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Bibliographical entry (without author) : | Etude EDEN : Déterminants pré et post natals du développement de la santé de l’enfant |
Author(s) : | IFR 69 INSERM |
Year of publication : | 2003 |
URL(s) : | |
Résumé (français) : | L’étude EDEN a pour but d’identifier les facteurs pré et postnatals précoces (facteurs d’exposition et d’état de santé maternels pendant la grossesse, développement du fœtus in utero, état de l’enfant à la naissance et dans les premiers mois de vie) qui influencent le développement et la santé ultérieure de l’enfant, et de comprendre les mécanismes de ces relations. Elle devrait permettre de mieux établir l’importance des déterminants précoces sur la santé des individus, en particulier en regard des nombreux facteurs d’environnement qui l’influencent au cours de l’enfance, puis de la vie adulte. |
Abstract (English) : | Barker’s hypothesis suggests that health in adulthood can be influenced by events occurring during the developmental period. 1 Studies from various parts of the world have shown associations between low birthweight with adult pathological conditions such as hypertension, insulin-resistance, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. In animals, experiments have also corroborated that events occurring at an early stage in an organism still immature, such as the fetus or the infant, can affect health later on. 2 During the late 1990s and early 2000s, more and more emphasis has been placed on the role of nutrition in the first months of life, in addition to or rather than prenatal nutrition and environmental pollutants, as a potential determinant of later health in humans. 3,4 The increase in the prevalence of obesity in most countries has also raised concerns as more and more young women enter pregnancy with excessive weight. Overweight in future mothers is a risk factor for gestational diabetes, a condition that has also been associated with obesity and glucose intolerance in the offspring later in life. 5 |
Sumário (português) : |
Resumen (español) : |
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Comments : | |
Argument (français) : | L’étude EDEN est la première Etude de cohorte généraliste, menée en France sur les Déterminants pré et post natals précoces du développement psychomoteur et de la santé de l’ENfant. |
Argument (English): | The overall objective of the EDEN study was to examine the relations and potential interactions between maternal exposures and health status during pregnancy, fetal development, health status of the infant at birth and the child’s health and development. |
Argumento (português): | O objetivo geral do estudo EDEN era examinar as relações e interações potenciais entre exposições maternas e estado de saúde durante a gravidez, o desenvolvimento fetal, o estado de saúde do bebê no nascimento e a saúde e o desenvolvimento da criança. |
Argumento (español): |
Keywords : | ➡ survey ; evidence-based medicine/midwifery ; public health ; iatrogeny ; foetus growth |
Author of this record : | Bernard Bel — 17 Dec 2003 |
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Discussion (display only in English) | ||
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