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Nota bibliográfica (sem autor) : | Maternal mortality in health institutions with emergency obstetric care facilities in Enugu State, Nigeria. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2005 Aug;25(6):569-74. |
Autores : | Onah HE, Okaro JM, Umeh U, Chigbu CO. |
Ano de publicação : | 2005 |
URL(s) : | |
Résumé (français) : |
Abstract (English) : | In order to assess the current level of maternal mortality in health institutions with comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Enugu State, South Eastern Nigeria, a retrospective analysis of maternal deaths for the years 1999-2003 was carried out to establish the maternal mortality ratios in the eligible health institutions. Each maternal death was studied in detail to establish the socio-demographic characteristics of the women who died; their referral sources, type of delay (if any), medical causes of death and their preventability. In-depth interviews of the service providers were carried out to throw more light on the maternal mortality situation in the state. Five out of seven eligible health institutions were studied. Within the 5-year period (1999 - 2003), there were 141 maternal deaths and 18,257 live births giving a maternal mortality ratio of 772 maternal deaths per 100,000. The folders of 89 out of the 141 women who died were retrieved. Of these 89 maternal deaths, 51.7% of them were unemployed, 52.4% were referred from private hospitals; type 3 delay was the commonest type of delay encountered in the care of the women. Referral delay was the main cause of delay accounting for 46.4% of all cases of type 3 delay. The leading causes of maternal deaths among the women were obstetric haemorrhage (19.1%), sepsis (18.0%), prolonged obstructed labour/ruptured uterus (16.9%) and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (16.9%). The in-depth interviews corroborated the high maternal mortality ratio recorded and the type 3 delays in tackling obstetric emergencies. It also showed some discrepancies between reality and the health providers’ perception of the magnitude of maternal mortality situation in the state. It was concluded that in health institutions in Enugu State with comprehensive emergency obstetric care facilities, the maternal mortality ratio remains high due to type 3 delays. Most of the referrals come from private hospitals, hence the need to retrain the private practitioners in emergency obstetric care. |
Sumário (português) : | |
Resumen (español) : |
Comentários : | |
Argument (français) : | Taux de mortalité maternelle de 775/100000 au Nigéria. Principales causes, l’hémorragie, la scepticémie, la dystocie ou la rupture de l’utérus, et la (pré-)éclampsie. |
Argument (English): |
Argumento (português): | |
Argumento (español): |
Palavras-chaves : | ➡ infecções ; distocia ; pre-eclampsia ; hemorragia post-partum ; mortalidade perinatal |
Autor da esta ficha : | Cécile Loup — 25 Oct 2005 |
Discussão (exibir apenas português) | ||
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