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Bibliographical entry (without author) : | Perinatal mortality standards: construction and use of a health care performance indicator. BMJ, Volume 40, Issue 3. |
Author(s) : | E.G. Knox, R. Lancashire, E.H. Armstrong |
Year of publication : | 1986 |
URL(s) : | https://jech.bmj.com/content/40/3/193 |
Résumé (français) : |
Abstract (English) : | Perinatal mortality rates are an important index of the performance of perinatal health care services, but comparisons are confounded by variations in the prior risk status of the clienteles of different districts and different maternity units. A method of allowing for these differences has been devised. It is based jointly upon the exclusion of certain classes of birth, and on indirect standardisation for birthweight and a number of modifying factors. The method is described, tested, demonstrated, and proposed for more general use. |
Sumário (português) : |
Resumen (español) : |
Full text (public) : | |
Comments : | |
Argument (français) : | Les taux de mortalité périnatale sont un indice important de la performance des services de santé périnatale, mais les comparaisons sont confondues par les variations du statut de risque antérieur des clientèles de différents districts et de différentes maternités. |
Argument (English): | Perinatal mortality rates are an important index of the performance of perinatal health care services, but comparisons are confounded by variations in the prior risk status of the clienteles of different districts and different maternity units. |
Argumento (português): | As taxas de mortalidade perinatal são um índice importante do desempenho dos serviços de saúde perinatais, mas as comparações são confundidas por variações no status de risco anterior das clientelas de diferentes distritos e diferentes maternidades. |
Argumento (español): |
Keywords : | |
Author of this record : | Bernard Bel — 08 Jul 2018 |
Discussion (display only in English) | ||
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