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Bibliographical entry (without author) : | L’impact du sexisme sur la qualité des soins en gynécologie. Mémoire de Master 2 Ethique du soin et recherche. Université de Toulouse. |
Author(s) : | Coline Gineste |
Year of publication : | 2017 |
URL(s) : | |
Résumé (français) : | La gynécologie dans sa pratique actuelle fait l’objet de nombreux questionnements. De plus en plus d’usagèr-e-s dénoncent les maltraitances subies, en particulier en obstétrique. Nous avons voulu nous pencher sur les raisons qui mènent à ces méfaits, nous avons en particulier posé l’hypothèse du sexisme. |
Abstract (English) : | Gynecology in its current practice is the subject of many questions. More and more users are denouncing the abuse suffered, especially in obstetrics. We wanted to look at the reasons that lead to these misdeeds, we have in particular posited the hypothesis of sexism. |
Sumário (português) : | Ginecologia na sua prática atual é o assunto de muitas questões. Mais e mais usuários estão denunciando o abuso sofrido, especialmente em obstetrícia. Queríamos olhar para as razões que levaram a esses delitos, em particular, colocamos a hipótese do sexismo. |
Resumen (español) : |
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Comments : | |
Argument (français) : | Analyse des influences du sexisme dans la qualité des soins en gynécologie et obstétrique par le biais de l’étude de différents types d’actes gynécologiques, et de leur intérêt médical. |
Argument (English): | Analysis of the influences of sexism in the quality of care in gynecology and obstetrics through the study of different types of gynecological acts, and their medical interest. |
Argumento (português): | Análise das influências do sexismo na qualidade do atendimento em ginecologia e obstetrícia através do estudo de diferentes tipos de atos ginecológicos, e seu interesse médico. |
Argumento (español): |
Keywords : | ➡ physiology ; position during labor ; public health ; sexuality ; obstetric and gynecologic violence obstetric violence, obstetrical violence ; episiotomy ; informed consent |
Author of this record : | Alison Passieux — 05 Aug 2019 |
Discussion (display all languages) | ||
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