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Bibliographical entry (without author) : | Neonatal Research and the Validity of Informed Consent Obtained in the Perinatal Period. Journal of Perinatology 2004;24(7): 409-415. |
Author(s) : | Ballard HO, Shook LA, Desai NS, Anand KJS. |
Year of publication : | 2004 |
URL(s) : | https://www.nature.com/articles/7211142 |
Résumé (français) : |
Abstract (English) : | BACKGROUND: Consent for participation in clinical research is considered valid if it is informed, understood, and voluntary. In the case of minors, parents give permission for their child to participate in research studies after being presented with all information needed to make an informed decision. Although informed consent is a vital component of clinical research, there is little information evaluating its validity in neonatal intensive-care populations. The objective of this project was to determine the validity of informed consent obtained from parents of infants enrolled in the multicenter randomized research study, neurologic outcomes and pre-emptive analgesia in the neonate (NEOPAIN). |
Sumário (português) : |
Resumen (español) : |
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Comments : | |
Argument (français) : | Pour maximiser la validité du consentement dans la population prénatale et périnatale, tout devrait être mis en œuvre pour inclure les mères dans le processus de consentement. |
Argument (English): | To maximize validity of consent in the antenatal/perinatal population every effort should be made to include mothers in the consent process. |
Argumento (português): | Para maximizar a validade do consentimento na população pré-natal e perinatal, todos os esforços devem ser feitos para incluir as mães no processo de consentimento. |
Argumento (español): |
Keywords : | ➡ evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; newborn care ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; deontology ; informed consent |
Author of this record : | Cécile Loup — 28 Jun 2004 |
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Pinned by #3059 | Marie-Laure Franeczek (2018). Violence obstétricale : essai de définition à partir de la littérature scientifique. Mémoire de gynécologie et obstétrique. ➡ https://ciane.net/id=3059 |
Discussion (display only in English) | ||
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