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Modified on : 25 Nov 2019

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Bibliographical entry (without author) :

Influence of NICU co-care facilities and skin-to-skin contact on maternal stress in mothers of preterm infants. Sexual and reproductive healthcare

Author(s) :

Flacking R., Thomson G, Ekenberg L, Löwegren L, Wallin L. Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture Unit MAINN, School of Health, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK ; Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden ; School of Health and Social Studies, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden.

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Résumé (français)  :

Étudier l’influence des centres de soins mixtes et le nombre de contacts peau à peau pendant l’unité de soins intensifs néonatals (NICU) sur le stress maternel chez les mères de nouveau-nés prématurés à l’âge corrigé de deux mois.
Une étude de cohorte prospective portant sur 300 mères de nourrissons prématurés a été menée dans quatre USIN (deux avec des établissements de soins mixtes et deux autres sans soins) en Suède. Les données sur la durée du contact peau à peau par jour pour tous les jours admis à l’USIN ont été collectées à l’aide d’auto-évaluations. Le stress maternel a été mesuré à l’aide du questionnaire suédois sur le stress parental (SPSQ) à l’âge de deux mois corrigé.
Les mères dont les nourrissons ont été pris en charge dans une USIN avec des établissements de soins mixtes ont signalé des niveaux de stress significativement plus faibles sous le terme d’incompétence par rapport aux mères dont les nourrissons avaient été pris en charge dans des USIN sans soins. La quantité de peau à peau vécue pendant le séjour néonatal n’était pas significativement associée aux niveaux de stress maternel à l’âge corrigé de deux mois.

Abstract (English)  :

To investigate the influence of co-care facilities and amount of skin-to-skin contact during Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) stay on maternal stress in mothers of preterm infants at two months corrected age.
A prospective cohort study that involved 300 mothers of pre-term infants was conducted in four NICUs (two with co-care facilities and two with non co-care) in Sweden. Data on duration of skin-to-skin contact per day for all days admitted to the NICU were collected using self-reports. Maternal stress was measured by the Swedish Parental Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ) at two months of infant’s corrected age.
Mothers whose infants were cared for in a NICU with co-care facilities reported significantly lower levels of stress in the dimension of ’incompetence’ compared to mothers whose infants had been cared for in non co-care NICUs. The amount of skin-to-skin experienced during the neonatal stay was not significantly associated with levels of maternal stress at two months corrected age.

Sumário (português)  :

Investigar a influência das instalações de co-atendimento e a quantidade de contato pele a pele durante a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) permanecer no estresse materno em mães de bebês prematuros com idade corrigida de dois meses.
Um estudo de coorte prospectivo que envolveu 300 mães de bebês prematuros foi realizado em quatro UTIN (duas com instalações de co-atendimento e duas sem assistência) na Suécia. Os dados sobre a duração do contato pele a pele por dia durante todos os dias admitidos na UTIN foram coletados por meio de auto-relato. O estresse materno foi medido pelo Questionário de Estresse Parental da Suécia (SPSQ) aos dois meses de idade corrigida do bebê.
Mães cujos bebês foram atendidos em uma UTIN com instalações de co-atendimento relataram níveis significativamente menores de estresse na dimensão de ’incompetência’ em comparação com as mães cujos bebês foram atendidos em UTIN não co-assistidas. A quantidade de pele a pele experimentada durante a estadia neonatal não foi significativamente associada a níveis de estresse materno aos dois meses de idade corrigida.

Resumen (español)  :

Comments :

Argument (français) :

Il est préoccupant de constater que les mères qui ne fréquentent pas les services de garde en même temps subissent des niveaux de stress plus élevés en raison d’un sentiment d’incompétence. Des améliorations aux environnements des unités de soins intensifs sont nécessaires pour garantir que les dyades mère-enfant ne soient pas séparées.

Argument (English):

The finding that mothers who do not experience co-care facilities experience greater levels of stress in relation to feelings of incompetence is of concern. Improvements to NICU environments are needed to ensure that mother-infant dyads are not separated.

Argumento (português):

É preocupante a constatação de que as mães que não realizam serviços de co-cuidado experimentam maiores níveis de estresse em relação aos sentimentos de incompetência. São necessárias melhorias nos ambientes da UTIN para garantir que as díades mãe-bebê não sejam separadas.

Argumento (español):

Keywords :

➡ premature baby ; psychology ; social support

Author of this record :

ELISE MARCENDE — 24 Nov 2019
➡ latest update : ELISE MARCENDE — 25 Nov 2019

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