record
Sibley L, Sipe TA. (2004)
What can a meta-analysis tell us about traditional birth attendant training and pregnancy outcomes? Midwifery 2004;20(1):51-60. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; midwife | hard
Texte en accès libre. | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
682 | ➡ Display this record
Hundley V, Cheyne H. (2004)
The trials and tribulations of intrapartum studies. Midwifery 2004;20(1):27-36. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard
Texte en accès libre | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
679 | ➡ Display this record
Stubblefield PG. (2004)
Antenatal day care or admission to hospital: a mother’s choice? Commentary. The Lancet 2004;363(9415):1089. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology | easy |… |
671 | ➡ Display this record
Collinet P, Subtil D, Houfflin-Debarge V, Kacet N, Dewilde A, Puech F. (2004)
Routine CMV screening during pregnancy. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 114(1):3-11. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; screening | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
645 | ➡ Display this record
Turnbull DA, Wilkinson C, Gerard K, Shanahan M, Ryan P, Griffith EC, Kruzins G, Stamp GE. (2004)
Clinical, psychosocial, and economic effects of antenatal day care for three medical complications of pregnancy: a randomised controlled trial of 395 women. The Lancet 2004;363(9415):1104-09. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology | easy |… |
643 | ➡ Display this record These results advocate the role of paternal lymphocyte immunotherapy for the maintenance of pregnancy in women with RSA. |
Pandey MK, Thakur S, Agrawal S. (2004)
Lymphocyte immunotherapy and its probable mechanism in the maintenance of pregnancy in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion. Review Article. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2004;269(3):161-172. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; miscarriage ; stillbirth | hard | http://www.springerlink.c… |
640 | ➡ Display this record
Chong YS, Chua S, Shen L, Arulkumaran S. (2004)
Does the route of administration of misoprostol make a difference? The uterotonic effect and side effects of misoprostol given by different routes after vaginal delivery. Review. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;113(2):191-198. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; active management of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
635 | ➡ Display this record
Agarwal MM, Punnose J, Dhatt GS. (2004)
Gestational diabetes: implications of variation in post-partum follow-up criteria. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;113(2):149-153. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; gestational diabetes | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
634 | ➡ Display this record
Buhling KJ, Elze L, Henrich W, Starr E, Stein U, Siebert G, Dudenhausen J. (2004)
The usefulness of glycosuria and the influence of maternal blood pressure in screening for gestational diabetes. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;113(2):145-148. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; gestational diabetes | hard
Conclusion qui parait bien peremptoire vu la fragilite de la mesure : difference // sur la diastolique ➡ more… | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
633 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Formal education and training of medical staff did not influence the success rate of instrumental delivery but was associated with improved safety for both mother and baby. |
Cheong YC, Abdullahi H, Lashen H, Fairlie FM. (2004)
Can formal education and training improve the outcome of instrumental delivery? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;113(2):139-144. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; maternal age ; perineal/vaginal tears ; instrumental delivery ; morbidity ; midwife | hard |… |
630 | ➡ Display this record
Storms MR, Van Howe RS. (2004)
Birthweight by Gestational Age and Sex at a Rural Referral Center. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(4):236-240. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; gestational diabetes ; maternal age ; low birth weight | hard |… |
629 | ➡ Display this record
Beydoun H, Itani M, Tamim H, Aaraj A, Khogali M, Yunis K. (2004)
Impact of Maternal Age on Preterm Delivery and Low Birthweight: A Hospital-Based Collaborative Study of Nulliparous Lebanese Women in Greater Beirut. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(4):228-235. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; low birth weight ; maternal age | hard
Les "results" et "conclusions" semblent se contredire ?
|… |
628 | ➡ Display this record
Fleming A, Bonebrake R, Istwan N, Rhea D, Coleman S, Stanziano G. (2004)
Pregnancy and Economic Outcomes in Patients Treated for Recurrent Preterm Labor. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(4):223-227. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby | hard |… |
626 | ➡ Display this record
Giles ML, Sasadeusz JJ, Garland SM, Grover SR, Hellard ME. (2004)
An audit of obstetricians’ management of women potentially infected with blood-borne viruses. Medical Journal of Australia 2004;180(7):328-332. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breastfeeding ; screening ; rupture of membranes | easy
Texte en acces libre. |… |
604 | ➡ Display this record
Avery MD, Carr CA, Burkhardt P. (2004)
Vaginal birth after cesarean section: A pilot study of outcomes in women receiving midwifery care. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2004;49(2):113. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; vaginal birth after caesarean | easy | |
594 | ➡ Display this record
Schneider H. (2004)
[Gentle obstetrical management for very early preterm deliveries] Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch. 2004;44(1):10-18. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; morbidity | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
592 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
Carayol M, Alexander S, Goffinet F, Breart G, Alexander S, Uzan S, Subtil D, Carayol M, Foidart JM; Comite Scientifique; Comite de Pilotage. (2004)
[Mode of delivery and term breech presentation in the PREMODA cohort] J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2004 Feb;33(1 Suppl):S37-44. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; breech presentation | easy | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
582 | ➡ Display this record
Badrinath P. (2004)
Information provision before planned caesarean. Letter. CMAJ 2004;170:858. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | easy
Texte en acces libre. |… |
580 | ➡ Display this record
Levesque P. (2004)
Planned Elective Caesarean Delivery and the Precautionary Principle. Letter. MAJ 2004;170:858. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; ethics ; deontology ; informed consent ; oxytocin ; hormones ; morbidity | easy
Texte en acces libre. |… |
579 | ➡ Display this record De plus en plus de femmes demandent à accoucher par césarienne en l’absence d’indication médicale, et les médecins hésitent sur la manière de répondre… |
Hannah ME. (2004)
Planned elective cesarean section: A reasonable choice for some women? Commentary. CMAJ. 2004 Mar 2;170(5):813-814. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; breech presentation ; dystocy ; morbidity | easy
Texte en accès libre. // La méthodologie et les sous-entendus de cet article ont été vivement critiqués, ➡ more… |… |
543 | ➡ Display this record
Kariminia A, Chamberlain ME, Keogh J, Shea A. (2004)
Randomised controlled trial of effect of hands and knees posturing on incidence of occiput posterior position at birth. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:490. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; epidural ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy | hard |… |
537 | ➡ Display this record
Hashima J, Eden KB, Osterweil P, Nygren P, Guise J-M. (2004)
Predicting vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: A review of prognostic factors and screening tools. Review. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(2):547-555. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
533 | ➡ Display this record
Häger RME, Daltveit AK, Hofoss D, Nilsen ST, Kolaas T, Øian P, Henriksen T. (2004)
Complications of cesarean deliveries: Rates and risk factors. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(2):428-434. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage ; dilation | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
531 | ➡ Display this record
Sisk JE, Lennarson Greer A, Wojtowycz M, Pincus LB, Aubry RH. (2004)
Implementing evidence-based practice: evaluation of an opinion leader strategy to improve breast-feeding rates. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(2):413-421. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breastfeeding | easy | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
528 | ➡ Display this record
Richmond JR, Krishnamoorthy P, Andermann E, Benjamin A. (2004)
Epilepsy and pregnancy: an obstetric perspective. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(2):371-379. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; post-term pregnancy ; induction of labor | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
527 | ➡ Display this record
Klebanoff MA, Hauth JC, MacPherson CA, et al. (2004)
Time course of the regression of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy with and without treatment. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(2):363-370. ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
499 | ➡ Display this record
Basevi V, Lavender T. (2004)
Routine perineal shaving on admission in labour (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2004 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; morbidity | easy |… |
474 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The main arguments against fully informing patients are that “It’s too difficult, costly, and time consuming.” But they are neither evidence based nor politically sustainable. |
Smith R. (2004)
Editor’s choice. Abusing patients by denying them choice. The British Medical Journal, 328 (14 February) ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; midwife ; deontology ; informed consent | easy
Editorial de 2004 dans BMJ. Concerne la santé en général, sur l’exemple du dépistage du cancer ➡ more… Related records : #3059 |…… |
465 | ➡ Display this record
Evens K, George J, Angst D, Schweig L. (2004)
Does Umbilical Cord Care in Preterm Infants Influence Cord Bacterial Colonization or Detachment? Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(2):100-104. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; newborn care | easy |… |
463 | ➡ Display this record
Driggers RW, Holcroft CJ, Blakemore KJ, Graham EM. (2004)
An Amniotic Fluid Index 5 cm Within 7 Days of Delivery in the Third Trimester Is Not Associated with Decreasing Umbilical Arterial pH and Base Excess. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(2):72-76. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; fetal distress ; morbidity | hard |… |
461 | ➡ Display this record
Petersen C, Wisborg K, Hjort J, Secher NJ. (2004)
Eating disorder that was diagnosed before pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(1):206-10. ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; psychology ; diet/nutrition | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
458 | ➡ Display this record Le risque de césarienne est multiplié par 12.4 pour une nullipare ayant dépassé 41 semaines d’âge gestationnel avec un bébé en vertex, s’il n’est pas encore engagé. |
Shin KS, Brubaker KL, Ackerson LM. (2004)
Risk of cesarean delivery in nulliparous women at greater than 41 weeks’ gestational age with an unengaged vertex. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(1):129-34. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; induction of labor ; dystocy ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
457 | ➡ Display this record Essai comparatif randomisé de deux protocoles de gestion active du travail en présence d’un col défavorable |
Bolnick JM, Velazquez MD, Gonzalez JL, Rappaport VJ, McIlwain-Dunivan G, Rayburn WF. (2004)
Randomized trial between two active labor management protocols in the presence of an unfavorable cervix. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(1):124-28. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
456 | ➡ Display this record
Sameshima H, Ikenoue T, Ikeda T, Kamitomo M, Ibara S. (2004)
Unselected low-risk pregnancies and the effect of continuous intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring on umbilical blood gases and cerebral palsy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(1):118-23. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; fetal distress ; monitoring | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
455 | ➡ Display this record
Porreco RP, Boehm FH, Dildy GA, Miller HS, Wickstrom EA, Garite TJ, Swedlow D. (2004)
Dystocia in nulliparous patients monitored with fetal pulse oximetry. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(1):113-17. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; fetal distress ; dystocy ; monitoring ; oxytocin ; hormones | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
452 | ➡ Display this record
McNamara (2004)
If Second Twin Is Breech, Vaginal Delivery Still Safe. Ob.Gyn. News 2004;39(1):11. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; multiple pregnancy ; breech presentation ; dystocy ; morbidity | easy |… |
446 | ➡ Display this record
Kabir AA, Steinmann WC, Myers L, Khan MM, Herrera EA, Shenkang Yu, Jooma N. (2004)
Unnecessary cesarean delivery in Louisiana: an analysis of birth certificate data. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;190(1):10-19. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | easy | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
428 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Labouring in water under midwifery care may be an option for slow progress in labour, reducing the need for obstetric intervention, and offering an alternative pain management strategy. |
Cluett ER, Pickering RM, Getliffe K, St George Saunders NJ. (2004)
Randomised controlled trial of labouring in water compared with standard of augmentation for management of dystocia in first stage of labour. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:314. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; amniotomy ; instrumental delivery ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; epidural ; rupture of membranes ; pain ; dystocy ; hormones ; dilation ; morbidity | hard |…… |
427 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
Bahl R, Strachan B, Murphy DJ. (2004)
Outcome of subsequent pregnancy three years after previous operative delivery in the second stage of labour: cohort study. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:311. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; traumatism ; post-traumatic stress ; psychology ; instrumental delivery | hard |… |
421 | ➡ Display this record
Prasmusinto D, Skrablin S, Fimmers R, van der Ven K. (2004)
Ethnic differences in the association of factor V Leiden mutation and the C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphism with preeclampsia. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;112(2):162-169. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; eclampsia (pre-) | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
418 | ➡ Display this record
Ngwenya S, Lindow W. (2004)
24 hour rhythm in the timing of pre-labour spontaneous rupture of membranes at term. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004;112(2):151-153. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
412 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Singleton pregnancies from assisted reproduction have a significantly worse perinatal outcome than non-assisted singleton pregnancies, but this is less so for twin pregnancies. |
Helmerhorst FM, Perquin DAM, Donker D, Keirse MJNC. (2004)
Perinatal outcome of singletons and twins after assisted conception: a systematic review of controlled studies. Revue. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:261. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; multiple pregnancy ; perinatal death rates ; IVF in vitro fertilisation | easy |…… |
377 | ➡ Display this record
Ellsbury DL, Acarregui MJ, McGuinness GA, Eastman DL, Klein JM. (2004)
Controversy Surrounding the Use of Home Oxygen for Premature Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Journal of Perinatalogy 2004;24(1):36-40. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; newborn care | hard |… |
376 | ➡ Display this record
Kotto-Kome AC, Garcia MG, Calhoun DA, Christensen RD. (2004)
Effect of Beginning Recombinant Erythropoietin Treatment Within the First Week of Life, Among Very-Low-Birth-Weight Neonates, on "Early" and "Late" Erythrocyte Transfusions: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Perinatalogy 2004;24(1):24-29. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care | hard |… |
360 | ➡ Display this record
Boyd PA, Tondi F, Hicks NR, Chamberlain PF. (2004)
Autopsy after termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly: retrospective cohort study. The British Medical Journal 2004;328:137. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; foetus growth ; ultrasound scanning | hard |… |
319 | ➡ Display this record
Waltman PA, Brewer JM, Rogers BP, May WL. (2004)
Building evidence for practice: A pilot study of newborn bulb suctioning at birth. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2004;49(1):32. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care | hard |… |
282 | ➡ Display this record
Gol M, Baloglu A, Aydin Ç, Ova L, Yensel U, Karci L. (2004)
Does manual removal of the placenta affect operative blood loss during cesarean section? European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2004;112(1):57-60. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
279 | ➡ Display this record
Kiss H, Widhalma A, Geusaub A, Hussleina P. (2004)
Universal antenatal screening for syphilis: is it still justified economically? A 10-year retrospective analysis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology . 2004;112(1):24-28. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
59 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record L’épisiotomie systématique remise en question |
Carroli G, Belizan J (2004)
Episiotomy for vaginal birth (Cochrane Review) The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2004. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; dyspareunia ; scars ; episiotomy | hard
Copie électronique disponible. |… |
1956 | ➡ Display this record
Sanchez-Ramos L, Hsieh E. (2003)
Pharmacologic methods for cervical ripening and labor induction. Review. {USA}. Curr Womens Health Rep. 2003 Feb;3(1):55-60. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1936 | ➡ Display this record
Hofmeyr GJ, Gulmezoglu AM. (2003)
Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Méta-analyse. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(1):CD000941. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; c-section/caesarean ; prevention ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; epidural ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1935 | ➡ Display this record
Goldberg AB, Wing DA. (2003)
Induction of labor: the misoprostol controversy. Review. {USA}. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2003 Jul-Aug;48(4):244-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; law ; risk of litigation ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; maternal age ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1933 | ➡ Display this record
Kelly AJ, Kavanagh J, Thomas J. (2003)
Vaginal prostaglandin (PGE2 and PGF2a) for induction of labour at term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(4):CD003101. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1904 | ➡ Display this record
Lokugamage AU, Forsyth SF, Sullivan KR, El Refaey H, Rodeck CH. (2003)
Randomized trial in multiparous patients: investigating a single vs. two-dose regimen of intravaginal misoprostol for induction of labor.{UK}. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2003 Feb;82(2):138-42. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1123 | ➡ Display this record Moins de douleur en position assise par rapport à la position sur le dos. |
Adachi K, Shimada M, Usui A. (2003)
The relationship between the parturient’s positions and perceptions of labor pain intensity. Nurs Res. 2003 Jan-Feb;52(1):47-51. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; pain | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
940 | ➡ Display this record
Ohkuchi A, Onagawa T, Usui R, Koike T, Hiratsuka M, Izumi A, Ohkusa T, Matsubara S, Sato I, Suzuki M, Minakami H. (2003)
Effect of maternal age on blood loss during parturition: a retrospective multivariate analysis of 10,053 cases. J Perinat Med. 2003;31(3):209-15. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; instrumental delivery ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal age | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
939 | ➡ Display this record
Jolly MC, Sebire NJ, Harris JP, Regan L, Robinson S. (2003)
Risk factors for macrosomia and its clinical consequences: a study of 350,311 pregnancies. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2003 Nov 10;111(1):9-14. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; gestational diabetes ; postpartum hemorrhage ; fetal distress ; morbidity ; instrumental delivery | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
870 | ➡ Display this record Cet article propose une méthode de classification des pertes foetales après différents types d’examens prénataux invasifs, qui pourrait être utile pour faire des comparaisons entre diverses unités de soins ou diverses méthodes de consultation. |
Nanal R, Kyle P, Soothill PW. (2003)
A classification of pregnancy losses after invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures: an approach to allow comparison of units with a different case mix. Prenat Diagn. 2003 Jun;23(6):488-92. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; amniocentesis ; screening ; miscarriage ; trisomy | hard | http://www3.interscience.… |
868 | ➡ Display this record L’amniocentèse au 2nd trimestre augmente le risque de fausse-couches de 1%, mais est moins risquée qu’au 1er trimestre. |
Alfirevic Z, Sundberg K, Brigham S. (2003)
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling for prenatal diagnosis. Cochrane Review. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(3):CD003252. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; amniocentesis ; screening ; miscarriage ; trisomy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
867 | ➡ Display this record L’amniocentèse au 2nd trimestre augmente le risque de naissances prématurées, spontanées ou déclenchées. |
Medda E, Donati S, Spinelli A, Di Renzo GC; EUROPOP. (2003)
Genetic amniocentesis: a risk factor for preterm delivery? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2003 Oct 10;110(2):153-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; amniocentesis ; screening ; trisomy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
866 | ➡ Display this record Un modèle de prise de décision optimale pour mettre en balance les risques et bénéfices des tests biochimiques de dépistage d’anomalies chromosomiques |
Felder S, Werblow A, Robra BP. (2003)
A priori risk and optimal test accuracy in prenatal diagnostics. Med Decis Making. 2003 Sep-Oct;23(5):406-13. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; amniocentesis ; screening ; miscarriage ; maternal age ; trisomy | hard | http://hermia.ingentasele… |
808 | ➡ Display this record
Schlomer G, Gross M, Meyer G. (2003)
[Effectiveness of liberal vs. conservative episiotomy in vaginal delivery with reference to preventing urinary and fecal incontinence: a systematic review] Wien Med Wochenschr. 2003;153(11-12):269-75. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
795 | ➡ Display this record Plus de déchirures sévères lorsque l’accouchement est en dépassement de terme, déclenché avec macrosomie foetale, utilisation de la péridurale, extraction instrumentale (notamment forceps), ou simplement conduit par un obstétricien. |
Gupta N, Kiran TU, Mulik V, Bethel J, Bhal K. (2003)
The incidence, risk factors and obstetric outcome in primigravid women sustaining anal sphincter tears. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2003 Aug;82(8):736-43. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; induction of labor ; instrumental delivery ; epidural ; forceps delivery ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.blackwell-syne… |
794 | ➡ Display this record La meilleure recommandation est de laisser les femmes accoucher dans la position qu’elles souhaitent. |
Bodner-Adler B, Bodner K, Kimberger O, Lozanov P, Husslein P, Mayerhofer K. (2003)
Women’s position during labour: influence on maternal and neonatal outcome. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2003 Oct 31;115(19-20):720-3. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; maternal age ; episiotomy ; oxytocin ; epidural ; active management of labor ; hormones | hard | |
600 | ➡ Display this record
Hofmeyr GJ, Hannah ME. (2003)
Planned caesarean section for term breech delivery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(3):CD000166. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; dystocy ; breech presentation ; morbidity ; perinatal death rates | easy
Cette étude a été réfutée en 2006 par un des auteurs (Glezerman), voir fiche 1939 | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
599 | ➡ Display this record
Su M, McLeod L, Ross S, Willan A, Hannah WJ, Hutton E, Hewson S, Hannah ME; Term Breech Trial Collaborative Group. (2003)
Factors associated with adverse perinatal outcome in the Term Breech Trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Sep;189(3):740-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breech presentation ; dystocy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
597 | ➡ Display this record
Hellsten C, Lindqvist PG, Olofsson P. (2003)
Vaginal breech delivery: is it still an option? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2003 Dec 10;111(2):122-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; breech presentation ; dystocy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
506 | ➡ Display this record La grande multiparité n’est pas un facteur de risque indépendant et ne justifie donc pas de protocole particulier. (Etude australienne sur 15 908 femmes) |
Humphrey MD. (2003)
Is grand multiparity an independent predictor of pregnancy risk? A retrospective observational study. Medical Journal of Australia 2003; 179 (6): 294-296 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage ; perinatal death rates | hard |… |
401 | ➡ Display this record
Khan RU, El-Refaey H. (2003)
Pharmacokinetics and adverse-effect profile of rectally administered misoprostol in the third stage of labor. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;101(5):968-974. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; active management of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
400 | ➡ Display this record Comparison between the use of oral misoprostol and that of conventional oxytocics. (Randomized trial of 1574 patients) The group receiving only oral misoprostol had 9% postpartum haemorrhage, compared with 3% for other groups who received oxytocin intravenously. |
Eray Ali Kan, Dilbaz B, Meydanli MM, Öztürk N, Narin MA, Haberal A. (2003)
Oral misoprostol for the third stage of labor: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;101(5):921-928. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; postpartum hemorrhage ; hormones ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor | hard | |
399 | ➡ Display this record
Ponkey SE, Cohen AP, Heffner LJ, Lieberman E. (2003)
Persistent fetal occiput posterior position: obstetric outcomes. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;101(5):915-920. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; infections ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; maternal age ; instrumental delivery ; oxytocin ; epidural ; active management of labor ; hormones | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
394 | ➡ Display this record
Andrews WW, Sibai BM, Thom EA, et al. (2003)
Randomized clinical trial of metronidazole plus erythromycin to prevent spontaneous preterm delivery in fetal fibronectin?positive women. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;101(5):847-855. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; screening ; maternal age | hard
Pourquoi donc essayer des antibiotiques ??? Ce n’est pas a priori infectieux. | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
385 | ➡ Display this record
Callaghan WM, Berg CJ. (2003)
Pregnancy-related mortality among women aged 35 years and older, United States, 1991?1997. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;102(5):1015-1021. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; screening ; perinatal death rates ; maternal age | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
384 | ➡ Display this record
Gilbert WM , Hicks SM, Boe NM, Danielsen B. (2003)
Vaginal versus cesarean delivery for breech presentation in California: a population-based study. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003;102(5):911-917. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; breech presentation ; dystocy ; morbidity | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
368 | ➡ Display this record
Ehrenberg HM, Dierker L, Milluzzi C, Mercer BM. (2003)
Low maternal weight, failure to thrive in pregnancy, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;189(6):1726-1730. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; maternal age ; perineal/vaginal tears ; maternal weight ; foetus growth ; episiotomy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
367 | ➡ Display this record
Catalano PM, Thomas A, Huston-Presley L, Amini SB. (2003)
Increased fetal adiposity: A very sensitive marker of abnormal in utero development. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;189(6):1698-1704. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; screening ; gestational diabetes ; maternal age | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
364 | ➡ Display this record The available evidence does not support cerclage for a sonographically detected short cervix. |
Belej-Rak T, Okun N, Windrim R, Ross S, Hannah ME. (2003)
Effectiveness of cervical cerclage for a sonographically shortened cervix: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;189(6):1679-1687. ➡ Display this record ➡ cerclage ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; premature baby ; guidelines ; maternal age ; screening ; ultrasound scanning ; morbidity ; perinatal death rates ; informed consent | hard | https://www.sciencedirect…… |
361 | ➡ Display this record
Fenner DE, Genberg B, Brahma P, Marek L, DeLancey JOL. (2003)
Fecal and urinary incontinence after vaginal delivery with anal sphincter disruption in an obstetrics unit in the United States. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;189(6):1543-1549. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
293 | ➡ Display this record Les interventions ayant une influence sur la durée du travail s’influencent mutuellement. On ne peut donc pas les étudier comme des variables séparées. |
Gross MM, Antes G. (2003)
[Scientific evidence on labor duration from systematic reviews] [Article in German] Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie. 2003 Jan-Feb;207(1):17-23. ➡ Display this record ➡ attendance ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; IV ; epidural ; rupture of membranes ; amniotomy ; active management of labor | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
289 | ➡ Display this record Combien de temps attendre avant de déclencher après une rupture spontanée des membranes, sur un col favorable?
Crane JM, Young DC. (2003)
Induction of labour with a favourable cervix and/or pre-labour rupture of membranes. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2003 Oct;17(5):795-809. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; exams during labor ; oxytocin ; epidural ; rupture of membranes ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; monitoring ; maternal age ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
286 | ➡ Display this record
Barker D. (2003)
The midwife, the coincidence, and the hypothesis. The British Medical Journal. 2003;327:1428-1430. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; diet/nutrition | easy |…
285 | ➡ Display this record
Newman TB. (2003)
The power of stories over statistics. The British Medical Journal. 2003;327:1424-1427. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care | easy |… |
284 | ➡ Display this record
McKenna DS, Ester JB, Fischer JR. (2003)
Elective cesarean delivery for women with a previous anal sphincter rupture. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2003;189(5):1251-56. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; morbidity | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
265 | ➡ Display this record
Raisler J, O’Grady M, Lori J. (2003)
Clinical teaching and learning in midwifery and women’s health. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. 2003;48(6):398. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; midwife | easy |… |
258 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The overall objective of the EDEN study was to examine the relations and potential interactions between maternal exposures and health status during pregnancy, fetal development, health status of the infant at birth and the child’s health and development. |
IFR 69 INSERM (2003)
Etude EDEN : Déterminants pré et post natals du développement de la santé de l’enfant ➡ Display this record ➡ survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; iatrogeny ; foetus growth | easy Related records : #2884 |… |
6 | ➡ Display this record
UK Midwifery Archives (2003)
Episiotomy. Extracts from discussions held on the UK Midwives and Consumers email list. (Internet) ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; episiotomy | easy
Voir aussi la bibliographie: | http://www.radmid.demon.c… |
2069 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record The standard of care in Canada now is assumed to be routine induction at 41 weeks. This commentary is intended to give pause to those who have accepted and adopted this standard. |
Savas M. Menticoglou, Philip F. Hall (2002)
Routine induction of labour at 41 weeks of gestation: nonsensus consensus. BJOG, 2002 May;109(5): 485-491 ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy
| hard Related records : #2018 #2015 #2070 #2067 #2010 #2017 #2064 #2984 #3037 #3038 #3039 | https://obgyn.onlinelibra…… |
1963 | ➡ Display this record
Sanchez-Ramos L, Kaunitz AM, Delke I. (2002)
Labor induction with 25 microg versus 50 microg intravaginal misoprostol: a systematic review. {USA}. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Jan;99(1):145-51. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1961 | ➡ Display this record
Blanchard K, Clark S, Winikoff B, Gaines G, Kabani G, Shannon C. (2002)
Misoprostol for women’s health: a review. Review. {Afrique du Sud}. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Feb;99(2):316-32. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1960 | ➡ Display this record
Stitely ML, Satin AJ. (2002)
Cervical ripening agents and uterine stimulants. Review. {USA}. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Mar;45(1):114-24. ➡ Display this record ➡ history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1959 | ➡ Display this record
Bechard de Spirlet M. (2002)
[Use of misoprostol in gynecology and obstetrics]. Review. {France}. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2002 Apr;30(4):317-324. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1958 | ➡ Display this record
Wing DA. (2002)
A benefit-risk assessment of misoprostol for cervical ripening and labour induction. Review. {USA}. Drug Saf. 2002;25(9):665-76. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1357 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Plus de risques pour les bébés lors des AADs dans l’état de Washington. Etude largement controversée. |
Pang JW, Heffelfinger JD, Huang GJ, Benedetti TJ, Weiss NS. (2002)
Outcomes of planned home births in Washington State: 1989-1996. {USA}. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Aug;100(2):253-9. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; planned homebirth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; fetal distress ; postpartum hemorrhage ; hormones ; perinatal death rates | hard
Text intégral en accès libre. // Plus de risques pour les bébés lors des AADs dans l’état de Washington. ➡ more… |… http://i http://rths |
1356 | ➡ Display this record
Parratt J, Johnston J. (2002)
Planned homebirths in Victoria, 1995-1998. {Australie}. Aust J Midwifery. 2002;15(2):16-25. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; homebirth ; planned homebirth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage | hard
Traduction Paula M. relecture E.Phan | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.… |
1298 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Dans cette etude le massage perineal antepartum n’a aucun effet sur l’etat du perinee.
Bodner-Adler B, Bodner K, Mayerhofer K. (2002)
Perineal massage during pregnancy in primiparous women. Brief communication. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2002 Jul;78(1):51-3. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1297 | ➡ Display this record The study presents a literature review on the benefits and risk of the routine episiotomy during the second stage of labour. |
Korczynski J. (2002)
[Routine episiotomy in modern obstetrics. Is it necessary?] [Article in Polish]. Przegl Lek. 2002;59(2):95-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ alternative birth ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy | hard | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.… |
1220 | ➡ Display this record Les femmes sous péridurale ambulatoire en profitent effectivement pour bouger et ont une seconde phase du travail plus courte. |
Golara M, Plaat F, Shennan AH. (2002)
Upright versus recumbent position in the second stage of labour in women with combined spinal-epidural analgesia. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2002 Jan;11(1):19-22. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; epidural | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1124 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Revue des facteurs obstétriques optimaux pendant le second stade, en particulier les positions de la femme et le réflexe de poussée. Réflexion sur ces facteurs en cas de péridurale. |
Roberts JE. (2002)
The "push" for evidence: management of the second stage. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2002 Jan-Feb;47(1):2-15. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; fetal distress ; epidural | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1101 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record La position et le type d’accoucheur, obstétricien ou sage-femme, ont une influence sur l’état du périnée. |
Shorten A, Donsante J, Shorten B. (2002)
Birth position, accoucheur, and perineal outcomes: informing women about choices for vaginal birth. Birth. 2002 Mar;29(1):18-27. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; guidelines ; physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; informed consent | hard | http://www.blackwell-syne… |
1084 | ➡ Display this record
Helen Stapleton, Mavis Kirkham, and Gwenan Thomas (2002)
Qualitative study of evidence based leaflets in maternity care BMJ 2002 324: 639. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; law ; risk of litigation | easy |… |
944 | ➡ Display this record
Reyal F, Deffarges J, Luton D, Blot P, Oury JF, Sibony O. (2002)
[Severe post-partum hemorrhage: descriptive study at the Robert-Debré Hospital maternity ward] J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2002 Jun;31(4):358-64. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; premature baby ; eclampsia (pre-) ; multiple pregnancy ; postpartum hemorrhage | hard
Texte en accès libre sur le web. |… |
943 | ➡ Display this record Rectal misoprostol is of equivalent efficacy to parenteral oxytocin for the prevention of primary postpartum hemorrhage. Rectal misoprostol is an appropriate uterotonic agent for routine management of the third stage of labour. |
Karkanis SG, Caloia D, Salenieks ME, Kingdom J, Walker M, Meffe F, Windrim R. (2002)
Randomized controlled trial of rectal misoprostol versus oxytocin in third stage management. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2002 Feb;24(2):149-54. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; postpartum hemorrhage ; hormones ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; oxytocin ; induction of labor | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
942 | ➡ Display this record The increased incidence of shivering and pyrexia that occurs with postpartum use of misoprostol persists up to 6 hours following delivery. Approximately 5% of women experience diarrhoea that starts after 1 hour and subsides within 12 hours. |
Lumbiganon P, Villar J, Piaggio G, Gulmezoglu AM, Adetoro L, Carroli G. (2002)
Side effects of oral misoprostol during the first 24 hours after administration in the third stage of labour. BJOG. 2002 Nov;109(11):1222-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; postpartum hemorrhage ; hormones ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; induction of labor | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
760 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record
Ellen Samuelsson, Lars Ladfors, Britta Gåreberg Lindblom AND Henrik Hagberg (2002)
A prospective observational study on tears during vaginal delivery: occurrences and risk factors Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologia Scandinavica Volume 81 Issue 1 Page 44 - January 2002 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears | hard
Copie électronique disponible. | http://www.blackwell-syne… |
507 | ➡ Display this record
Bai J, Wong FW, Bauman A, Mohsin M. (2002)
Parity and pregnancy outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Feb;186(2):274-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates ; morbidity ; maternal age | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
475 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record More and more routine interventions are being performed without evidence of their effectiveness, under pressure from the private sector, the forensic, without informed consent. Higher rates of normal childbirth would be achieved simply by changing beliefs and implementing the practice of evidence-based medicine. |
Johanson R, Newburn M, Macfarlane A. (2002)
Has the medicalisation of childbirth gone too far? The British Medical Journal 2002;324:892-895. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; duration of labour ; midwifery training ; history, sociology ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; psychology ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; IV ; epidural ; forceps delivery ; hormones ; monitoring ; perinatal death rates ; midwife ; deontology ; informed consent | easy Related records : #3059 |…… |
301 | ➡ Display this record Comparaison de l’amniotomie pratiquée immédiatement, ou après administration d’ocytocine, suite à la maturation du col avec un catheter de Foley |
Levy R, Ferber A, Ben-Arie A, Paz B, Hazan Y, Blickstein I, Hagay ZJ. (2002)
A randomised comparison of early versus late amniotomy following cervical ripening with a Foley catheter. BJOG. 2002 Feb;109(2):168-72. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; dystocy ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
298 | ➡ Display this record Comparison of efficacy and side effects of isosorbide mononitrate and misoprostol for cervical ripening |
Chanrachakul B, Herabutya Y, Punyavachira P. (2002)
Randomized trial of isosorbide mononitrate versus misoprostol for cervical ripening at term. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2002 Aug;78(2):139-45. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; amniotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; post-term pregnancy ; fetal distress ; dystocy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
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Wilson JH, Symon A. (2002)
Clinical Risk Management in Midwifery: the Right to a Perfect Baby. Eds. Reed Educational and Professional Publishing, Oxford, UK. 2002. $27.95, Softcover. ➡ Display this record ➡ midwifery training ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; law ; risk of litigation ; midwife | easy |… |
1964 | ➡ Display this record
Hofmeyr GJ. (2001)
Induction of labour with misoprostol. Review. {Afrique du Sud}. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Dec;13(6):577-81. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1962 | ➡ Display this record
Ginath S, Zakut HV. (2001)
Misoprostol--for cervical ripening? Review. {Israel}. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2001 Dec 1;99(2):152-3. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1912 | ➡ Display this record
Sciscione AC, Nguyen L, Manley J, Pollock M, Maas B, Colmorgen G. (2001)
A randomized comparison of transcervical Foley catheter to intravaginal misoprostol for preinduction cervical ripening. {USA}. Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Apr;97(4):603-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; c-section/caesarean ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1715 | ➡ Display this record
Choy-Hee L, Raynor BD. (2001)
Misoprostol induction of labor among women with a history of cesarean delivery. {USA}. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001 May;184(6):1115-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; postpartum hemorrhage ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard
Fiche importée de avec l’aide de Ken Turkowski, ➡ more… | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
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Viossat P, Pons JC. (2001)
[Birthing centers: review of the literature] [in french]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2001 Nov;30(7 Pt 1):680-7. ➡ Display this record ➡ place of birth ; birthing center birthing centers ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perinatal death rates | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1300 | ➡ Display this record
Labrecque M, EasonE. (2001)
Perineal massage in pregnancy. Letters. The British Medical Journal 2001;323:753. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears | hard |… |
1299 | ➡ Display this record Revue. L’analyse des etudes randomisees controllees montreraient que le massage ante-partum reduit l’incidence des dechirures perinéales et des épisiotomies, mais des etudes supplementaires seraient necessaires.
Vendittelli F, Tabaste JL, Janky E. (2001)
[Antepartum perineal massage: review of randomized trials] [article in French]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2001 Oct;30(6):565-71. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy | hard | |
948 | ➡ Display this record
Hoveyda F, MacKenzie IZ. (2001)
Secondary postpartum haemorrhage: incidence, morbidity and current management. BJOG. 2001 Sep;108(9):927-30. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; placenta previa/accreta ; postpartum hemorrhage ; morbidity | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
947 | ➡ Display this record Les femmes témoins de Jehovah ont un risque d’HPP de quelques 10 fois plus élevé que les autres, mais au vu résumé on ne comprend absolument pas pourquoi … |
Singla AK, Lapinski RH, Berkowitz RL, Saphier CJ. (2001)
Are women who are Jehovah’s Witnesses at risk of maternal death? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Oct;185(4):893-5. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage ; perinatal death rates | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
798 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Study to determine the predictive factors of third and fourth degree perineal tears. Predictive factors: nulliparity, crouching position on low chair, maternal age > 35 years, baby points > 4000g, median episiotomy, oxytocin acceleration and birth between 3am and 6am. |
Jander C, Lyrenas S. (2001)
Third and fourth degree perineal tears. Predictor factors in a referral hospital. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2001 Mar;80(3):229-34. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; maternal age ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; hormones ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) | hard | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
797 | ➡ Display this record L’épisiotomie ne protège pas des déchirures sévères. |
Bodner K, Bodner-Adler B, Wagenbichler P, Kaider A, Leodolter S, Husslein P, Mayerhofer K. (2001)
Perineal lacerations during spontaneous vaginal delivery. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2001 Oct 15;113(19):743-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
796 | ➡ Display this record
Bodner-Adler B, Bodner K, Kaider A, Wagenbichler P, Leodolter S, Husslein P, Mayerhofer K. (2001)
Risk factors for third-degree perineal tears in vaginal delivery, with an analysis of episiotomy types. J Reprod Med. 2001 Aug;46(8):752-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; oxytocin ; active management of labor ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; hormones | hard
Copie papier disponible. | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
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Granger ACP, Underwood R. (2001)
Review of the role of progesterone in the management of postnatal mood disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001;22(1). ➡ Display this record ➡ depression, anxiety ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; prevention | easy | |
444 | ➡ Display this record
Berg SJ, Wynne-Edwards KE. (2001)
Changes in testosterone, cortisol, and estradiol levels in men becoming fathers. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001 Jun;76(6):582-92. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; father ; maternal age | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
313 | ➡ Display this record Comparaison de l’utilisation du misoprostol par voie orale et vaginale pour le déclenchement à terme |
Kwon JS, Davies GA, Mackenzie VP. (2001)
A comparison of oral and vaginal misoprostol for induction of labour at term: a randomised trial. BJOG, International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2001 Jan;108(1):23-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; rupture of membranes ; amniotomy ; active management of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) | hard | |
310 | ➡ Display this record Le déchirement des membranes lors d’un examen vaginal favorise le déclenchement de l’accouchement mais ne produit pas de résultat clinique intéressant. |
Boulvain M, Stan C, Irion O. (2001)
Membrane sweeping for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD000451. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; induction of labor ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; post-term pregnancy | easy
Note de FB : on doit aussi considérer l’inconfort d’autres méthodes de déclenchement. |… |
309 | ➡ Display this record L’utilisation du misoprostol par voie orale pour le déclenchement |
Alfirevic Z. (2001)
Oral misoprostol for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD001338. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; induction of labor ; monitoring ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; amniotomy ; active management of labor ; morbidity ; post-term pregnancy ; misoprostol (Cytotec) | easy |… |
308 | ➡ Display this record Effets de la prostaglandine E2 par voie orale pour le déclenchement |
French L. (2001)
Oral prostaglandin E2 for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD003098. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; induction of labor ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; amniotomy ; active management of labor ; post-term pregnancy | easy |… |
307 | ➡ Display this record
Aveline C, Bonnet F. (2001)
Influence de l’anesthésie péridurale sur la durée et les modalités de l’accouchement. [Effects of epidural anesthesia on labor and delivery]. Annales Françaises d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation. 2001 May;20(5):471-84. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; dystocy ; instrumental delivery ; pain medication ; oxytocin ; epidural ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; pain | easy | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
305 | ➡ Display this record Injection intraveineuse d’ocytocines (sans amniotomie) pour la maturation du col ou le déclenchement |
Kelly AJ, Tan B. (2001)
Intravenous oxytocin alone for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(3):CD003246. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; post-term pregnancy | easy |… |
304 | ➡ Display this record L’amniotomie associée aux ocytocines en intraveineuse pour le déclenchement multiplie par plis de cinq le risque d’hémorragie post-partum, en comparaison avec l’administration vaginale de prostaglandines. |
Howarth GR, Botha DJ. (2001)
Amniotomy plus intravenous oxytocin for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(3):CD003250. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; induction of labor ; instrumental delivery ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; postpartum hemorrhage ; post-term pregnancy | easy
Je suis pas sure que c’est tout public, mais je mets systematiquement les // Cochrane Review en Tout ➡ more… |… |
303 | ➡ Display this record Faut-il utiliser les oestrogènes seuls, ou en association avec l’amniotomie, pour la maturation du col ou le déclenchement? |
Thomas J, Kelly AJ, Kavanagh J. (2001)
Oestrogens alone or with amniotomy for cervical ripening or induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD003393. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; duration of labour ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; fetal distress ; instrumental delivery ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; monitoring ; post-term pregnancy | easy |… |
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Gerbelli, C. (2001)
La péridurale. Mémoire présenté au Baccalauréat en pratique sage-femme, Université du Québec à Trois Rivières. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; epidural | easy | http://portail.naissance.… |
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Jouatte F, Subtil D, Marquis P, Plennevaux J-L, Puech F. (2000)
Déclenchement du travail d’indication médicale : comparaison du misoprostol intravaginal avec une prostaglandine E2 administrée par voie intraveineuse. {France}. Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et de biologie de la reproduction 2000;29:763 -771 ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; fetal distress ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | |
1973 | ➡ Display this record
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Use of misoprostol in obstetrics and gynecology. {Australie}. Revue. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2000 Aug;55(8):503-10. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; active management of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; abortion | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1918 | ➡ Display this record
Katz VL, Farmer RM, Dean CA, Carpenter ME. (2000)
Use of misoprostol for cervical ripening. {USA}. South Med J. 2000 Sep;93(9):881-4. ➡ Display this record ➡ vaginal birth after caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; c-section/caesarean ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy ; dilation | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1304 | ➡ Display this record Lorsque l’on comptabilise les dechirures visibles, le massage perineal pendant la grossesse semble proteger le perinee, au moins pour les primipares. Mais lorsque l’on considere la douleur, la dyspareunie, et les incontinences, a 3 mois post-partum, ce massage n’a aucun effet.
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Randomized trial of perineal massage during pregnancy: perineal symptoms three months after delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2000 Jan;182(1 Pt 1):76-80. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; perineal/vaginal tears ; pain ; dyspareunia ; incontinence/prolapsus | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1302 | ➡ Display this record L’analyse de 368 accouchements a domicile que le massage perineal pendant la grossesse est utile pour les primipares et les multipares ayant eu une episiotomie precedemment.
Davidson K, Jacoby S, Brown MS. (2000)
Prenatal perineal massage: preventing lacerations during delivery. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; perineal/vaginal tears ; maternal age ; episiotomy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1206 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Women should be encouraged to give birth in the position they find most comfortable. |
Gupta JK, Nikodem VC. (2000)
Woman’s position during second stage of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD002006. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; dilation ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; fetal distress ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1196 | ➡ Display this record Lateral or posterior position of the presenting part of the fetus was less likely to persist following 10 minutes in the hands and knees position compared to a sitting position |
Hofmeyr GJ, Kulier R. (2000)
Hands/knees posture in late pregnancy or labour for fetal malposition (lateral or posterior). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD001063. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; physiology ; pain ; dystocy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
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Giacalone PL, Vignal J, Daures JP, Boulot P, Hedon B, Laffargue F. (2000)
A randomised evaluation of two techniques of management of the third stage of labour in women at low risk of postpartum haemorrhage. BJOG. 2000 Mar;107(3):396-400. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage | hard
Avec un risque de HPP de environ 1% et un echantillon de 200 femmes on voit // mal qu’ils puissent ➡ more… | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
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The effect of grandmultiparity on pregnancy related complications: the Aga Khan University experience. J Pak Med Assoc. 2000 Feb;50(2):54-8. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; postpartum hemorrhage | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
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Feerasta SH, Motiei A, Motiwala S, Zuberi NF. (2000)
Uterine atony at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan: a risk factor analysis. J Pak Med Assoc. 2000 Apr;50(4):132-6. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; gestational diabetes ; postpartum hemorrhage ; maternal age | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
953 | ➡ Display this record
Eggebo TM, Gjessing LK. (2000)
[Hemorrhage after vaginal delivery]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2000 Oct 10;120(24):2860-3. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; perineal/vaginal tears ; postpartum hemorrhage ; induction of labor ; episiotomy ; oxytocin ; epidural ; multiple pregnancy ; post-term pregnancy ; morbidity | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
800 PDF (public) | ➡ Display this record Perineal oedema, poor ocular surveillance of perineum, deficient perineal protection during delivery, protracted final phase of the second stage, parity and high infant weight all constitute independent risk factors for anal sphincter tear. |
Samuelsson E, Ladfors L, Wennerholm UB, Gareberg B, Nyberg K, Hagberg H. (2000)
Anal sphincter tears: prospective study of obstetric risk factors. BJOG. 2000 Jul;107(7):926-31. ➡ Display this record ➡ duration of labour ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; perineal/vaginal tears ; episiotomy ; active management of labor ; oxytocin ; epidural ; hormones ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) | hard
E.Phan: l’abstract me semble contenir des donnée non claires ou contradictoires. Il faudrait relire ➡ more… | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.…… |
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[Postpartum sphincter rupture and anal incontinence: prospective study with 259 patients] Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2000 Jan;28(1):15-22. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; perineal/vaginal tears ; incontinence/prolapsus ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
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Fraser WD, Turcot L, Krauss I, Brisson-Carrol G. (2000)
Amniotomy for shortening spontaneous labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000; (2): CD000015. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; duration of labour ; fetal distress ; morbidity ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; hormones | easy | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
405 | ➡ Display this record Comparaison du trinitrate de glycérine et de la prostaglandine E2 pour la maturation du col à terme. |
Chanrachakul B, Herabutya Y, Punyavachira P. (2000)
Randomized comparison of glyceryl trinitrate and prostaglandin E2 for cervical ripening at term. Obstet Gynecol. 2000 Oct; 96(4): 549-53. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; induction of labor ; ripening of cervix ; oxytocin ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; amniotomy ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.sciencedirect.… |
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Murray Enkin, Marc J.N.C. Keirse, James Neilson, Caroline Crowther, Lelia Duley, Ellen Hodnett and Justus Hofmeyr. (2000)
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Oxford University Press, 2000. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; position during labor ; premature baby ; newborn care ; physiology ; hormones ; duration of labour ; perineal/vaginal tears ; gestational diabetes ; diet/nutrition ; pain ; induction of labor ; post-term pregnancy ; fetal distress ; dystocy ; ultrasound scanning ; episiotomy ; instrumental delivery ; pain medication ; oxytocin ; IV ; epidural ; rupture of membranes ; active management of labor ; forceps delivery ; vacuum extraction (ventouse) ; monitoring | easy
Entierement disponible sur le web !!! (anglais) | http://www.maternitywise.… |
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Didierjean-Jouveau, Claude (2000)
Pour une naissance a visage humain. Paris: Jouvence ➡ Display this record ➡ infections ; newborn care ; breastfeeding ; c-section/caesarean ; place of birth ; homebirth ; traumatism ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; psychology ; physiology ; induction of labor ; ultrasound scanning ; episiotomy ; exams during labor ; epidural ; instrumental delivery ; forceps delivery ; monitoring ; dystocy ; breech presentation ; post-term pregnancy | easy |… |
1976 | ➡ Display this record
Hofmeyr GJ, Gulmezoglu AM, Alfirevic Z. (1999)
Misoprostol for induction of labour: a systematic review. {Afrique du Sud}. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1999 Aug;106(8):798-803. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1975 | ➡ Display this record
Wing DA. (1999)
Labor induction with misoprostol. {USA}. Revue. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999 Aug;181(2):339-45. ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; prevention ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1919 | ➡ Display this record
Chiesa Moutandou-Mboumba S, Mounanga M, Mayi S. (1999)
Déclenchement artificiel du travail par le misoprostol en intravaginal. {Gabon}. Médecine d’Afrique Noire 1999;46(12). ➡ Display this record ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.santetropicale… |
1917 | ➡ Display this record
Bique C, Bugalho A, Bergstrom S. (1999)
Labor induction by vaginal misoprostol in grand multiparous women. {Mozambique}. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1999 Mar;78(3):198-201. ➡ Display this record ➡ c-section/caesarean ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; induction of labor ; misoprostol (Cytotec) ; post-term pregnancy | hard | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g… |
1285 PDF (private) | ➡ Display this record Les soins prénataux diffèrent d’un service à un autre en Europe (tests sérologiques, touchers vaginaux, échographie, etc…). Ces soins reflètent don |