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Creado el : 14 Feb 2019
Alterado em : 14 Feb 2019

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Ficha bibliográfica (sin autores) :

Waist circumference in relation to outcomes of infertility treatment with assisted reproductive technologies - American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology - Vol. 0, 0 - ISBN: 0002-9378, 1097-6868

Autores :

Li, Ming-Chieh ; Mínguez-Alarcón, Lidia ; Arvizu, Mariel ; Chiu, Yu-Han ; Ford, Jennifer B. ; Williams, Paige L. ; Attaman, Jill ; Hauser, Russ ; Chavarro, Jorge E.

Año de publicación :


URL(s) :


Résumé (français)  :

Abstract (English)  :


Many studies have documented lower likelihood of live birth with increasing body mass index (BMI) among women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART), but few have examined the association with waist circumference (WC), an anthropometric measure that allows assessment of central adiposity.

Objective (s)

To examine the relation between baseline WC and infertility treatment outcomes among women undergoing treatment with ART.

Study Design

We followed 264 women who underwent 445 ART cycles for infertility treatment at the Massachusetts General Hospital between 2010 and 2017. WC was assessed at enrollment. We used cluster-weighted generalized estimating equation models to estimate the probability of live birth by tertiles of waist circumference (<77, 77-86, >86 cm), while accounting for multiple treatment cycles per woman and adjusting for age, race, smoking, infertility diagnosis, day 3 follicle-stimulating hormone, BMI, and height.


Mean (SD) WC and BMI were 83.6 (12.6) cm and 24.1 (4.3) kg/m2, respectively WC and BMI were positively correlated (r=0.69, p<0.0001). WC was inversely related to the probability of live birth after adjusting for BMI and other confounders. The multivariable adjusted probability of live birth (95% confidence interval) for women in increasing tertiles of WC were 53% (42-65%), 42% (32-53%), and 38% (28-50%) (p, trend=0.04). When women were classified in joint categories of BMI and WC, women with a BMI ≥ 25kg/m2 and a WC ≥ 77cm had the lowest live birth rate (38% (27-50%)), while women with a BMI between 18.5 and 25kg/m2 and a WC < 77cm had the highest (54% (42-66%)). The results were similar using different WC cut-off values.

Conclusion (s)

WC was inversely related to the probability of live birth among women undergoing assisted reproductive technology independently of BMI.

Sumário (português)  :

Resumen (español)  :

Comentarios :

Argument (français) :

Le tour de taille était inversement proportionnel à la probabilité de naissance vivante chez les femmes bénéficiant de la procréation médicalement assistée indépendamment de l’IMC.

Argument (English):

Waist circumference was inversely related to the probability of live birth among women undergoing assisted reproductive technology independently of BMI.

Argumento (português):

A circunferência da cintura foi inversamente relacionada com a probabilidade de nascidos vivos entre mulheres submetidas à tecnologia de reprodução assistida, independentemente do IMC.

Argumento (español):

Palabras claves :

➡ peso de la madre ; FIV fecundación in vitro

Autor de este registro :

Bernard Bel - Import 2019-02-14 — 14 Feb 2019
➡ última modificación : Bernard Bel — 14 Feb 2019

Debate (mostrar sólo español)
➡ Sólo para usuarios identificados

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